toldailytopic: Today is World AIDS Day. How will you observe the occasion?


New member
Sure they are; if homosexuals weren't, they wouldn't be considered an "at risk" lifestyle by the CDC.

Then, by that standard, they are failing to screen some very questionable people who will be donating blood . . . . at least by their standard.

Aids/HIV affects everybody.

t MSM account for nearly half of the approximately 1.2 million people living with HIV in the United States (49%, or an
estimated 580,000 total persons).
t MSM account for more than half of all new HIV infections in the United States each year (61%, or an estimated 29,300
t While CDC estimates that only 4 percent of men in the United States are MSM, the rate of new HIV diagnoses among
MSM in the United States is more than 44 times that of other men (range: 522 – 989 per 100,000 MSM vs. 12 per
100,000 other men).

I find these statistics hard to follow on the basis that USA has a higher rate of people newly infected by HIV yearly compared to the whole of western europe, something which I have proven before. I can go and find the relevant post if you wish; but quite frankly I can't be bothered.

So taking into account western europe's bigger population and as a result bigger homosexual population, your theory is discredited.

Oh and rTb: if homosexuals were "knowledgable about their health", HIV/AIDS and the many diseases that go with their lifestyle wouldn't be an issue would it?

Of course it would be, because heterosexuals aren't good at it and would spread it around in their ignorance. Further you cannot stamp out things such as STD's and the like, it is to hard to control. However what you can do is educate yourself and make sure you are clean, further more young heterosexual men are being treated for STD's more then anyone else.

You didn't spend every minute of every day with your homosexual friends, so you can't attest to what a small portion of the homosexual population did when you weren't watching them, let alone the entire homosexual population.

No and I wouldn't want to do, however my point was that as far I know they got tested twice yearly where as I have only been tested 3 times and I wager that is more then most. It isn't because they are at increased risk, it is because we think we are invulnerable.

As far as heterosexual promiscuity: Duh. They too are "doing their own thing", and you'll find that they have no problem with homosexuals "doing their own thing" as well (those people are called "allies" to the homosexual so-called community: Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Queer Questioning and ALLIES).

So whats is your problem then, people aren't even aloud to do what comes most naturally? One of are most base instincts? You really are a prude aren't you!

I've seen the promicuous lifestyle firsthand, I've read the data, I've seen their "culture" (public restroom gloryholes are considered part of the "gay culture"), there's no questioning that homosexual males are more promiscuous than others.

Why were you paying so much attention one has to ask? Further that man stood at the glory whole probably had a girlfriend and had never thought about a man in that way in his life!


Well-known member
Before the 2007-2008 Public Schools Athletic League (PSAL) season began, the International Association for Approved Basketball Officials (IAABO) decided to enforce two rules, the Uniform Policy and the Blood Rule, more stringently.

Thanks, Dr. J! :chuckle:

What is the scientific evidence the basketball rule is based on?


New member
Just the fact that they would need to do this shows volumes about their nature. I don't need to do such things because I am more knowledgeable about sex than they are.. They are lead by their lust thus they are out of control..

Can you say that you have only ever had one sexual partner? Can you guarantee that one person has only had one sexual partner, if not then can you guarantee that they have only ever had sex with that one person? Whether you like it or not getting yourself checked is a responsible thing that everybody should do, by not doing so you are only perpetuating the problem.

Many normal people are also lead by their lust... but that is just more evidence that our culture is being effected by the homosexuals.. Even homo apologist writers have written books called "How America Went Gay" were he discribes the anonomus sexual encounters of the 90's that normal people were doing as "gay" behaviors.

Ahhh but a single sexual encounter with a man does not actually make him gay, what are you classing as gay?

Thus this is why your friends are getting STD testing so much not because they are so conscientious but because they are so vile and lead by their lust one for another.. They have sexualized the male bonding process so they have sex to bond.

And lesbians to?

Because they have found sexual gratification, something that everyone has a right to, in the arms of someone of the same sex? Can to many not simply love each other, as you would a wife/husband? If they can, then isn't that worth it?

I think they are getting tested because we live in a world now, where you don't simply get married and live happily ever after, sex is viewed differently and as such people need to act accordingly.

You see the evidence of this on the culture in the Ads on tv and the shows. If two guys are friends and hang out together they are accused of being secretly "gay". Thus the social evidence that my contention is true...

Really? Wow I'll remember that next time I'm having a quiet drink with my best mate . . . . I'll make sure I hold his hand under the table. If you buy to that drivel the sorry for you.


I find these statistics hard to follow on the basis that USA has a higher rate of people newly infected by HIV yearly compared to the whole of western europe, something which I have proven before. I can go and find the relevant post if you wish; but quite frankly I can't be bothered.

Just because you live on another continent, doesn't mean that you're immune from diseases that come with unnatural sex rTb.

"One in Seven Men in London “Gay Scene” Infected with HIV/AIDS

Rates of HIV infection and AIDS have risen dramatically in the last seven years among London’s homosexual men according to a homosexualist health group. The Terrence Higins Trust (THT) released figures yesterday showing that one in seven men in the London “gay scene” are infected with the HIV virus, compared to about one in 20 gay men nationally. The figure rose from 299 new cases in 2000 to 710 new cases in 2007.

According to the AIDS awareness agency AVERT, at the end of 2008 gay men were estimated to account for 38% of HIV cases in the UK, despite their making up only a tiny percentage of the overall population."

Go with Stripe's words of wisdom:

"One thing is certain - getting married and staying true to God's standards makes for the best lifestyle choice."

Enough of this thread for me. It's time to return to the Libertarian thread and give genuineoriginal a chance to respond.


Thanks, Dr. J! :chuckle:

What is the scientific evidence the basketball rule is based on?

The threat of contamination through blood-borne pathogens.

Joint Position Statement by the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) and the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM) The AMSSM and the AOSSM recognize that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. as well as other blood-borne pathogens including hepatitis B and C, poses a series of important and complex issues for practitioners involved in the care of athletes.



The natural history of HIV infection. while continuously being refined, is one of a progressive disease leading to immune suppression and the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The AIDS is characterized by the development of opportunistic infections and malignancies that ultimately lead to the death of the infected person. However the course of the infection is frequently protracted, affording the HlV-infected person many years of good health, during which issues concerning an infected person's involvement in exercise and sports may arise. The HIV is transmitted through sexual contact, parenteral exposure to blood and blood components, contamination of infected blood into open wounds or mucous membranes, and perinatally from an infected mother to fetus or infant.

I'm leaving this thread now...


Well-known member
The HIV is transmitted through sexual contact, parenteral exposure to blood and blood components, contamination of infected blood into open wounds or mucous membranes, and perinatally from an infected mother to fetus or infant.

I'm leaving this thread now...

Did you even bother to read the document you quoted to see it supports what I have said, and proves that their statement is not based on any scientific evidence?

HIV At present there are no epidemiologic studies assessing the transmission of HIV or other blood-borne pathogens during athletic activity. One alleged case of HIV transmission was reported in 1990 between soccer players in Italy.2

However, this case lacked sufficient documentation to be considered a transmission during athletic activity.3

This absence of documented cases of transmission during athletic activity is significant in view of the known prevalence of HIV infection. The risk of HIV transmission on the field in the National Football League has been conservatively estimated at below one per million games.8

The experience gathered from occupational exposure in the health-care setting has shown that the risk of transmission for parenteral exposure is likely influenced by a variety of factors. including the size of the inoculum and the route of entry. The HIV transmission is documented to occur in approximately 1 of 300 needle-stick injuries involving infected blood. However, most cases have been associated with deep (intramuscular) penetrations with hollowbore needles.9 Mucocutaneous transmission has been only rarely reported, and each case has involved large quantities of blood, prolonged exposure, and a portal of entry. Prospective analysis of cases of HlV-infected blood contact with mucous membranes or nonintact skin or both has revealed one case of such transmission.14​

This is also more evidence suggesting it is unlikely that Psalmist's grandson contracted HIV in a freak skateboard accident, in my opinion.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
It is And The Band Played On. It chronicles sodomites and how it the disease was spread. All the while blaming everybody else.


Did you even bother to read the document you quoted to see it supports what I have said, and proves that their statement is not based on any scientific evidence?

HIV At present there are no epidemiologic studies assessing the transmission of HIV or other blood-borne pathogens during athletic activity. One alleged case of HIV transmission was reported in 1990 between soccer players in Italy.2

However, this case lacked sufficient documentation to be considered a transmission during athletic activity.3

This absence of documented cases of transmission during athletic activity is significant in view of the known prevalence of HIV infection. The risk of HIV transmission on the field in the National Football League has been conservatively estimated at below one per million games.8

The experience gathered from occupational exposure in the health-care setting has shown that the risk of transmission for parenteral exposure is likely influenced by a variety of factors. including the size of the inoculum and the route of entry. The HIV transmission is documented to occur in approximately 1 of 300 needle-stick injuries involving infected blood. However, most cases have been associated with deep (intramuscular) penetrations with hollowbore needles.9 Mucocutaneous transmission has been only rarely reported, and each case has involved large quantities of blood, prolonged exposure, and a portal of entry. Prospective analysis of cases of HlV-infected blood contact with mucous membranes or nonintact skin or both has revealed one case of such transmission.14​

This is also more evidence suggesting it is unlikely that Psalmist's grandson contracted HIV in a freak skateboard accident, in my opinion.

(Just when I was ready to bash Libertarians).

There aren't many homosexuals playing contact sports elo, so the studies wouldn't have much to work with.
Let's ask the Centers for Disease Control for their expert opinion on the subject:

Can I get HIV while playing sports?
There are no documented cases of HIV being transmitted during participation in sports. The very low risk of transmission during sports participation would involve sports with direct body contact in which bleeding might be expected to occur.

If someone is bleeding, their participation in the sport should be interrupted until the wound stops bleeding and is both antiseptically cleaned and securely bandaged. There is no risk of HIV transmission through sports activities where bleeding does not occur.

Note that the risk is low, not impossible.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Now everyone should know that AIDS is a worldwide epidemic; and most AIDS cases are heterosexual, not homosexual.
But it is because of those queers on the DL that those who don't have sex outside of normal m/f relations began to contract it through sex. And then there are the queers who spread it to straights by sharing heroin needles, etc.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Is AIDS a gay disease?

I do not think so, when one looks at Africa. It is the consequence of poor morality and lack of righteous behaviour. I have no doubt that most homosexuals do not concern themselves with this.

Sorry I am not around more, the treatment I am on taxes me greatly! For sure, I am all for medical advancement, yet I would find it a misplaced sentiment having a day for what ails me. Such, being the case, I find less than prudent to mark folly with sentiment and this trend is apt! It is not the best way to achieve being aware of what is far more important than sentiment without any rational and responsible bases.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Hmmm, good question. Just happened to spot several HIV/AIDS viruses cruising down Main Street. They passed right by a gay bar and went into a Burger King (watch your cheeseburgers today).

The slogan: "HIV is a gay disease" is certainly not scientifically correct for the simple reason that HIV is a virus, not a disease. HIV, however, is the accepted cause of AIDS.

When the AIDS epidemic began officially in June 1981, it was widely considered exclusively a "gay disease." Now everyone should know that AIDS is a worldwide epidemic; and most AIDS cases are heterosexual, not homosexual.

The truth is that 16,000 people worldwide are infected with HIV every single day (World Health Organization). They are not all gay. In the United States, HIV infection rates have held steady at 40,000 per year, but recent preliminary data suggests those rates are on the rise. They are not all gay. African-American and Hispanic women together represent less than one-fourth of all U.S. women, but account for more than three-fourths (76%) of AIDS cases among women in this country (CDC Update, 6/98). Women now account for 43% of all HIV infected people over the age of 15 (New York Times, 11/98). In just over a decade, the proportion of all AIDS cases reported among adult and adolescent women tripled, from 7% in 1985 to 22% in 1997 (CDC Update, 6/98).

So, even if the gay population wants to brag that HIV/AIDS is their very own disease ... the facts state otherwise. Yet another Urban Legend bites the dust :)

You may want to check ouy post #40 by aCultureWarrior he posted the CDC's numbers as of Sept 2001, which conflict with your's. I took the liberty of reposting his link for you here You'll find infection of HIV/AIDS is the highest amongst the homo crowd. The incidence of hetero infection was exponentially lower.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Not, really they are no more promiscuous then heterosexuals and word to the wise,

Word to the wise? Male homosexuals are far more promiscuous than male heterosexuals. Now female homosexuals are less so, therefore one must research this with a stratified sample, certainly by sex!


I do not think so, when one looks at Africa. It is the consequence of poor morality and lack of righteous behaviour. I have no doubt that most homosexuals do not concern themselves with this.

While I know that African countries like Uganda have such a huge homosexual/child molestation problem that they want to institute the death penalty for homosexuality, I've never looked into the alleged "heterosexual AIDS problem in Africa".

Until now:

"AIDS Hype In Africa? No HIV Test Required, Disease Defined Differently Than In U.S.

Although Ex-President Clinton declared AIDS, particularly in Africa, to be a national security threat to the U.S., it turns out that AIDS in Africa -- which doesn't even require an HIV test to diagnose -- may be a very different condition than AIDS in America.
Evidence shows that "AIDS" in Africa is just a new description of many age-old diseases common to nations in misery and war with starvation, wrecked economies and ruined public health services. HIV tests, essential to any diagnosis of AIDS in the United States, aren't even given in Africa, except to tiny samples of the population.

For Africa, there is the "Bangui Definition." Decided upon at a World Health Organization meeting in October, 1985, it's almost never mentioned in major media alarms about exploding AIDS cases.

The meeting was organized by an official of the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Joseph McCormick. He explains in his book, "Level 4, Virus Hunters of the CDC," "... no virus tests suited to widespread use, yet existed. ... We needed a set of guidelines ... The definition has proven useful in areas where no testing is available."

Indeed, the definition served to explode the number of "AIDS cases." Panic stories began to abound of entire populations at risk with 30 or 40 percent rates of infection and "22.5 million victims now infected with HIV." (Boston Globe, Oct. 10, 1999)

To have AIDS, according to the Bengui Definition, the patient must have two of these three symptoms: "prolonged fevers for a month or more, weight loss over 10 percent, or prolonged diarrhea," combined with any one of several minor symptoms -- chronically swollen lymph nodes, persistent cough for more than a month, persistent herpes, itching skin inflammation or several others.

But many of these symptoms show up from other African diseases, now vastly spread because of the political chaos. Poor sanitation, poverty, malnutrition and parasitic diseases were always common and are now endemic. In America, AIDS is a name for 30-odd diseases found together with a positive test for HIV antibodies. Consequently, being HIV positive is the requirement for a diagnosis of AIDS in the U.S.

In addition, there's even a credibility problem with such HIV testing as it is done. The U.S. Government's CDC report, "HIV, AIDS, and Reproductive Health," explains on page 99 "the high rate of false-positive screening tests" and the need for subsequent confirmatory tests. It also states, "All HIV testing is subject to error and laboratory workers with less experience have high rates of false results."

[Here's the kicker]

"It's also a money game, and Africans learned to play it," says Michael Fumento, author of "The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS" -- "going to places with high rates and then extrapolating positive test results over the entire nation, because that's where the money is. If diseases are diagnosed as traditional, few Westerners care, but if they are described as AIDS, money and help come flowing in from Western nations."


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Old sources would not pass a class I would teach on research design. Begin with ten sources, no older than five years. A common first assignment.


Old sources would not pass a class I would teach on research design. Begin with ten sources, no older than five years. A common first assignment.

If you were my teacher and I needed an A+, I'd follow your instructions.

Being that all of the other articles that I've presented showed that homosexual males are disproportionate in numbers when it comes to HIV/AIDS, what makes you think that that it would be any different in Africa? (it isn't).

Let's look at Uganda, "which is 85 percent Christian, and is still trying to recover from a time when King Mwanga forced his homosexuality and pedophilia on others. After Uganda began to convert to Christianity in the 1800s, a group of young Catholic Christian men, led by Charles Lwanga, refused to be sodomized by the King. As a result, they were tortured and killed. The executions are now remembered on June 3, Martyrs’ Day, a national holiday in Uganda. Lwanga was made a Saint in the Catholic Church."

More on the homosexual problem in Uganda:


New member
Can you say that you have only ever had one sexual partner? Can you guarantee that one person has only had one sexual partner, if not then can you guarantee that they have only ever had sex with that one person?
No I can't say that sadly.. I wish I could..
But I have not had sex to my knowledge with any girl who ever had sex with any homos.. Thus I had a small chance because I eliminated the #1 risk group..
Whether you like it or not getting yourself checked is a responsible thing that everybody should do, by not doing so you are only perpetuating the problem.
No the responsible thing is to not be sexually immoral...

Ahhh but a single sexual encounter with a man does not actually make him gay, what are you classing as gay?

Your confused I wasn't talking about a guy...
And lesbians to?
No they just hate their femininity so they act like men. They then find an emotionally vulnerable girl and seduce her. Thus confirming in their mind that femininity is weak. Even they can seduce one.
This causes a snow ball effect on their pathology and it is a self reenforcing behavior, a circular trap.
Because they have found sexual gratification, something that everyone has a right to, in the arms of someone of the same sex? Can to many not simply love each other, as you would a wife/husband? If they can, then isn't that worth it?
Not sexual gratification it is a sexual inversion, you have it right it is just about their sexual gratification which is how the mens mental disorder manifests itself. The sexualization of normal male bonding. Thus every guy becomes a potential "friend"...


Active member
Yeah AIDS is totally a gay disease. Also I have no idea what Africa is, or who junkies are. Yup, totally a gay thing.