toldailytopic: Tiger Woods. Do you think he is truly repentant?

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Tiger is an unbeliever. Tiger has never accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior.

Therefore, why does it bother people what Tiger did?

As for repenting, Tiger can repent all he wants, unless he repents from his Buddhist beliefs and becomes saved the repenting for adultery means nothing.

Tiger could never sleep with another woman again except for his wife, be the best father ever, give millions to charity, but if the doesn’t become a believer he will end up in hell.

For Tiger to “repent” for committing adultery would be no different than a Muslim terrorist or atheist repenting for them cheating on their wives.

Last I checked, really faithful husbands who love their wives, that are unbelievers, go to hell


Well-known member
Do you mean mainstream?

No, I meant do you consider yourself as most people in terms of "I've never met a person I'd believe a word from on the repentance deal. People are just sorry they got caught and beg for forgiveness so they don't get in trouble"

I don't share the same sentiment.

Plus, I don't think much of the "mainstream" considers themselves as mainstream.

Not really, I'm the only child who basically raised himself type. Never have more than 3 or so friends, travels often, finds most people profound and needlessly grandiose. In regards to this thread, I do tons of dumb stuff same as anyone, but you can read about that in my previous post, Zoo.

Your post above to Mary makes sense. And I suppose your reply here also answers the question to an extent. You don't consider yourself as other people in this regard. I was just curious.

It strikes me that folks very often don't seem to consider themselves included when they make statements about "people" or "most people ____." (I know I can fall into that hole). We tend to separate ourselves from what "other" people do. Especially if we think it's wrong.

When I read Mary's original post judging Tiger Woods (and his wife), where she'd said he was too "full of himself" to repent, it struck me that her comments were actually mostly about how right she and her husband are in the way they do things... Tiger was too full of himself to be repentant, yet a great part of Mary's answer to whether or not she thought Tiger was repentant was about how well she and her husband do things.

(But Mary I loved your "that's way too cynical" post. ... Don't mean to beat on you; just that original post'd really jumped out at me).

Quincy, regarding your comment that you don't apologize because you think it's meaningless, and that you need to actually "fix" things to make a wrong right... I agree that actually showing someone your apology, and rectifying a wrong is important. But have you considered that an apology might not be meaningless to the person on the other end? In fact, it might mean quite a lot. (As might not getting an apology). I understand completely what you're saying... But I don't agree at all that an apology is meaningless (unless of course, it's meaningless). And in fact, I think the sentiment "I can understand sometimes people just want to hear an 'I'm sorry' but it just don't feel right to me" is pretty selfish. Apologizing doesn't replace rectifying a wrong, but an apology can be a part of rectifying a wrong. Acknowledging it. Maybe you'll reconsider. :)


Well-known member
And in answer to the question, I don't know. I think it's between he and his God and he and his family.

Son of Jack

New member

He may be...Time will tell.

Was it a Freudian slip on my part to think that the thread was entitled "Do you think Tiger Woods is truly repugnant?"

Tiger is an unbeliever. Tiger has never accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior.

Therefore, why does it bother people what Tiger did?

As for repenting, Tiger can repent all he wants, unless he repents from his Buddhist beliefs and becomes saved the repenting for adultery means nothing.

Tiger could never sleep with another woman again except for his wife, be the best father ever, give millions to charity, but if the doesn’t become a believer he will end up in hell.

For Tiger to “repent” for committing adultery would be no different than a Muslim terrorist or atheist repenting for them cheating on their wives.

Last I checked, really faithful husbands who love their wives, that are unbelievers, go to hell
Are you saying that only Christians should do the right thing?


Are you saying that only Christians should do the right thing?

I am saying that it doesn’t matter what an unbeliever does.

No matter what an unbeliever does or doesn’t do will not change how he or she spends eternity unless it is the decision to believe that Jesus Christ is his or her Savior.


If Tiger spends the rest of his life being faithful to his wife, or has sex with 50 more porn stars what difference will it make for him on judgment day?

Nathon Detroit

Tiger is an unbeliever. Tiger has never accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior.

Therefore, why does it bother people what Tiger did?
Uh... simple... because it hurts others.

Evil behavior SHOULD bother you. If it doesn't, you have more problems than you realize.


Evil behavior SHOULD bother you. If it doesn't, you have more problems than you realize.

I am an ambassador of Christ, and everyday I put on my armor because I know that Satan is the prince of this planet.

Do you really think you are going to make Satan’s planet a better place to live by convincing people to do good things? There are lots of people who want to “save” this planet. God does not tell us to "save" this planet.

If you want to curtail evil tell people about Christ, telling unbelievers to not commit sins will do nothing for the unbeliever or the planet.


New member
My dear Knight

My dear Knight

Uh... simple... because it hurts others.

Evil behavior SHOULD bother you. If it doesn't, you have more problems than you realize.

Let us not forget the Celebrity-stalking-sluts who seek those with societal status. Marriage means nothing to these fornicating whores. Then they have the gall to cop attitude as though someone owes them something! bybee


Uh... simple... because it hurts others.

Evil behavior SHOULD bother you. If it doesn't, you have more problems than you realize.

Let me answer your post with something another TOL member said whom I think you might know:

Fighting abortion has nothing to do with being a good soldier for Christ.

I agree 100% with her statement.


Well-known member
If Tiger spends the rest of his life being faithful to his wife, or has sex with 50 more porn stars what difference will it make for him on judgment day?

I'd consider that it would at the very least, make a difference for his wife and for his children.
Do you really think you are going to make Satan’s planet a better place to live by convincing people to do good things?
Apparently, you do not have any children.
There are lots of people who want to “save” this planet.
What does that have to do with doing good things?
God does not tell us to "save" this planet.
God wants us to love without hypocrisy. If you do not hold people accountable for evil behavior, you take away the opportunity to show them their need for God.

If you want to curtail evil tell people about Christ, telling unbelievers to not commit sins will do nothing for the unbeliever or the planet.
Sadly, you have a skewed view of the importance of speaking against evil behavior.

Nathon Detroit

I'd consider that it would at the very least, make a difference for his wife and for his children.
Bam! Indeed.

It would also make a difference to all the folks that looked up to Tiger as a role model.

Our action's (saved or not) do make a difference in this world.

Which is why some will be beaten with few stripes and others with many, and why some will wear a crown in heaven while others will not.


New member


Apparently, you do not have any children.What does that have to do with doing good things? God wants us to love without hypocrisy. If you do not hold people accountable for evil behavior, you take away the opportunity to show them their need for God.

Sadly, you have a skewed view of the importance of speaking against evil behavior.

As a wise man once said "All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing". This "pc" making nice, doesn't work in the face of evil. Well said! peace, bybee

Nathon Detroit

If you do not hold people accountable for evil behavior, you take away the opportunity to show them their need for God.
It's the very basis of the gospel, which apparently tetelestai knows absolutely nothing about.

2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.
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