toldailytopic: The rapture. When will it happen and what will it be like?

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Silent Hunter

Well-known member
But what's the difference?
Not going through the pain/fear of dying.

Granite said:
You're no longer on earth and you're in heaven. The expectation and hope for the rapture strikes me as a death wish, the longer I think about it.
One wonders why they don't all commit suicide... wouldn't they get to heaven faster? That they don't proves my point (Christians fear death most of any of the religion cults.). The Muslim on the other hand...


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Well, if one is raptured they skip dying. Right?

Christians fear death most of any of the religion cults.

Christians are the only religion who love the One who conquered death. Death is an enemy, not a friend (rapture is a positive thing, not enemy). We do not fear death because we have eternal life (Rev. 1:17-18; Heb. 2:14-15).

You lose credibility when you make wrong statements. Some individual believers may fear death or the uncertainty of suffering, but most have peace about the transition. With Paul, we are torn between staying to reach others or going home to our Father.

I have two books on the last words or dying statements of sinners and saints (including famous people). The contrast is clear that far more atheists fear death in the end than believers.

There should be no atheists in foxholes.

Psalm 14:1; Rom. 1


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But what's the difference? You're no longer on earth and you're in heaven. The expectation and hope for the rapture strikes me as a death wish, the longer I think about it.

We are aliens and strangers on this planet. Our real home is with God our Creator. Longing to be with the One we love is not a death wish nor escapist. We walk with Him here despite it being a garbage can compared to what is ahead and despite our trials and sufferering (which are momentary and light with His presence and compared to eternal joy).

Motive is the key and it is not fair to attribute bad motive to all believers.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Christians are the only religion who love the One who conquered death. Death is an enemy, not a friend (rapture is a positive thing, not enemy). We do not fear death because we have eternal life (Rev. 1:17-18; Heb. 2:14-15).
What "enemy" is there in the death of the body when your "soul" is eternal. Why fear death of the body as Christians do?

godrulz said:
You lose credibility when you make wrong statements. Some individual believers may fear death or the uncertainty of suffering, but most have peace about the transition. With Paul, we are torn between staying to reach others or going home to our Father.
I've made no "wrong" statements. You lose credibility when you make contradictory statements.

godrulz said:
I have two books on the last words or dying statements of sinners and saints (including famous people). The contrast is clear that far more atheists fear death in the end than believers.
Perhaps the numbers are artificially skewed.

godrulz said:
There should be no atheists in foxholes.
You'd be suprised at how many atheists there are in foxholes.

godrulz said:
Psalm 14:1; Rom. 1
Preach to someone who actually gives a darn about your nonexistent god.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There are no foxholes. These arrogant atheists are in denial and are also not in the middle of imminent death like the WW I/WW II guys are. I am talking about the moments before death, not while having fun flying planes and getting drunk off duty.

Death is a consequence of sin/Fall. The fear of death is conquered for believers, but that does not mean we have a stupid suicide wish to get virgins in heaven. Jesus wept in the face of death, then raised Laz up.

Gen. 1:1

'He is there and He is not silent'- Francis Schaeffer

Your denials to not destroy truth/reality. You are dead so do not apprehend spiritual reality/truth.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
Do any of you monarchists in particular expect the rapture soon, or in your lifetime?

That is a good question . . . Do I believe that Jesus is coming back in my lifetime?

Yes, that's the "Blessed Hope" for the believer. And that has been the belief since Jesus ascended back to heaven
(Acts 1:9-11), so consequently the believing generations that have followed have each believed it would happen in their lifetime and it continues still from generation to generation. Notice that the disciples were only told Jesus would return, not when (Acts1:6-8).

Our "Blessed Hope" -

Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Titus 2:13

1st Thessalonians 4:13-17, reinforces it for the believer, Paul writes about Christ's coming back, for both the living and dead who have believe in Jesus. While the passage does not use the term gathering away, or the word rapture, it does use caught up. 1st Thessalonians 4:18, speaks of comforting one another with these words.

Just as their are those who believe and hope to see in their lifetime, world peace, or the end of hunger, maybe a well unified medical plan for America, So is the "Blessed Hope" for those of us who believe in Jesus.

While we (Christians) watch and wait, we do it not idly, we do our best to provide all things honestly before all, take care of our families so we are not classed as infidels, and take responsibility for our lives accordingly.



New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for May 21st, 2010 09:40 AM

toldailytopic: The rapture. When will it happen and what will it be like?

When the son of man is raised, those who believe will also be raised.
You will feel much inside you, like hot in your belly and cold running up and down your spine. Feelings and words will spread like wildfire. All will feel something if they have a body that feels. The weather will storm with lightning across all skies, amongst many other weather events. For that which is inside us, is also outside us. Such the weather is signing the times of this moment.

It will happen whenever a group decides to believe in the son of man, enough that the fire of this belief spreads and burns quickly and sharply. When he comes like a thief in the night, and knocks upon your door. When he comes on a cloud. He will knock quiet as a mouse. And wait for the door to be opened.

The rapture, is the quick belief that he awaits and deserves. And the quick relief that you await and deserve. So when you hear someone knocking, consider how soft and true it is.


Well-known member
Well, if one is raptured they skip dying. Right? Christians fear death most of any of the religion cults.
I don't believe I'll ever see death, nor will any Christian. Jesus promised. He hasn't let a single one of His promises fall to the ground yet.


New member
I don't believe I'll ever see death, nor will any Christian. Jesus promised. He hasn't let a single one of His promises fall to the ground yet.


If you do not believe you will die. You will not die.

'Christians'? And who might they be? The pope perhaps? Will his ticker keep ticking? Or will it erupt in rapture?

He said, "whoever believes in me"

Not who says "I believe"

And how can you 'believe'

unless you are tested with belief

If he came up to you today

and said "I am he"

would you believe?

It is easy to believe in a dead Jesus
So easy
So easy
just say " I believe"

But if you believed in the living
you would have him alive in your heart
and doing everything he could do


New member
Hall of Fame
We are aliens and strangers on this planet. Our real home is with God our Creator. Longing to be with the One we love is not a death wish nor escapist. We walk with Him here despite it being a garbage can compared to what is ahead and despite our trials and sufferering (which are momentary and light with His presence and compared to eternal joy).

Motive is the key and it is not fair to attribute bad motive to all believers.

Longing to get off this planet and transported to heaven isn't escapist. Uh-huh.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
There are no foxholes. These arrogant atheists are in denial and are also not in the middle of imminent death like the WW I/WW II guys are. I am talking about the moments before death, not while having fun flying planes and getting drunk off duty.

Death is a consequence of sin/Fall. The fear of death is conquered for believers, but that does not mean we have a stupid suicide wish to get virgins in heaven. Jesus wept in the face of death, then raised Laz up.

Gen. 1:1

'He is there and He is not silent'- Francis Schaeffer

Your denials to not destroy truth/reality. You are dead so do not apprehend spiritual reality/truth.
If you wish to see arrogance, look in a mirror.

Death is a consequence of 1) age, 2) disease, 3) violence, anything else is myth.

The rest of your post is superstitious nonsense.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Oh dear, I see you are still actively engaged in embarassing yourself. Aimiel was not talking about physical death there champ.
There was no distinction made as to what the definition of "death" entailed since there is only one known "form" of death... physical death; I ignore the Christian superstitions of "spiritual" death. By far, Christians fear physical death more than any other kind.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Longing to get off this planet and transported to heaven isn't escapist. Uh-huh.

Like Paul, we are torn (Phil.). We want to be with the one we love and see Him face to face (I Jn. 3:2). This is no different than distanced human relationships. I personally want to live out my full life here since there is much to do and experience here. I have eternity to experience eternity, so what is the rush? I want to see loved ones, but I can wait.

What Christian teen wants to get raptured before they get married, have sex, have kids, etc. I wanted to see the completion of Star Wars, the next U2 concert, the next Star Trek movie, finish my black belt, graduate from school, etc.

You overestimate the few who have an escapist feeling due to their own immaturity and lack of coping ability; you underestimate the legitimacy of longing to see Jesus and the saints and His kingdom triumph; you wrongly evaluate the motives of those who have a balanced perspective on these things.

If we turn the mirror on you, your life is a vapor, a fading flower. You have no invisible means of support, no eternal hope, the fear of you being wrong and going to hell (you can suppress truth, but it will keep popping up), etc. No matter how fulfilling and long this life is for you, it falls short of what it could have been. You may be content from a selfish perspective, but God's view is what matters in the end.

I have abundant and eternal life with no regret. You have this life and will have an eternity of regret if you do not return to the faith.


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There was no distinction made as to what the definition of "death" entailed since there is only one known "form" of death... physical death; I ignore the Christian superstitions of "spiritual" death. By far, Christians fear physical death more than any other kind.

Death can be physical, spiritual, eternal (separation).

You have flawed, wrong reason. We have the advantage because we have revelation from God that is absolute truth. Your rejection of it does not make it false.

Romans 1 should scare you.


No! I'm not way off. Matthew 24:31 is AFTER the Tribulation.

Verse 31 is describing the same day as verse 45.

Verse 36 starts out:

(Matt 24:36) No one knows about that day or hour...

I can’t even believe that you are going to attempt to say chapter 24 is about two different things.

There is no rapture and tribulation. There is a final coming.

To say that part of chapter 24 is about the rapture, and part of chapter 24 is after the tribulation is a dispensational fairytale.


Do you eat meat?
Do you worry if the meat has been sacrificed to idols?
Do you observe the Sabbath laws?
Do you observe Israel's feasts?
Have you been circumcised as a religious rite?

God bless, Tom from Mabank, TX

Read Hebrews Tom. Jesus fulfilled the old covenant.

This is the new covenant.

Believing that God gave Moses an old covenant, and then believing that Jesus came and fulfilled the old covenant by dying on the cross and implementing a new covenant, does not make one a dispensationalist.

What makes one a dispensationalist, is believing that Jesus did not fulfill the old covenant on the cross, denying the finished work of Jesus on the cross, believing that animal sacrifices and feasts will be observed again in the future, and believing that there will be a secret rapture.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Silent Hunter said:
There was no distinction made as to what the definition of "death" entailed since there is only one known "form" of death... physical death; I ignore the Christian superstitions of "spiritual" death. By far, Christians fear physical death more than any other kind.
Death can be physical, spiritual, eternal (separation).]
I'm well aware of your superstition and reject it along with all superstition.

godrulz said:
You have flawed, wrong reason. We have the advantage because we have revelation from God that is absolute truth. Your rejection of it does not make it false.
Your acceptance of it does not make it true. If you could prove the Bible is a revelation from your god you might have a valid point but as it stands it is worthless babbling.

godrulz said:
Romans 1 should scare you.
Paul's superstitions are not my superstitions.


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Silent: Did you ever have religious background in the past? Do you like Dawkins?

Tet: Matthew 24-25 is about the future Tribulation and the Second Coming (visible) at the end. It is not a rapture context like I Thess. 4; I Cor. 15 (we formulate a chronology based on all passages, not a proof text).

Matthew 24:1-2 is probably about 70 A.D., but then they ask about the future, the end of times (rest of 24-25).
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