toldailytopic: The Palestinians vs. the Israelis - war is beginning to brew. Who's si


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:dead: So, you believe that Israel is less evil, because they are not the agressor, as your rules claim, when the bible says all men are equally sinners, and through the blood of Jesus all men are equally moral, through HIS righteoussness and it alone?


A man under the law can only speak under the law.....:dead:
What a load you spew!
None of it accurate as to what I said.


Had the Arab armies not attacked them but left them in peace, their borders would have been the same to this day.

The Arabs claim the Israelis removed Palestinians months before the Partition Plan was voted on (although it's hard to believe anything an Arab/Muslim says)

Here is what we do know:

In 1947 the population of Palestine was 67% Arab and 33% Jewish, yet the U.N. Partition Plan gave 55% of the land to the Jews and 45% to the Arabs.

So, I can see why the Arabs didn't accept the Partition Plan. Moreover, the plan called for 325,000 Arabs to live in the Jewish State, but only 10,000 Jews to live in the Arab State.


New member
Hamas was founded in 1987.

By the Israeli's wouldn't you know....

In a statement to the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Monday February 12, 2007, Israeli Prime minister Ehud Olmert said, "[Benjamin] Netanyahu established Hamas, gave it life, freed Sheikh Yassin and gave him the opportunity to blossom".

Various sources, among them United Press International, Gérard Chaliand and L'Humanité have highlighted that Hamas' early growth had been supported by the Mossad as a "counterbalance to the Palestine Liberation Organization".

The French investigative newspaper Le Canard enchaîné claimed that Shin Bet (the Israel Security Agency) had also supported Hamas as a counterweight to the PLO and Fatah. It speculated that this was an attempt to give "a religious slant to the conflict, in order to make the West believe that the conflict was between Jews and Muslims", perhaps in order to support the controversial thesis of a "clash of civilizations".

"Hamas is a Creation of Mossad"


New member
The facts are that Hamas is a terrorist organisation and they rule their own people by terror let alone create terror for the Israelis. And in case you have not understood, my view has nothing to do with the Israelis being special or anything like that.



Well-known member
Who was the aggressor in 1948 when the Palestinians were kicked out of their land by the Israelis?


Who are you to argue with God's agenda? ;)

God told them they would return to THEIR Land. After so long, Israel became a state. God has intervened for Israel...the 6 day war was no coincidence....and God will intervene for Israel again. Why? Because the entire world knows that the nation of Israel worships the ONE TRUE GOD. (What they haven't seen, yet, is that Jesus Christ is that ONE TRUE GOD.)


Well-known member
And Israel is not only the jailer, but has very much become the bully after suffering from being bullied for so long.

Yes, Dr. Brumley, I am quite aware of the history. It reeks, no matter which side of the score you examine.

The history is more complex than you pretend.

Gaza is not completely sealed off the way people pretend. Truckloads of goods go in and out through Israel every day. People from Gaza go to Israeli hospitals sometimes. And why does everybody somehow forget that Egypt has a border with Gaza?

More important is the context. There wasn't always a blockade of Gaza. For decades the border was much more open than it is today. Thousands of people from Gaza worked in Israel. The fence around Gaza was only built in 1994, as part of an effort to reduce terrorist infiltration. It is actually part of the original Oslo agreements.

The same is true of the security fence in the West Bank. It is not a result of Israeli "bullying", but a response to terror.


God told them they would return to THEIR Land.

God told them this when they were captive in Assyria and Babylon. God fulfilled His promise, and they did return to their land in 540BC.

There is not one verse in the Bible written after the Israelites returned to Judah in 540BC that says God would return them to their land.

You're taking promises written to the captives and misapplying them to a future people.

After so long, Israel became a state.

Because of Dispensationalism/Futurists/Zionists.

Because the entire world knows that the nation of Israel worships the ONE TRUE GOD. (What they haven't seen, yet, is that Jesus Christ is that ONE TRUE GOD.)

Does a Jew who worships the one true God today (but rejects Jesus Christ), dies today, does he/she go to Heaven or hell?


New member
Look, mate, I never said anything about Hamas being evil or Israel being good or vice versa. You're inventing again. I never equated sinfulness with either Hamas' actions or Israel's. I think my first impression was correct. You have got a chip on your shoulder about this. You've got an agenda and whatever I say, you are going to turn it round to that agenda and ignore everything else.

Seriously, I have no chip. I love ya, sis, in the Lord. I just did NOT agree with your assessment of things. We can agree to disagree, but please stop making false claims about me.


New member
Desert Reign;3275958]That's a bit of a broad sweep, don't you think? I mean if for instance I do something out of honour, self-protection, mercy or faithfulness, then they are not of God?

You cannot have any of those, without love being the root of them. God is love.

What I said is true.

Unless the Lord build the house, the weary builders build in vain, and I am here to be a witness as to what anything outside of 'faith' that alone can work agape love, is vain. Do you think that land belongs to Israel?

All these dispensational lies and errors are blinding men and woman to the facts...yet, Glory to God, He will have the last say on the matter.

It seems here that you are saying that unless we are a Christian we cannot love at all.

That is correct, for the love of the world is worth what?

Jesus said nothing. Unless He is the one at work in an individual, their works are nothing but vain works, and they can love all they want to as the world loves, but it will get them no where on the day of judgement.

I completely disagree with this and I don't think you will find that many who agree with you.

That is fine with me, those who know their bibles will agree with me.

What gain is it for anyone to gain the whole world, yet lose their own soul?

Jesus commands his followers to walk in love because walking in love is a good thing to do and he wants all his followers to be doing good things. Neither he nor any apostle said that unless you become a Christian you cannot love. You've got this the wrong way round.

Not true. The love comes from the Holy Spirit, and without Him, you cannot love as God would demonstrate love. Earthly love is not worth see.

Jhn 15:17 These things I command you, that ye love one another.

Jhn 15:18 ¶ If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before [it hated] you.

The world can no more love with the love of God, than a rock could. All they can do is love THEIR own, and that type of love is worthless to God.

Jhn 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

The rest of your post, I agree with Breathe, which is why I'm not responding to it. Apart from, yes, I would go and die if God called me to do it. But my point is that your ideology obliges you to go, mine doesn't.

obliges? No, doing it willingly, and for one's enemies is not an 'oblige'..or whatever you want to call it, it the agape love of God at work in me. I could no more work it up, than could a rock, but He will work, and He is not obliged to do so.

He does it willingly..and, for His enemies.


New member
God told them this when they were captive in Assyria and Babylon. God fulfilled His promise, and they did return to their land in 540BC.

There is not one verse in the Bible written after the Israelites returned to Judah in 540BC that says God would return them to their land.

You're taking promises written to the captives and misapplying them to a future people.

Because of Dispensationalism/Futurists/Zionists.

Does a Jew who worships the one true God today (but rejects Jesus Christ), dies today, does he/she go to Heaven or hell?

I think they confuse the United Nations with God.


The strong dilusion has been in place a very long time, and no wonder men seek earthly things, and call them 'of God'.


I think they confuse the United Nations with God.

Christians who have been taught the lie that one day in the future Christ is going to rule from Jerusalem over the Jews, think they are helping God out by helping the nation of Israel today.

Desert Reign

The Arabs claim the Israelis removed Palestinians months before the Partition Plan was voted on (although it's hard to believe anything an Arab/Muslim says)

Here is what we do know:

In 1947 the population of Palestine was 67% Arab and 33% Jewish, yet the U.N. Partition Plan gave 55% of the land to the Jews and 45% to the Arabs.

So, I can see why the Arabs didn't accept the Partition Plan. Moreover, the plan called for 325,000 Arabs to live in the Jewish State, but only 10,000 Jews to live in the Arab State.

It was only normal that the Arab population was larger than the Jewish. It was expected and intended that there would be a large influx of Jewish refugees from Europe in the succeeding few years (as indeed there was). The UN partition plan was designed to accommodate these because it was seen as a solution (or at least a partial one) to the Holocaust because it was deemed that after the Holocaust, Jews needed a land of their own due to the massive amount of anti-semitism everywhere. The Arabs didn't accept the partition plan because many of their leaders were likewise anti-semitic. Even Mahmoud Abbas admitted that not accepting the plan was a mistake. The problems ever since then have been largely of their own making because they showed no mercy to the Jews who were in utterly dire straits during and after the war. Their own lands were thousands of times larger than the tiny little land of Israel but they were just filled with hate. Other nations were willing to show them mercy, give them a break so to speak from the thousands of years of persecution they endured, but Muslims generally wanted to continue that persecution by anihilating them. And that is how it has been to this day.

Desert Reign

Christians who have been taught the lie that one day in the future Christ is going to rule from Jerusalem over the Jews, think they are helping God out by helping the nation of Israel today.

I agree with this to an extent. I don't know whether it is a lie or not but I tend to the view that it is. However, that doesn't change anything about the modern nation of Israel having a right to defend itself against missiles being fired randomly at its population.

Desert Reign

I said:
It seems here that you are saying that unless we are a Christian we cannot love at all.
Then Lovebug replied:

That is correct, for the love of the world is worth what?
I don't think much more needs be said. It is just sheer misanthropy.