toldailytopic: The good news is...

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Son of Jack

New member
That my three children are playing (somewhat) peacefully together, and my parents are eating dinner tonight with me, my wife, and kids. PIZZA!!!!:chew:

Best news of all...what chickenman said.:)


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for November 4th, 2010 10:59 AM

toldailytopic: The good news is...

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I Aced my math placement exam and tested into the course I need to get into to graduate next Fall. Not having done math since High School and generally being horrible at it, I would say this is nothing short of a miracle :)


When we finally go crazy with the bomb or punch a hole in the earth or above it that can't be patched, then it's gonna be a different story.
"If you think man has messed up the world wait until you see what Jesus is going to do with it. This planet was made disposable by sin." --John MacArthur


Well-known member
I can't say anything that could top Chickenman's post, but there is a truth that is rooted in that truth:
1Co 15:51 Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed,
1Co 15:52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm afraid it's much worse than you realize, Granite. Because of the wicked, reckless, heartless, destructive sin of the human race, this entire earth will be burned up, consumed in a purging fire. It's unavoidable, whether we like it or not.

But, the good news is... there will be a new earth!

More bad news is that, while Hell was created for the angels who rebelled, it has now been filling up with millions and billions of human beings, so much so that it has actually enlarged, as if to accommodate the numbers.

But, the good news is... there will be a new heaven, as well. And any who repent of their sin (the very sin that will lead to the destruction of the whole world) may be reconciled to their Creator and have a home in that heaven, forever and ever.

Yep, that's nice.

In good news...

My pit is increasingly a well-behaved girl.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
My pit is increasingly a well-behaved girl.

Picture of the pooch? Merle color?

Good news.

"I think they're way too independent. They just shouldn't have this power," Paul, a longtime Fed critic, said in an interview with Reuters. "Up until recently it has been modest but now it's totally out of control."

Paul is currently the top Republican on the House of Representatives subcommittee that oversees domestic monetary policy, and is likely to head the panel when Republicans take control of the chamber in January.

He is a good choice to have constitutional authority over our economy right now.


New member
I'm afraid it's much worse than you realize, Granite. Because of the wicked, reckless, heartless, destructive sin of the human race, this entire earth will be burned up, consumed in a purging fire. It's unavoidable, whether we like it or not.

But, the good news is... there will be a new earth!

More bad news is that, while Hell was created for the angels who rebelled, it has now been filling up with millions and billions of human beings, so much so that it has actually enlarged, as if to accommodate the numbers.

But, the good news is... there will be a new heaven, as well. And any who repent of their sin (the very sin that will lead to the destruction of the whole world) may be reconciled to their Creator and have a home in that heaven, forever and ever.

So let's all fall in line with some extreme form of dominionist theology in an attempt to force Jesus to return by hastening the Apocalypse through nuclear confrontation.

The Graphite

New member
So let's all fall in line with some extreme form of dominionist theology in an attempt to force Jesus to return by hastening the Apocalypse through nuclear confrontation.
Dominionism??? Who on earth said anything about the foolish nonsense of dominionism? I am quite opposed to it. I don't know where you got that crazy idea...


New member
The good news is......... someone, somewhere, sometime tonight, in the wee hours, when they are all alone with their conscience, is going to say..... ... "Forgive me Lord, I can no longer live a lie. I am a sinner in need of forgiveness, and a new life in Jesus Christ."....... and the angels in heaven will rejoice tonight, over one sinner who ends their rebellion against God and repents, with godly sorrow.

That's the good news, today, because I hope and pray it happens at least once every single day, as it did to me, one lonely night, many years ago.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
The good news is......... someone, somewhere, sometime tonight, in the wee hours, when they are all alone with their conscience, is going to say..... ... "Forgive me Lord, I can no longer live a lie. I am a sinner in need of forgiveness, and a new life in Jesus Christ."....... and the angels in heaven will rejoice tonight, over one sinner who ends their rebellion against God and repents, with godly sorrow.

That's the good news, today, because I hope and pray it happens at least once every single day, as it did to me, one lonely night, many years ago.

Yep, that is great news. And somewhere it makes an atheist mad.

The Graphite

New member
Yep, that is great news. And somewhere it makes an atheist mad.

And that is also good news, because it demonstrates that the atheist is not apathetic about the question of life and death, sin and salvation. There's more hope for an angry atheist than for an apathetic one.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Hall of Fame
The good news is that God continues to share in His abundance with me and mine despite a very tough year of very limited income and no medical insurance.

To Him goes the glory!


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'm afraid it's much worse than you realize, Granite. Because of the wicked, reckless, heartless, destructive sin of the human race, this entire earth will be burned up, consumed in a purging fire. It's unavoidable, whether we like it or not.

But, the good news is... there will be a new earth!

More bad news is that, while Hell was created for the angels who rebelled, it has now been filling up with millions and billions of human beings, so much so that it has actually enlarged, as if to accommodate the numbers.

But, the good news is... there will be a new heaven, as well. And any who repent of their sin (the very sin that will lead to the destruction of the whole world) may be reconciled to their Creator and have a home in that heaven, forever and ever.

Hmm. That's good news then TG? 'Hell' has been 'filling up' with billions of human beings has it? It's actually enlarged as well? Great....some insight you've got there I must say :plain:

In other news my next door neighbour recently won a tribunal hearing over unfair dismissal from her job. :)


New member
My mom just won her second battle with breast cancer.

They found a 2-mm tumor a few weeks ago during a regular mammogram.
Because they'd found it so early, all they had to do was cut it out, zap it with one radiation treatment, and boom, cancer-free.

It wasn't near her lymph nodes, so no chemotherapy is required.

Praise God!

The Horn

Those wackaloons Christine O'Donnell and Carl Paladiono were not elected Delaware senator and governor of New York repsectively.
I would sooner have voted for clams and oysters for public office.They're much more intelligent.
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