toldailytopic: The devil made me do it. What role does the devil play in our daily li

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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for June 21st, 2010 11:37 AM

toldailytopic: The devil made me do it. What role does the devil play in our daily lives?

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Teaching. - Just teaching. The Devil has many, many ministers, ministering false doctrines, doctrines of the Devil. -- That's all, nothing else.


Paul -- 062210


New member

toldailytopic: The devil made me do it. What role does the devil play in our daily lives?

Given the whole Serpent in the Garden incident, I think the devil is as likely in my next-door-neighbour's cat as in Elvis (an anagram for "evils"). I've read that he's somewhat lion-like, but then I've read that of Jesus too, and I certainly wouldn't want to confuse the two. A good neighbour's got to be very careful about such things.

I don't really think the devil made me do it, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that it sometimes scares me a wee bit about the neighbour's cat, and, of course, the devil is a liar. I never saw Elvis play a lyre, unless we've been completely deceived by those electric guitar thingies. I think that's mostly what the devil does - he plays a very mesmerising lyre, or maybe a fiddle. Say, didn't Elvis have quite the mane with sideburns? :think:

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
He appears as an angel of light where he does his most damage with his false gospel from people like godrulz, andyc, etc etc.


His ministers are in pulpits all over the world teaching people to keep the law, keep the sermon on the mount, or get water baptized to be saved.


TOL Subscriber
His supposed omnipresence is something most fail to see as actually unbiblical.


This is an important point AMR presents, that I believe should be emphasized and repeated!

Many imagine Satan as being a dark, wicked version of God; that is, they think he is everywhere, knows our thoughts, and is all-powerful like God.

This is not correct. There is no Dualism in God's universe. Satan is not any kind of equal to God.

Satan is a mere spirit, subject to God's control. The wickedness he manages to produce actually comes from the hard hearts of the people he tempts. James 1:14

His greatest power lies in sinners' fear of death. Persons are tempted into all kinds of wickedness that almost always prove to be escapisms of one sort or another.

Christ destroyed the central power of Satan on the cross by removing the fear of death in the sons of God. Since Christ died their death in their stead, they are freed from fear and bondage to the devil. Hebrews 2:14-15

And the indwelling Holy Spirit of Christ gives aid to Christians when and if they are tempted by Satan. Hebrews 2:18



New member
Well, you have read the best - (thank you folks! I mean it)
Now hear the rest:

I try to work with three pictures:

1 Charles Manson.
Let's say you saw a young Charlie leaning on a stool half on and half off while posing for a picture. his hair is long (and dirty with matted
curls.) he is wearing dirty jeans and a plaid shirt and smiling at you while picking absentmindedly with one hand his long dirty fingernails on the other hand.
Only this Charlie isn't short or crazy. is he is a murderer and a liar?
the answer is yes.

2 Michael Jackson.

I am sooo sorry to use this picture! Please forgive me!
But the young man Michael Jackson was an entertainer of the consummate kind. Extremely skilled and accomplished, yes?
If you saw him on stage then you would have watched him perhaps unwaveringly, perhaps he would have temporarily mesmerized you?
he is useful because at the time I am thinking of he also had long hair.
(Though i have nothing against long hair)
Only the entertainer who looks similar to Michael Jackson here and is indeed performing for a very large number of people - is deceiving
people by saying what is true does not sound as good as what he
is saying. And he sounds believable as well as looks interesting and attractive (hence the use of MJ as a pic.)

3 A Female Serial Killer

The problem with female serial killers is they are not big production killers usually. You actually most likely know they have been there not by a big dramatic crime seen - but by the still silence where once there was the noise of activity of living. Laughter, crying - all meant to go up to God's ears - all gone. No one talking to God anymore - just a still pool in a dark cave where never a ripple goes across it.



New member

His ministers are in pulpits all over the world teaching people to keep the law, keep the sermon on the mount, or get water baptized to be saved.
OK, I will own up to it with humble sadness. Anyone who's read C.S. Lewis' space trilogy will appreciate the cautionary self-reflection that Ransom, the Christian hero of the series, somehow unwittingly winds up as the tempting 'Serpent in the Garden' for the innocent world of Perelandra.

But with all due deference aside and in all due respect of holy men and office, without a doubt of hesitation, the most vile and devilish creatures I have ever met have been certain licensed and ordained church pastors within my own Christian demoniation of the Presbyterian Church in America, one of whom I'm almost convinced was dæmon-possessed, and who remains in full status of acceptance among the denomination.

Of course, we Presbyterians are known to ocassionally take such a dim view of one another. I don't know, I sometimes think or perhaps only imagine that somehow maybe even dæmons and angels alike started out as Scots-Irish mercenaries.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
But with all due deference aside and in all due respect of holy men and office, without a doubt of hesitation, the most vile and devilish creatures I have ever met have been certain licensed and ordained church pastors within my own Christian demoniation of the Presbyterian Church in America, one of whom I'm almost convinced was dæmon-possessed, and who remains in full status of acceptance among the denomination.


Surely a "man of the cloth" wouldn't deliberately mislead his flock now would he? :D

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
The devil is a fictional character, he plays about as much of a role in your life as Edward Cullen.

When people say "the devil made me do it" what they are really saying is that they don't want to take responsibility for their actions.

It's all pretty simple.

You are wrong about the fictional character. But you are right about the excuses. Yourself included. You will face judgement for your actions because you are dead to God, and eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Just like many "pentecostals".

And as I told you before, it doesn't have to be that way.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Tempter .... and accuser of the brethren ... 'til he's given the heave ho by Michael and Co.

Not really. The Bible says Moses (the Law) is the accuser.

Teaching. - Just teaching. The Devil has many, many ministers, ministering false doctrines, doctrines of the Devil. -- That's all, nothing else.


Paul -- 062210


Your short posts are much better than your essay answers.


Hall of Fame
No role whatsoever. IMO, it's a copout to blame *the devil* for individual shortcomings and mistakes.


Well-known member
If you were under personal attack by the devil himself, you would know it. His supposed omnipresence is something most fail to see as actually unbiblical. The other so-called attacks by malevolent forces way too many claim are usually the result of a rancid piece of digested meat or severe chemical imbalances.


Yep, hit the nail on the head there. I would also add the Devil cannot "make" anyone do anything unless they were under actual possession.

So yes in general its a cop out excuse, I think experience and scripture show that there is far more than enough evil within humans to explain their actions. Any evil corrupting forces are just icing on the cake so to speak.


You are wrong about the fictional character.
You mean Edward Cullen is real? SWEET!!!!! I want to be a sparkly vampire.

But you are right about the excuses.
Well at least we agree on something.

Yourself included. You will face judgement for your actions because you are dead to God, and eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Just like many "pentecostals".
What kind of crazy nonsense are you spouting off with here? I had an orange earlier today, is that what you are talking about?

And as I told you before, it doesn't have to be that way.
You are right. You can live in the real world and see it for what it really is and get out of that delusion you have been feeding yourself. It will make you a better person. Smarter too.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
But with all due deference aside and in all due respect of holy men and office, without a doubt of hesitation, the most vile and devilish creatures I have ever met have been certain licensed and ordained church pastors within my own Christian demoniation of the Presbyterian Church in America, one of whom I'm almost convinced was dæmon-possessed, and who remains in full status of acceptance among the denomination.
The PCA has procedures for dealing with these accusations. Have you availed yourself of them? Spoke with the session? Filed a complaint with the presbytery? If not, you are violating your obligation as a PCA member and merely accusing the brethren herein. :squint:

BTW, "daemon" is so old-school. Suggests a unix process running versus a malevolent influence.

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