toldailytopic: The Baptists: what did they get right, and what did they get wrong?


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...why on earth would you consider that a negative? :AMR:

There's no scriptural mandate for a theology degree. And I speak as a guy who has a couple.

Yes but in Lon's case he's hoping for a job and there is less competition if there are more requirements to be met.

Kind of how Catholicism became the entrenched "ism" if you think about it. :plain:


Get used to it.
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Yes, there are Calvinist and Arminian Baptists in many of them.
Perhaps thats a 'neg' on your book.

The Calvinists call themselves Baptists but they really aren't. :nono:

There is a lot of good and right in the Baptist churches: Strong on Scriptural stance, evangelism, and community.


A few problems: Many, in almost every denomination lean toward legalism, imperializing minors over majors

Nuh-uh! :nono:

( "Don't dance, gamble, or drink. KJV only, etc.).

:shocked: How can you say that stuff is minor!?!? Folks go to h-e-double-hockeysticks for that stuff. :IA:


They allow lay-pastors (men without degrees) but do encourage them to pursue education when they are in the pastorates (this lends to problems just mentioned above). Also, as Some dude mentioned, many have a loose affiliate where a more organized heirarchy and accountability would be better imo.

Why do I get the feeling you guys are paying attention to those "other" Baptists rather than focusing on the only ones that matter? :plain:


Well-known member
I grew up regular baptist which slowly morphed away from their original basis, though last I checked they were still Calvinistic.

I think the biggest problem with them as a "denomination" is that they're absolutely all over the map. Some are liberal, some conservative, some Arminian some Calvinistic. To go Forrest Gump again, Baptist churches are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

I like believer's baptism even though it probably doesn't represent historical Christianity very well, I think it makes a lot of sense in western culture.

Ask Mr. Religion

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Baptist tradition is Calvinistic.

John Piper preaches at Bethlehem Baptist Church.
Yup! I was ordained by a SBC church about three years after a seven-year seminary stint. The fact that I had graduated from a Jesuit seminary did not bother them. Who they wanted, called, and they got, was a five solas fellow from his radio to his tailpipe. ;)

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Ted L Glines

New member
Here in northeast Texas, we have scads of different kinds of Baptist churches. I know freedom of belief is a biggie with them because one of the local ministers is a KKK member. I know they all share the Texas belief in obesity. Their favorite things? That would bring us back to casseroles again ...


New member
The General Baptists got it wrong.
The Particular Baptists got it right.

Far more General baptist out there cause they like more free will and less Slaved will.


Well-known member
It seems Peter and Paul (apostles of circumcision and uncircumcision) are not welcome either. How interesting.

To say Peter and Paul weren't equipped isn't true.
...why on earth would you consider that a negative? :AMR:

There's no scriptural mandate for a theology degree. And I speak as a guy who has a couple.

Of course I can see it in positive light, but I do believe he should be "equipped for every good work." Imho, school is a very good structured way to ensure this equipping takes place.

Why is it a negative?
-Snake handling/dancing
-KJV only
-Women not allowed to wear pants but must wear hats
-Enforced tithe (taxation) "No longer as a cheerful giver but under compulsion," brow-beating, shame, and membership status

Just a few concerns listed in the negative for me....


I identify as a Christian
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It seems Peter and Paul (apostles of circumcision and uncircumcision) are not welcome either. How interesting.

Yup. Paul and Peter would not be allowed to preach in many churches today.


Get used to it.
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I grew up regular baptist which slowly morphed away from their original basis, though last I checked they were still Calvinistic.

I think the biggest problem with them as a "denomination" is that they're absolutely all over the map. Some are liberal, some conservative, some Arminian some Calvinistic. To go Forrest Gump again, Baptist churches are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.

I like believer's baptism even though it probably doesn't represent historical Christianity very well, I think it makes a lot of sense in western culture.


I think believers baptism is probably the only thing which unites us all....maybe that's why we call ourselves Baptists. :think:


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My pastor could beat your pastor up. Glasses, pocket protector, and all... :plain:

I don't know about that.....he's about twenty years older, a good six inches shorter and almost a hundred pounds lighter than I and he scares me....seriously....I wouldn't tangle with the little guy. :plain:

I think he's crazy :noid:


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Is too. He doesn't have to be Calvinist, but he's been exposed to it and they were many of his classmates in seminary.

:chuckle: Actually, I was referring to me.....but I have been exposed to it.

....aaaand to tell the truth I've been exposed to just about every strain and tradition of Christianity that well as other religions and philosophies. Such is my curiosity. :idunno:

Actually, I don't even attend an SBC (or Baptist for that matter) Church at the moment (I left when my Pastor retired..long story). The one I go to now is non-denom....but I am an Ordained Deacon in the SBC so when pressed I identify with them. :)


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To say Peter and Paul weren't equipped isn't true.

Of course I can see it in positive light, but I do believe he should be "equipped for every good work." Imho, school is a very good structured way to ensure this equipping takes place.

Why is it a negative?
-Snake handling/dancing
-KJV only
-Women not allowed to wear pants but must wear hats
-Enforced tithe (taxation) "No longer as a cheerful giver but under compulsion," brow-beating, shame, and membership status

Just a few concerns listed in the negative for me....

You need to find a Baptist Church which isn't run by hill-billys. :chuckle:


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Here in northeast Texas, we have scads of different kinds of Baptist churches. I know freedom of belief is a biggie with them because one of the local ministers is a KKK member. I know they all share the Texas belief in obesity. Their favorite things? That would bring us back to casseroles again ...


It's funny 'cuz it's true.

My Pastor used to wage a one man war against this very prevalent mentality it seemed sometimes. He was always a health fanatic and would endlessly browbeat the more "corpulent" members of the congregation. :chuckle: