toldailytopic: Stephen Hawking says Heaven is a 'fairy story'

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But man is constrained to do what is in the realm of possibility based on his makeup and past experience (no libertarian free will).

This is the crux, how narrow is that constraint? Does the Reformed tradition hold that there is truly more than one possibility at any given time? And if there were more than one possibility, then how would you describe it without describing libertarian free will?

There is no doubt that we Catholics hold that there is a mystery contained within free will which we cannot understand, but an essential part of that mystery is man's ability to have done otherwise.



New member
nicholsmom said:
Before I even get started on this, I want to reassure you that this is not in any way intended to be an attack on any person, including you. The sole purpose of this particular discussion is to demonstrate the contradiction between evolution (of any but the theistic sort) and morality.
Then you're fighting a completely meaningless battle. No-one says that we ought to derive morality from evolution and even if the mechanics of evolution were unjust for civil society (of course they are) then it wouldn't have anything to do with whether or not it was true.

We also do not derive it from PlayDoh. What I asked wasn't from where it wasn't derived, but rather from where it was.

Tell me please how this doesn't mean that altruism, empathy and guilt are not derived then from our origins. If they are in our programming (brain/genetics) and input (experiences/thought) then where are they? If they are in our programming and input, then how can we trust them - they are mere constructs - outputs from programming and input. What if our programming were different and our input different? Would we not expect to come up with something different? If we are to accept that, then how can we condemn the response of any man to the equation that determines what is moral? Even the sociopath is therefore moral by his own brain's output.
A sociopath cannot conceive of morality full stop. He can have no consideration for others around him. The concept is thoroughly alien to him. In any case you answer your own question here almost explicitly. If our innate feelings towards specific situations were different then we would obviously reactly differently.

But you seem to think these brain outputs concerning good and evil are trustworthy:
Actually, I don't - but they are an example of moral issues exceeding mere self-interest or a desire to avoid punishment as you suggested (why do you suppose we do punish specific behaviours in the first place?)

But what makes your perception of injustice any better than a sociopath?
A sociopath cannot conceive of justice. Quite literally. The question is incoherent.

So elimination of the worst growth eliminates all growth? If the world is in fact overpopulated, should we not reverse all population growth - the small with the great?
Elimination of the worst growth prevents mass poverty in the third world and also greatly impacts upon asylum seekers and immigrants coming over for new lives (and of consequence having a large amount of children therefore boosting the birth rates in first-world nations).

You didn't, it's true. But the trouble is we have lots of overpopulation to overcome, and voluntary contraception hasn't stopped population growth in the USA, nor has abortion...
You are still imposing an argument upon me. Overpopulation is not a massive concern of mine and I've never seen anyone ever (even those who reference it) suggest mass murder to resolve it.

What about immigration?
Yes. Lift the burden of dictatorship and poverty in third-world nations and immigration everywhere (not just to the USA) will fall.

How long before there isn't plenty of room? What will we do then? Do you suppose that these immigrants don't have adequate access to contraception? That they don't choose their great numbers of children?
That would be an argument that should take place then. Ironically, I have heard that China of late is having a population decrease or stagnation.

Capitulate? To what?
To themselves. They'll effectively commit tribal suicide.

As an aside, our civilization does suborn murder - it's called abortion, but it's still killing off the weakest of human beings for the presumed good of the stronger.
Yawn. Not having this argument here.

Not if we are to learn from Pol Pot, Hitler, and Stalin.
That's not accurate. Pol Pot's civilization didn't last as long as Hitler's and Stalin's (and he did do long lasting damage to his society) but it wasn't actually legal for citizens to murder others. You did not actually have the right in NSDAP Germany or Stalin's Russia to murder anyone you chose at random without consequence. Allowing that would be the death of civilization.

They murdered their own people by the truck-load, but their countries continued on. What about modern day China, killing babies when women try to violate the forced contraception, killing Christian protesters, wiping out millions, and yet they persist. I think you will have to look around you, and in history to find that this assertion is without foundation.
Again: Not what I was referring to. Totalitarianism can go on for a very long time if not sufficiently opposed but a society that allows in its constitution the right to murder immediately will destroy itself. It would be the ultimate in literal nihilism.

Certainly a culture that only murders the weak and rapes the women with the best genetics will thrive in intelligence, strength and heartiness. It is pure logic.
That culture would succumb to complete thuggery. All of the children would be taught a disgusting parody of Darwinism and taught about nothing more than abject survival over the arts, culture and intellectual pursuits. Think of the necessary totalitarianism and collectivism that society would have before insisting that it would produce a new transhumanistic enlightenment.

But your disgust at my logical reasoning is not worthy of the effort of typing the words. This has nothing to do with collectivism and everything to do with a species evolved from lesser life forms.
It has everything to do with collectivism. It is the only way any of your hypothetical propositions could ever happen. The government would have to take control of everyone's lives and decree who must die on the basis of some ridiculous fear of overpopulation and genetic superiority. It would be an abject dystopia. Why would anyone support that?

It entails simple logic and rational progression from evolution (apart from the God-directed sort) to evolution.
I've said it repeatedly and I'll repeat it again. We do not derive morality from evolution. I've never met anyone who says that we should.

It shows the complete inadequacy of perceived morality toward that end, and in face, shows how moral behaviors (as defined by religious folks - "murder is wrong" and "rape is wrong" and the like)
Yet I say those things as well. I say it influenced by Libertarianism, Humanism, Socialism and I have always said it. Millions of non-religious people across the world say it. Do not misrepresent it as the exclusive property of the religious.

are actually antithetical to evolutionary progress of the species toward healthier, smarter, stronger, and generally more survivable individuals.
That's not what evolution entails.

If we want something other than healthier/smarter/stronger/more-survivable, then we must ask ourselves why. Why should evolutionary processes cause our species to want something contrary to our further evolution?
Evolution does not mandate our mind on all things. We have gained sentience and can act contrary and outside of our survival instincts and indeed have advanced to the pivotal point where many of us do not need to worry about survival.

I'm glad to hear it, but I'm puzzled by it. Why should an evolved being be concerned with things contrary to the evolutionary progress toward healthier/smarter/stronger?
Because I am sentient. I am observent of things outside of the biological theory relating to the human origins.

The whole point of this conversation is that it isn't all you need to say. I can tell you why I value these things, but you have not yet provided a reason for your valuing them. You value them because you do?
Because I find them interesting, funny and thought-provoking. I don't need to say anymore than that and I'd be impressed if you could come up with anything more than that yourself (not withstanding some inane reference to the creator endowing you with art appreciation).

Can you provide historical evidence for that position? I mean something that counters mine?
I'm sorry, are you doubting the proposition that the United States (or any first-world country for that matter) would suddenly become infinitely more dangerous if both rape and murder were legalised?

What's wrong with anarchy? Isn't that the evolutionary model?
No it isn't (hence social species) and if it was I wouldn't care. I don't derive morality from the evolutionary model.

But you forget that their cultures include multi-child families. Multiple children is their desire. Offering them contraception is like offering them poison. They won't take it voluntarily in any quantity that is likely to affect overpopulation in any significant way.
Then we work to alleviate the suffering that brings. It is no coincidence that birth rates in first-world countries are significantly lower than third-world countries. Uplift people from poverty and you will get results.

Right. To an atheist, death is non-existence. See, my morality comes from the Christian notion of the soul. The soul has a beginning but no end. Contraception denies a soul existence; murder just shortens the carnal portion of that existence, but doesn't shorten or eliminate it.
Yes, a shame you might add that I don't have such a similar loathing or disregard of life.

One more point on this: can you see how cultures that survive in spite of extreme poverty value multiple children even more? But clearly you think that eliminating the poverty would eliminate this valuation. I and my 6 children beg to differ.
So because you have six children (a rarity in first-world countries) that means that the birth rates statistics don't mean anything.

I and the vast community of home-schooling moms who have an average of 6-8 kids (yep, loads of them have 10 or more) each beg to differ. Haven't you seen "Cheaper By The Dozen" ? The premise of that show was a real study done by a real man in the efficiency of larger families as compared to smaller ones. It is far more efficient to raise many children who can benefit from hand-me-downs and help with raising food and other necessary chores, than to raise only one or two. Those in poor countries know this too. It is only selfishness of adults that has blinded us in this country to this fact of life.
Whether or not this is true has no relevance whatsoever to the fact that the birth rate is much smaller in first-world countries than third-world countries.

Um... explain this.
They help to perpetuate the misery of the citizens within that nation and hinder aid and rebuilding efforts. Isn't it obvious?

Wanna take that back?
Or provide some counter evidence?

Then explain to me why we evolved from the very successful apes Or why anything evolved from the very successful roach, the very successful rat, the very successful plankton, bacterium, etc.
The most successful life form on the planet is bacteria. It can live effectively anywhere on earth and makes all other species their host and have us rely upon them. Are you now going to argue that is our goal?

God provided His Son to die a most horrible and painful death upon the cross so that any who wanted to be could be saved from Hell (which we, each one, deserves for our choice to sin). That is mercy tempering the justice of Hell. But that's another topic...
Of course it is. But I'll bring it up again whenever I see you displaying your sanctimonious tendencies regarding your own morality. I'll make note that you endorse the recognition of a human sacrifice to absolve oneself of all personal responsibility nonetheless.


New member
Maybe none of the young men in my village are worthy mates, being depraved. Maybe I despised my parents for their depravity. Maybe I had been betrothed by my hated father to a brute of a man who had pledged to sacrifice his first son on the foundation of his first home to honor Mollech. Perhaps I would look on these Hebrews as saviors.
Yup, I am sure that is true for you and all 30,000 of the other virgins. I had not expected you to so clearly confirm how fanciful you have to be to maintain some veneer of respectability on your deity that commanded your young siblings be slaughtered. QED.
That God would allow the Hebrews to leave the virgins alive is an indication that God saw the hearts of these women and knew that they would embrace righteous living and raise up families in happiness.
Apparently you have text in your Bible that I have never seen. Care to quote the text that you derive this from?
So you're gonna skip out of the hard stuff? Nice :plain: Is this how you've managed to keep claiming that Christians won't answer your questions, by failing to read the responses? Wow. Just wow.
Not much sense in deeper stuff when irrational dogmatism is the nucleus of what you have provided so far.
Don't wade into the water in the first place if you're afraid of getting wet. :chicken:
Water I can handle. Deep Christian doo-doo is not something I enjoy wading through.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yup, I am sure that is true for you and all 30,000 of the other virgins. I had not expected you to so clearly confirm how fanciful you have to be to maintain some veneer of respectability on your deity that commanded your young siblings be slaughtered. QED.

Apparently you have text in your Bible that I have never seen. Care to quote the text that you derive this from?

Not much sense in deeper stuff when irrational dogmatism is the nucleus of what you have provided so far.

Water I can handle. Deep Christian doo-doo is not something I enjoy wading through.
That's who I thought you were and what you were actually after. Someone attempts to engage you substantively and this is the sort of puerile, back handed nonsense you respond with...


New member
Then you're fighting a completely meaningless battle. No-one says that we ought to derive morality from evolution ...
Then where does it derive?

Where does it derive? From whence comes morality?

A sociopath cannot conceive of morality full stop. He can have no consideration for others around him.
Can he have consideration for the acts of others upon himself? Can he feel cheated?

If our innate feelings towards specific situations were different then we would obviously react differently.
Differently yes. But what makes one's reactions moral and another's immoral?

why do you suppose we do punish specific behaviours in the first place?
Moral imperative.

A sociopath cannot conceive of justice.
Can he feel cheated? If someone steals his victim from under his nose, will he not feel cheated? If so, then he does conceive justice. What makes his response to stimuli less moral than your own?

Elimination of the worst growth prevents mass poverty in the third world .
Prove it.

Overpopulation is not a massive concern of mine and I've never seen anyone ever (even those who reference it) suggest mass murder to resolve it.
Have you ever seen Logan's Run? The writer of that suggested it. The abortion founders of this nation suggested it.

That would be an argument that should take place then.
So no murder until overpopulation becomes a burden in the USA?

They'll effectively commit tribal suicide.
Do you have any evidence, historical or otherwise to back up this assertion?

You did not actually have the right in NSDAP Germany or Stalin's Russia to murder anyone you chose at random without consequence. Allowing that would be the death of civilization.

... a society that allows in its constitution the right to murder immediately will destroy itself. It would be the ultimate in literal nihilism.
Okay, so random murder is immoral because, in your opinion (since you've given no evidence), it would mean the death of civilization, but purposeful murder? What's your argument against purposeful murder of the weak - like what the Spartans and Vikings did? Isn't that productive toward higher evolutionary ground?

That culture would succumb to complete thuggery. All of the children would be taught a disgusting parody of Darwinism and taught about nothing more than abject survival over the arts, culture and intellectual pursuits. Think of the necessary totalitarianism and collectivism that society would have before insisting that it would produce a new transhumanistic enlightenment.
Explain to me why, from the perspective of atheism, art is important. What makes culture more desirable than thuggery? I mean from an evolutionary perspective, where survival of the species is key?

If these do not improve survivability, then why did we evolve them?

The government would have to take control of everyone's lives and decree who must die on the basis of some ridiculous fear of overpopulation and genetic superiority. It would be an abject dystopia. Why would anyone support that?
Wait a minute. Before you were saying that it would lead to anarchy.

Why would anyone support it? Because he has a realistic expectation of landing on the top of the heap for a time. Because he serves someone who has a realistic expectation of landing on the top of the heap. Because of selfish survival of the species - if we want to evolve, we must be merciless in getting rid of the weak.

No, I would not support something like this. But then I'm a Christian and have the love of Christ reigning in my heart.

Evolution does not mandate our mind on all things. We have gained sentience and can act contrary and outside of our survival instincts and indeed have advanced to the pivotal point where many of us do not need to worry about survival.
You clearly haven't thought this out very far. Consider: you are the product of millions of years of random mutation and natural selection - an organic machine refined through the eons. And here you stand, with your brain doing its thing and you assume that sentience is anything other than what it really is: a programmed response to stimuli.
To believe in evolution is to believe in natural causes for everything - even thought, even sentience, even love of beauty, and love itself. We are just biological machines without purpose other than to survive and cause the rest of the human race to survive. That's it. If you have something to add to that, please share.

Because I find them interesting, funny and thought-provoking. I don't need to say anymore than that
But you do. If we evolved to no purpose than survival, then we are just a mass of biological circuitry running the programs based on input. What makes one bit of output better than another? Nothing but survival of the species. Stuff like "interesting, funny, and though-provoking" are just inventions of the brain to aid in the survival of the species - they aren't real. They have no purpose but survival of the species. How dismal.

and I'd be impressed if you could come up with anything more than that yourself (not withstanding some inane reference to the creator endowing you with art appreciation).
The guiding hand of a creative creator certainly would endow me with appreciation of art, beauty and creativity. For the Christian there is no "not withstanding" of God. He is the reason that we have purpose, the reason that we can laugh, find things interesting or think with any intent. Without God we are only biological machines.

I'm sorry, are you doubting the proposition that the United States (or any first-world country for that matter) would suddenly become infinitely more dangerous if both rape and murder were legalised?
Dangerous for whom? Certainly dangerous for the weak and for those who would not band together against others who would rape and murder them. Not dangerous for the murderer or the rapist, though. Not dangerous for the strong and charismatic.

Would I like it? Not on your life. I'm a Christian, after all. I believe in protecting the weak from the cruel.

So because you have six children (a rarity in first-world countries) that means that the birth rates statistics don't mean anything.
That wasn't my point :nono: My point was that availability of contraception will not overcome cultural bias toward large families.
I'll have to read this later. But brace yourself, I require a high standard of quality for scientific research.

The most successful life form on the planet is bacteria. It can live effectively anywhere on earth and makes all other species their host and have us rely upon them. Are you now going to argue that is our goal?
It seems to be the goal of evolution. Which makes one wonder :think:

What is the goal of evolution? What drives the processes?

But I'll bring it up again whenever I see you displaying your sanctimonious tendencies regarding your own morality.
:crackup: We've not even come close to discussing my own morality. Had you not noticed?

PS: I'd like to see some links to these "sanctimonious tendencies" that you've noted :noid:


New member
That's who I thought you were and what you were actually after. Someone attempts to engage you substantively and this is the sort of puerile, back handed nonsense you respond with...
Would you care to respond to my concerns about the ways I see Nicholsmom coloring what the Bible really says? She seems determined to portray the abduction of tens of thousand of virgins whose families were slaughtered around them as an answer to their dreams.

A few issues – specifically, how would you, as a member of the Hebrew army, determine that a young lady in the heathen village was in fact a virgin?

Is it rational to think that the majority of the young ladies viewed those soldiers who indiscriminately killed all the other members of their families would be readily viewed as desirable companions by the captive girls?

If virgins can be persuaded that the Hebrew way was correct, then what about the male infants that were slaughtered? If they had been taken by the Hebrews, they would have been too young to retain memories of the horrors surrounding their capture, and thus could be brought up from day 1 accepting the Hebrew culture.

I agree that from a believer’s stance, it would be nice if the Bible (Numbers 31) actually saw the virgins the way Nicholsmom portrayed them – as looking to the Hebrews as saviors, and desirous of being brought into the Hebrew society and culture. But that is pure fantasy concocted to make this sordid episode at least marginally palatable.

Knight did warn me away from using terms which are too graphic (although I intentionally opted for the milder term I used rather than the more vulgar alternate word), and that somewhat tempers my ability to say forthrightly what has been said by others about what is an evident unwillingness to admit the clear character of deity that is manifested in such accounts in the Bible.

Nathon Detroit

Knight did warn me away from using terms which are too graphic (although I intentionally opted for the milder term I used rather than the more vulgar alternate word), and that somewhat tempers my ability to say forthrightly what has been said by others about what is an evident unwillingness to admit the clear character of deity that is manifested in such accounts in the Bible.
Actually I warned you about being to flippantly insulting of Christianity. After all... this is a Christian website. Coming to a block party and spilling beer all over the carpet and insulting the host isn't going to fly.


New member

Apparently you have text in your Bible that I have never seen. Care to quote the text that you derive this from?
The whole of it.

Not much sense in deeper stuff when irrational dogmatism is the nucleus of what you have provided so far.

Water I can handle. Deep Christian doo-doo is not something I enjoy wading through.

Does this sort of thing pass for argument in your circles? Strange.

Still gonna skip all the response I gave, are you? :rolleyes: What a waste of time :mmph:


New member
I agree that from a believer’s stance, it would be nice if the Bible (Numbers 31) actually saw the virgins the way Nicholsmom portrayed them – as looking to the Hebrews as saviors, and desirous of being brought into the Hebrew society and culture. But that is pure fantasy concocted to make this sordid episode at least marginally palatable.
Read the whole thing again. Yet again there is no mention of rape. In fact it mentions these 31,000 women as having had no intimate contact with men, so... what happened to these women? Um... dunno. Doesn't say anything about rape or even forced marriage. They were taken into Hebrew society apparently, having no men to provide for them from among their depraved tribe.


New member
Actually I warned you about being to flippantly insulting of Christianity. After all... this is a Christian website. Coming to a block party and spilling beer all over the carpet and insulting the host isn't going to fly.
The stain on the carpet is not of my making. My offense was in pointing out the already existing stain. I accept sanctions when what I say is wrong, but I hope that loyalty to your faith does not forbid legitimate discussion about where it has flaws.


New member
The whole of it.
Having read the account, and inviting others to do so as well, I am not surprised at your generic non-answer in place of what should have been chapter and verse (had such an answer existed).
Does this sort of thing pass for argument in your circles? Strange.

Still gonna skip all the response I gave, are you? :rolleyes: What a waste of time :mmph:
No, I think you are perceptive enough to see that I was specifically not giving answer because what you have offered so far is pathetic. I agree, to pursue that line further with you would be a “waste of time”.


New member
Hall of Fame
I would be interested to see everyone's reaction if Hawking went in a different direction, saying that he thought there was a heaven. :think:


New member
Read the whole thing again. Yet again there is no mention of rape. In fact it mentions these 31,000 women as having had no intimate contact with men, so... what happened to these women? Um... dunno. Doesn't say anything about rape or even forced marriage.
Yes, you are right, it mentions the 32,000 women as having had no intimate contact with men. I don’t know what the word “virgin” means in your part of the universe, but no intimate contact with men is what I understood it to mean. And like I asked before, how would the Hebrew soldiers make that determination?

But you ask a good question – what happened to these women? Maybe for the first and only time in all of history tens of thousands of virgins are given to men in an invading army, men with the blood of the virgins’ families dripping from their swords, and the virgins are universally accorded courtesy and respect and protection.
They were taken into Hebrew society apparently, having no men to provide for them from among their depraved tribe.
That kinda happens when women are kidnapped and their families slaughtered, don’t ya think? Using women that way is not particularly unusual in war. Would you like to be an attractive women living in a remote village in the Congo right now? Gang-raped by soldiers, sometimes for days at a time?


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
Having read the account, and inviting others to do so as well, I am not surprised at your generic non-answer in place of what should have been chapter and verse (had such an answer existed).

No, I think you are perceptive enough to see that I was specifically not giving answer because what you have offered so far is pathetic. I agree, to pursue that line further with you would be a “waste of time”.

I was going to post, "If it is a waste of time for you, so why bother," But I won't.


New member
Yes, you are right, it mentions the 32,000 women as having had no intimate contact with men. I don’t know what the word “virgin” means in your part of the universe, but no intimate contact with men is what I understood it to mean. And like I asked before, how would the Hebrew soldiers make that determination?
Age? They could ask... But the point is, they clearly hadn't been raped.

But you ask a good question – what happened to these women? Maybe for the first and only time in all of history tens of thousands of virgins are given to men in an invading army, men with the blood of the virgins’ families dripping from their swords, and the virgins are universally accorded courtesy and respect and protection.
Why not? They hadn't been raped to that point - something not to be expected of such an invasion by those not guided by God. So already we're dealing with a people of very different character than was typical.

Would you like to be an attractive women living in a remote village in the Congo right now? Gang-raped by soldiers, sometimes for days at a time?
You can't have it both ways :nono: You can't admit that they were virgins upon arriving in camp and then say that they were being gang-raped by these soldiers. :squint:

Are you going to respond to my response that you requested or not? I'm getting pretty tired of your dancing about. It's not as though I don't have other things to do...

Here's a link:

Quit dancing and have a go at trying to understand my point of view - it'll be good for you to look out of someone else's eyes for a change.

One Eyed Jack

New member
I find this idea fascinating that things that are not eternal are therefore unimportant. Is it because I don’t expect to be around in a later life, I am therefore relieved of the need to be kind and decent in this life?

You tell me -- this is your worldview, not mine. I'm just saying that if you're right, in the end, nothing really matters.

Perhaps if you were to lose your faith in God,

I don't see that happening.

then you could see someone in great pain, but your conscience would not feel even a pang.

Why should I feel guilty simply for seeing someone in pain? I may feel compassion for them, but I don't see why I should feel guilt.

Though it may not be eternal, I at least, still experience compassion, and sorrow, and joy. Sorry those feelings are not an innate part of you.

Who said they weren't? Oh yeah -- that was you.

Since supposedly God created everything, then under this philosophy he can do whatever he wants. if he decides we are pawns, to be fed to monsters from hell just for his entertainment, then that is his right.

Did you get this idea from a movie or something?

I wonder about the morals of anyone who would ask such a question.

That's fine. You gonna answer it or not?


New member
Quit dancing and have a go at trying to understand my point of view - it'll be good for you to look out of someone else's eyes for a change.

This is a really funny thing to say for a person who's "answers" stink of far reaching pie-in-the-sky naivety and a stubborn unwillingness to admitting that there are ugly passages in the bible that are difficult, if not impossible, to explain from a modern theological perspective. Something that a lot of other Christians are able, or at least willing, to do. Even if I was still a Christian I would be utterly embarrassed at the answers you have given which basically amount to "the women were probably OK with it."

They are scorn worthy from any perspective. Unless, that is, one is completely unreasonable or grossly naive in their approach. But I can't say that I'm that surprised of your answers considering that your the only one I've met to answer frankly that, yes, you would gladly murder a small child if God told you to.


New member
Age? They could ask... But the point is, they clearly hadn't been raped.
No, that is not clear at all. I guess you can maintain a girl hasn’t been raped until she personally publishes exactly where it happened, how many times, how many soldiers, what positions they used, and every sordid detail. Normal people can make some pretty safe assumptions without demanding all the titillating details.
So already we're dealing with a people of very different character than was typical.
I agree. Lots of armies have been known to stop short of the wanton killing of infants. But not this one. Very different character indeed, and one I hope never to meet.
You can't have it both ways :nono: You can't admit that they were virgins upon arriving in camp and then say that they were being gang-raped by these soldiers. :squint:
You may be right. The Mosaic Law (in Deuteronomy) actually lays down some rules. It says if a soldier lusts after a pretty captive girl, he should give her 30 days to get her affairs in order, after which he is free to have at her. That make you feel better, having those girls know that after a month that a soldier who they have no reason to love, and ample reason to despise, will then violate her at will?
Are you going to respond to my response that you requested or not? I'm getting pretty tired of your dancing about. It's not as though I don't have other things to do...
I don’t think I am forcing you to participate in this conversation, you can walk away anytime.

As to your prior response, I read it. It fails at multiple levels. I will point out a few. First, it presumes what I strongly challenge – that the God of the Old Testament is a kindly soul. All of the most despicable tyrants combined never achieved a body count like your God did. And laced throughout the OT we see where, in stark contrast to the love of children that Christ taught, the OT God specifically ordered them be killed.

Your argument that those children would most likely have grown up in their heathen societies learning the same evil ways as their parents is true. But if someone were to switch each Hebrew baby with a heathen one at birth, those Hebrew babies, growing up in the heathen society would also become corrupted, and the heathen baby in Hebrew society would learn the Torah. So it’s not that the Hebrews or heathen children are innately different, it is just which society the baby is lucky enough to be born into.

But if babies are not fundamentally different at birth, then instead of killing the ones in heathen societies, why not bring them into the Hebrew homes and raise them up as a righteous people? Would it be too taxing on the Hebrews to accommodate a bunch of orphaned kids, so slaughtering them is a better option? If you convince me that is true, then I will act accordingly and specify that every cent of my charitable giving go straight to supporting abortions at Planned Parenthood.

After you made the case that children might actually be blessed by their early deaths, you quickly tried to forestall the natural counter – then why don’t we similarly kill kids en masse to hasten their journey to God? Rather than explaining why that was an invalid option, you seem to have swallowed a fly, and so what you said was “blah blah blah”. Care to give that reason again, this time in coherent English?

Ask Mr. Religion

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It will probably take me a long time to read those you reference, mainly because I strongly believe they are wrong on that particular topic and I prefer to spend my time reading people who do not make those mistakes.
I see. Reading those that disagree with you are out of bounds. Until you can appreciate the positions of others you will never grasp the strengths or weaknesses of your own. Sigh.

1. Moral responsibility requires the ability to have done otherwise
That you assume responsibility assumes ability is the very heart of your confusion and the libertarianism you are straining mightily to deny.

This philosophical argument is that moral responsibility implies moral ability, that ought implies can. According to this axiom, since God holds fallen man accountable for believing in Christ, then fallen man must have enough spiritual life and goodness within himself to savingly believe. If fallen man ought to believe, then fallen man can believe. And, by implication, if fallen man does not have within himself sufficient moral goodness to obey the Gospel command, then God cannot hold him accountable for this moral failure. In other words, ability limits responsibility.

If you carefully read Scripture you will find the "ought implies can" axiom to be resoundingly denounced.
If ought implies can, then every person has the moral ability to live a sinless life because living a sinless life is what everyone ought to do. The consistent application of this axiom leads to pure Pelagianism, the teaching that fallen man has the moral ability to save himself by living a morally perfect life.

Moreover this axiom implies that a perverse and corrupt heart is an excuse for sinning. If responsibility implies ability, then no ability implies no responsibility. But, as noted, the Scriptures do not teach this at all.

For example, Christ compared false prophets to bad trees that cannot (have no ability) bear good fruit. Here is a clear case of moral inability. They cannot bear good fruit. So does this mean that God releases such men from their responsibility to bear the good fruit of godly living? No!. Our Lord makes this very clear: "Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire" (Matthew 7:19). Our Lord here very directly contradicts your view that responsibility implies ability.

An evil heart is no excuse for sin. On the contrary, a hardened and incorrigible heart is all the more reason for judgment.
Other Scriptures which contradict the "ought implies can" axiom are easily found, e.g., Romans 8:7,8; 9:18,19; 1 Corinthians 2:14; John 6:44.

We are responsible because we are accountable. To God. Period. Our abilities have nothing to do with our accountability any more than your incompetence on the job excuses your being held accountable for failing to perform it as judged by the one holding you accountable.

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