toldailytopic: Should the USA release photo's of Osama Bin Laden's dead body?

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There is something rather selfish about the demand to release inflammatory photos of a dead Islamic leader in order to satisfy skeptics...... who are never quite satisfied anyway. More Muslims will be inspired to kill more Westerners and the conspiracy crowd will move on to the next thing to "disbelieve".

NO! photos won't help.


geez... dont you see that those ppl already hate us about as much as they can???

maybe they would hate us a little LESS (in fact) if we were more In Your FAce about stuff... Maybe they need to have some fear put into them instead of mollycoddling them ...

geez... some libs would invite Sstan into their homes for coffee..

no... no they wouldn't... i take it back...

they would invite Satan into the taxpayers' homes for coffee.. while they themselves sit in their comfortable homes surrounded by protective concertina wire.... and wonder why everyone hates Satan so much...


New member
The photos will not be released because they pose a risk to our national security, is the decision of the Obama Administration.

I have very little desire to see gruesome photos of a dead coward.
It is important that the photos be kept, and not destroyed. As long as several hundred? people have already seen them, or will see them, and have given similar testimonies regarding their veracity, there seems to be little if any reasonable doubt that the murdering coward is dead.

A man who claimed credit for the deaths of several thousand totally unsuspecting non-combatant, men women and innocent children deserves to be forgotten, and not remembered, villified not eulogized, and his death as ignominious as possible.


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Hall of Fame
I don't care if they release photos. I think it would be funny not to release them, because it would tweak the conspiracy people.

Some people on TOL will cry like little sissy-girls if they are released because it might be like the koran burning deal, used as an excuse by muslim freaks to murder innocent by standers. For those people's sake, I hope they DO release the pictures.


New member
I can assure you that he did not suffer as much as the victims of 9/11.
I think what you need to do is find bin Laden's family and torture them all in front of, say, one of the children's mothers. Would you feel better then? Or maybe we should tie his 14 year old son to a post in the middle of Time Square so you can go to down. Sound good?

I've never met you but it's amazing that your mind ran to this just from what he said.


New member
I am impressed with the fact that they took DNA evidence before hey deep-sixed the body, in the sea. It was even a Christian burial that they gave him. Matt 18:6

I would like to have some DNA evidence on the man currently saying he is President Obama.

In the past week he has given in to the simple request to produce a long form Birth certificate. He has authorized the military to basically assassinate a Muslim terrorist. Now he has made a well reasoned decision to not make public the photos of a dead coward, in order to protect the American people, and our security.

He has placed reasonable inquiry above pride, justice above the Muslim religion, and life and safety, over death and infamy.

Who is this man? I no longer want his birth certificate, I want some DNA evidence!!!!!!!! for crying out loud. Is this the same Barack Obama, that took office as the most liberal politician, ever elected President? Or is it a stunt double? Where is the real Obama hiding?


New member
Alliance! trade an agreement by request can be more sensible, but I wish we could evolve past the pride of hidden agreements being made public before 65 years down the track. after the grave places are all the conspiracy quotes cloudeth the


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
Some people on TOL will cry like little sissy-girls if they are released because it might be like the koran burning deal, used as an excuse by muslim freaks to murder innocent by standers. For those people's sake, I hope they DO release the pictures.

The forum sissies are already crying like babies :allsmile: over Osama's death. Can't you hear the dull roar of their whining? :rotfl:


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Hall of Fame
If released, would I look? Most likely. Morbid curiosity.

Am I glad they aren't going to? Yep. They made the right decision, in my opinion.


New member
Yes it is perhaps to late to release photo's in the Nature of the natural manner.

thoughts are with all America, a lovely Nation. peace hope an Love to all of you an your's Tol'rs


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Hall of Fame
Or Knight could have gave me 24 hours to remove the video. Had he messaged me, saying that I had 24 hours to remove the video, or be removed, then that would be fine. If I didn't remove the video, as requested, I would have honoured Knight's request and simply removed myself, never to return. However, that wasn't the case at all.



New member
How is this going to cause problems when they do it? They are going to do it, they've already said they would, to some extent.

Anyways, I'd personally like to see it. Not because I think they are lying but I'd actually like to see it. :idunno: , I woke up one day, 19 years old and set watching buildings collapsing and hearing of bodies falling through the air to their death to escape the inferno. Streets I walked on not 6 months prior to the event, now a warzone. I'd very much like to see what they did to this man.

Perhaps, they should only post them on a website; and those whom have an interest in it could log in..and, those whom do not, can refrain. I wish they would do that with alot of the news stories....myself.
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