toldailytopic: Should Osama Bin Laden be forgiven?

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elohiym said:
When God takes vengeance on His enemies, does He love them? Yes or no.

Wrong. God loved Bin Laden right up to the end, just as He loved us while we were dead in our transgressions.

... but we are command to.

Apparently someone loved Bin Laden to death.

Could that someone have been...say...Bin Laden himself? :think:

Which is why we are barred from taking vengence.

You are confusing vengeance with justice.


New member
I guess if he repented of his unbelief and accepted Christ as his Lord, than he would be forgiven by God. The likeliness of that is pretty slim so, I guess outside of that condition no. Now, should I personally forgive him, yes, just as Christ forgave me.

this is the right answer.

"forgiveness" depends on what context you are to salvation; nope..he would of had to repent and believe the message; but we are to forgive those whom transgress against us; why? Because Christ wants us to have HIS MINDSET...He forgave us, while we were YET sinners.

Get it?


New member
And what might that reflection look like?

Would Christ forgive an unrepentant mass murderer?

luke 23:34

Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.

This is the mind of Christ.

It reflects the mind of God...whom died for us; while we were YET sinners:

rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us

There is a difference in how God forgives the evil actions of men, and whether or not they are saved.

God has forgiven all men..their sins...already.

Man has to apply it to him/herself to be saved.

So, yes; we are to forgive as God did...because this is the mind of God/Christ; which if we want to see God, we must put on.


New member
OR ... while in prison, he could continue on his murderous rampage ...

You do realize you are chastising the WRONG side here, right? WE are the good guys. Our country did the world a great service by taking out this horrible, murderous wretch of a hum ... err, scratch that.

I refuse to refer to the maggot known as OBL as human.

you do realise that sin is sin in the eyes of God and not measured by a stick of rule keeping, dont you?


New member
Oh, now he has to ask for forgiveness.

Who's we? My government is not of this world.

Now you're being irrational.

I think he was saying the same christians, we forgive the world...which we are NOT; he reaped what he had sown.


Well-known member christians, we forgive him....

I have the mind of Christ (1Cor 2:16); therefore, I cannot forgive Bin Ladin anymore than God already forgave him. Now that's water under the bridge.

What would I be forgiving Bin Ladin about now? I've never known the man (cf. 1Jo 3:6).


Well-known member
man has to repent and believe.

Same thing. The only repentance we were ever called to was repentance from unbelief. By believing, we repent.

People who are apologizing to God every time they "sin" are playing games, making a mockery of the gospel, not repenting.


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toldailytopic: Should Osama Bin Laden be forgiven?

Depends. Did he ask to be forgiven? And if he did (which I feel really safe in betting the farm that the answer to this is a big fat no), who did he ask it of and on what authority would they have to forgive him?


New member
"And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses

Mark 11:15-16


New member
I didn't know him personally.
Man sees only the outside, God sees the heart.
I guess we'll know someday what happened in his soul.

Let those who have been directly offended choose for themselves whether or not to forgive.
Aside from my country jumping into now THREE pointless wars, and several friends serving tours of duty in the armed forces (all have returned unscathed, thank God), I don't feel like an an offended party.
I lost no one in 9/11 or any of the terrorist attacks before or since.

I found have a great picture taken near ground zero in the last 24 hours:

One of my more cynical friends said the following upon hearing the news, especially about potential retaliation.
I guess it was time to scare everybody a bit again. Hey, anything to keep people from thinking about kids in Libya being gunned down, or the banks and Wall Street [screwing us over], while the government is protecting them.


I identify as a Christian
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What Osama orchestrated was just heinous. Over 3000 people died when those planes were flown into the two towers. They died cruel brutal deaths. Justice screams that the perpetrator pay the price for this horrible crime. Sappy posts asking to forgive him make me :vomit:. The time to forgive him is over. He's now awaiting the final judgement as he faces the hard reality of the consequences of his actions.
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Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
He's how awaiting the final judgement as he faces the hard reality of the consequences of his actions.

:plain: The consequences he faces leading to his final judgment, is a path from which there is no return. There is an hour and moment when it is too late, and then comes the end.


New member
What Osama orchestrated was just heinous. Over 3000 people died when those planes were flown into the two towers. They died cruel brutal deaths. Justice screams that the perpetrator pay the price for this horrible crime. Sappy posts asking to forgive him make me :vomit:. The time to forgive him is over. He's how awaiting the final judgement as he faces the hard reality of the consequences of his actions.

I quoted Jesus. Are you implying that Jesus is sappy and makes you want to vomit?
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