toldailytopic: Rick Santorum believes in Satan. Does that alarm you?

The Horn

Everything about Sanctimonioustorum disturbs me ! This guy is a total, friggin' religious extremist, puritanical, prudish nutcase.
It's frightening tothink that a whackjob like this could actually become President. Sanctimonioustorum would become America's busybody-in-chief if elected . He thinks he has the right to pry into our bedrooms and tell us what we should or not do in private.
No wonder this nutcase believes in a literal Satan ! He has compared homosexuality to humans having sex with dogs. It doesn't get loonier than this. Sanctimonioustorum has said that "freedom means doing what you ought to do, not what you want to do".
But who is to say what you "ought to do?" Basically you ought to do whatever HE thinks you should . Sheesh ! Yikes ! Holy cow !
Spare us,please !!!!!!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
To me... this is another plus for Santorum. After all... Satan does exist.

All the POTUSes we ever had were Christian, they declared Wars on Drugs and Wars on Terrorism and Wars on all sorts of other people but never a War on Satan.
It's almost like they don't really believe he exists.

Nathon Detroit

Everything about Sanctimonioustorum disturbs me ! This guy is a total, friggin' religious extremist, puritanical, prudish nutcase.
It's frightening tothink that a whackjob like this could actually become President.
If Santorum wins the election will you and your stinky hippy friends move out of the country?


I'm asking nicely. :)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If asked... wouldn't all the candidates (as well as sitting President) acknowledge that they believed in Satan? :idunno:

I wouldn't.
And if the other canidates said they did I'd ask them what their doing about him.


Well-known member
I wouldn't.
And if the other canidates said they did I'd ask them what their doing about him.
I'd want them to clarify what they mean by "believe in", because I'd like to see them admit to believing in invisible flying demons in public. I personally don't believe that any of them actually believe in "satan" that literally. But I do believe that they all want to pander to the retrogressed intellects among us who do. And I'd like to see that pandering either exposed for what it is, or see the candidate have to stand behind his irrational assertions for all America to deal with.

The problem with all these republicans since Karl Rove/Bush Jr. is that they all want to try and talk in "code" to the religious zealots out of one side of their mouth, while they're talking like "regular folks" to everyone else out of the other.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'd want them to clarify what they mean by "believe in", because I'd like to see them admit to believing in invisible flying demons in public. I personally don't believe that any of them actually believe in "satan" that literally. But I do believe that they all want to pander to the retrogressed intellects among us who do. And I'd like to see that pandering either exposed for what it is, or see the candidate have to stand behind his irrational assertions for all America to deal with.

The problem with all these republicans since Karl Rove/Bush Jr. is that they all want to try and talk in "code" to the religious zealots out of one side of their mouth, while they're talking like "regular folks" to everyone else out of the other.
Well said.


New member
I'd want them to clarify what they mean by "believe in", because I'd like to see them admit to believing in invisible flying demons in public. I personally don't believe that any of them actually believe in "satan" that literally. But I do believe that they all want to pander to the retrogressed intellects among us who do. And I'd like to see that pandering either exposed for what it is, or see the candidate have to stand behind his irrational assertions for all America to deal with.

The problem with all these republicans since Karl Rove/Bush Jr. is that they all want to try and talk in "code" to the religious zealots out of one side of their mouth, while they're talking like "regular folks" to everyone else out of the other.

I just cleaned my glasses and discovered it is not "Rick Santorum believes in Santa, but, Satan!"
Quite a difference!


Agreed. We are not some new, totally separate religion, and the entire OT is a JEWISH book. Some people seem to forget that.

I have reminded people of that on here before. It doesn't change the fact that if they turn away from Jesus, they are not going to be saved. You and others are so skittish of antisemitism that you all treat them as if they are somehow immune to the Christian ultimatum.

What's the difference?? As for the Muslim comparison, when you show me large crowds of Jewish people waving signs calling for death to Christians, then feel free to share it.
You won't find such a crowd, but you can see plenty of Muslim crowds doing just that. Take a look on YouTube, at all of the Muslim protests, with signs and verbiage against Christianity. You seem VERY confused on this issue. That isn't news reporters skewing anything, when you can see the people doing those things. Wake up

When did you start seeing those signs? I'll tell you:

It's very clear who needs to wake up.

Alright, let me amend ARE very confused. I could show you comments against Christians by the thousands, in a few minutes of looking. Media drones? Go ahead, call me one.

You are a media drone. A MEDIA DRONE.

..a media drone :up:

One can serve the public without agreeing with everything others believe.

Not a practicing Jew.

WRONG. You want to know who killed Jesus? I DID. So, stop blaming an entire group of people, and blame me. MY sin killed Him. THAT is what He died for. Anyone calling themselves Christian that can't understand that truth doesn't understand who Jesus is.

I understand it, but let's be factual about history. Let's not lie about actual events because one is so paranoid and overly-defensive about a religion whose adherents are not going to be saved and mocks you behind your back.

As per usual, your argument is based on misrepresenting my statements. You'd rather find a way to bash me and try to make yourself look like some angel instead of being accurate, and that in itself is highly unChristian. You are a big ball of ignorance depending on others' ignorance to propel yourself. That makes you an adherent of lies. Good luck with that.


New member
That's what I was doing the whole time, but people like you find one little thing, twist it, and try to make me look like Satan himself. You all are starved for attention, indecent, and absurd.

I've never seen a case where bringing in accusations about ones ancestors is anything but a racist charge, and the context of your comment fits a very clear pattern that that has been repeated over and over again with very bloody results.

You and others posts have just been a big ball of straw men and false witness. I never said one bigoted thing, I simply stated facts and only out of proper defense for the utter badgering I was taking. You can go to Hell to with the others who participated in that nonsense.

The only specific thing you said about Jews was bigoted, and it seems everyone of every religious and political inclination recognized it except for you.

Nobody talks to me that way.

That's a pity. They really should.


I've never seen a case where bringing in accusations about ones ancestors is anything but a racist charge, and the context of your comment fits a very clear pattern that that has been repeated over and over again with very bloody results.

The only specific thing you said about Jews was bigoted, and it seems everyone of every religious and political inclination recognized it except for you.

That's a pity. They really should.

I was called a racist before even making such statements, and said such statements as a necessary defense after lies were being promoted to make me look as such. I don't have to listen to your garbage, you can try to distort the facts to make me look like a bigot all you want, it is clear that you and others are just little dogs doing tricks for a treat. I have been lost my patience on this thread and if you keep pushing that agenda, I am going to C&P all the posts, summarize, and send it to a mod. Then we'll see just how well your lies and misrepresentations stand.


New member
Hall of Fame
I was called a racist before even making such statements, and said such statements as a necessary defense after lies were being promoted to make me look as such. I don't have to listen to your garbage, you can try to distort the facts to make me look like a bigot all you want, it is clear that you and others are just little dogs doing tricks for a treat. I have been lost my patience on this thread and if you keep pushing that agenda, I am going to C&P all the posts, summarize, and send it to a mod. Then we'll see just how well your lies and misrepresentations stand.

Put up or shut up already. Knock yourself out and report us all you bigoted old bag. I'm sick of you complaining as much as I'm tired of your anti-semitic tropes.


New member
I was called a racist before even making such statements, and said such statements as a necessary defense after lies were being promoted to make me look as such.

After being called a racist, rather than correct yourself, apologize, and clarify, you doubled-down and made explicit the antisemitism that you'd implied previously, thus verifying the suspicions you had raised. And now you're justifying racism as if it's some sort of reasonable response to the criticism you received. You're just digging deeper.

I don't have to listen to your garbage, you can try to distort the facts to make me look like a bigot all you want, it is clear that you and others are just little dogs doing tricks for a treat. I have been lost my patience on this thread and if you keep pushing that agenda, I am going to C&P all the posts, summarize, and send it to a mod. Then we'll see just how well your lies and misrepresentations stand.

I stand by what I've said, and I don't think the mods are going to be too eager to endorse your position here, but feel free to find out. I do feel that this distraction has derailed the thread too much, but there are some comments that can't be allowed to stand without universal condemnation.


Put up or shut up already. Knock yourself out and report us all you bigoted old bag. I'm sick of you complaining as much as I'm tired of your anti-semitic tropes.

It was obvious that I was speaking of practicing Jews, and I am not apologizing because want to be willfully ignorant. Throughout this whole damn thread you all have been practically worshiping the Jews and telling blatant lies about history, even confusing the Bible itself. I went on and clarified where I stood anyway, and you all just continued to call me bigoted and racist. I've been treated like dirt all the way through these threads because you all are a bunch of attention hungry morons.
I don't care how offended you are, Granite, you've been an affront to everybody on here at some point in time, as well every other atheist who wastes away on theology site sharing their petty contempt.


New member
Hall of Fame
It was obvious that I was speaking of practicing Jews...

Dead wrong. You said "a Jew," period. No qualifiers. Just "a Jew." If that's what you meant it's certainly not what you said.

That's how it all got started, and then people started denying the Jews any responsibility for anything...

Linking what probably didn't happen two thousand years ago with people getting along with their lives today is beyond outrageous; it's beneath contempt; it's rotten to the core; and it is vile, abominable racism, plain and simple.

You're a bigot, a racist, and a disgrace.


Dead wrong. You said "a Jew," period. No qualifiers. Just "a Jew." If that's what you meant it's certainly not what you said.

It is clear that I was speaking of the context of religion, having mentioning Muslims as well who are not a race.

Linking what probably didn't happen two thousand years ago with people getting along with their lives today is beyond outrageous; it's beneath contempt; it's rotten to the core; and it is vile, abominable racism, plain and simple.

You're a bigot, a racist, and a disgrace.

Founded on what, exactly? By your purposeful misrepresentation of my statements and going on to call my factual defenses in accordance to others' obvious lies of history and reality itself as something bigoted and racist? I clarified my stance and you all still proceeded to frustrate me with repeating over and over what you have just stated through this ENTIRE thread. You are a piece of trash, and I don't care how unChristian that sounds. You and the others behind you are a bad joke. I have never been attacked so viciously on unwarranted grounds in my life, and so you all can pretty much just go to Hell for all I care.
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New member

You are either very confused or you are a liar. If you've been lead to believe Jews hate you I'm sorry.

Most Jews are atheists, I am aware of this.

There is a very big difference between "many" and "most".

The initial point I was trying to make is that such a person in office is going to have zero respect for Christianity.

Again, that isn't true.

It's not everyday one makes a post and then get viciously attacked by multiple posters for no other reason than to grandstand. I grow weary of that, it's been ever so popular for some to try and get brownie points by grandstanding when underneath they are just being dishonest and two-faced. It's the one thing that I cannot stand on forums and it thrashes my patience. There should really be some kind of rule for it, because it is far more disrespectful then what other rules do not allow.

Shall we have a pity party for you?


Shall we have a pity party for you?

There already is a pity party going on, though not for me.

Did you know that Christians now seem to agree that you are going to Heaven? Don't believe me, look at the thread. Consider yourself family :thumb:

YES, THAT IS HOW FAR PEOPLE HAVE GONE TO MAKE ME OUT OT LOOK LIKE A BIGOT. But you don't think Christians are going to be saved, do you? Because, that's right, your Jewish

Never seen such back ackwards banding together in my life just to hate on one person. You all aren't worth a nickel.


New member
Shut up, Bybee. You just find reasons to try and grandstand on me, that's all. Let someone of Judaic influence be in the highest seat in the world, and you will feel stupid for even defending it in the first place.

You, Granite and Elohiym are all thriving on a straw man which I have burned. It is obvious that I am talking about Judaism.
So all three of you can just go to Hell, trying to call me a bigot and an 'embarrassment' for caring about my religion and seeing that Judaism has no place in disrupting it.

The vulgar clot speaks
And having spoken moves on
To naked nastiness.


Never seen such back ackwards banding together in my life just to hate on one person. You all aren't worth a nickel.

Hang in there Sum1, TOL's left wing piranha's haven't been fed in awhile, they obviously see you as fresh bait.
