toldailytopic: Making guns illegal? What will you do if the government tries to take

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Well-known member
Ever seen the end of movie District 9? That's a poor imitation of what I got on the drawing board. :reals:

No, I haven't seen the movie but it sounds like I might be able to fulfill my Rambo fantasies all the while defending the Constitution. Keep me informed.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I'm working on a hand-held directed energy weapon in my garage. ::Grizzly: :burnlib: If the gubmint takes away your guns let me know. My design is superior to modern firearms. No bullets are needed, has no moving parts, and the power packs had a long shelf life. :think:

Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
For Knight, what do you mean "If". There are many laws already banning ownership in various locations in the US. Thank God the big court has recently vacated two of them for the exact same reason.

I am just glad 5 of the 9 realized thatThe right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed means the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
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The Berean

Well-known member
They can't get everyone everywhere. Sooner or later, people will starting shooting--and the ones doing the confiscating may lose their taste for the work quicker than you think.

Who was that atheist, government conspiracist, TOLer from Texas who was armed to the teeth (even carried several knives on him)? I always thought he wanted the FBI, the ATF, US Marshals, and Homeland Security to storm his house at the same time so he could go out in a blaze of glory. :CRASH: :Grizzly: :AoO:


New member
I'm okay with making guns illegal, as long as other killing tools are made illegal, too. I'll gladly cast my vote for making guns illegal, if the following are on the list, as well:
  • Cars
  • Knives
  • Rocks
  • Big sticks
  • Pointy cowboy boots
  • Coffee tables with corners
  • Ledges of buildings
  • Pillows
  • Saran Wrap
  • Duct Tape
  • Rat poison
  • Gasoline
  • Matches
  • Rope
  • Heavy books
  • Pipes
  • Nails
  • Tailpipes
  • Water
  • Dirt
  • Hammers
  • Bats
  • Axes
  • Hatchets
  • Table saws
  • Electricity
  • Bad people
  • Lamps
  • Dumbbells
  • Pencils
  • Glass
  • Empty syringes
  • Concrete
  • Big socks
  • Extension cords
  • Scissors
Works for me!

can I add casts? I am currently wearing one due to a broken wrist. I call it "open carry" :Shimei:


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Tommy says he'll be waiting for you at his construction site by the docks. Something about him being busy mixing some fresh cement.

Well....yeah, we need it to build the foundation for the fish market we are opening. That was a picture of some of the new stock coming in from the boats......whay what did you think it was? :)

The Berean

Well-known member
Well....yeah, we need it to build the foundation for the fish market we are opening. That was a picture of some of the new stock coming in from the boats......whay what did you think it was? :)

Dinner of course. :chew: You know that's Frankie Five-Fingers' favorite fish...


New member
how can you ban something that people know how to make?

People can grow marijuana, "marry" who/whatever they want, drive faster than the speed limit, print their own money, etc. yet these are banned. People are inclined to liberty, they will do what they want to do, no matter what, which is why the aggressive hand of the state is so pointless in my mind. I hate the idea of a government for this very reason.

The fact is that banning/outlawing anything that doesn't directly hurt or end someone's life or hinder someone's liberty to do what they want is immoral, inefficient, and just plain pointless.

I've spoken with a few police officers about the whole gun confiscation thing, and all of them said they wouldn't do it. If ordered by their superior to go house to house taking guns, they would quit, and probably fight for their own right to keep their guns. Think about it--Granite and others have already brought up that trying to take someone's guns away is practically a death sentence. Would you like to go house to house forcefully demanding that gun owners hand you their guns? No, thank you.


TOL Subscriber
I've spoken with a few police officers about the whole gun confiscation thing, and all of them said they wouldn't do it. If ordered by their superior to go house to house taking guns, they would quit, and probably fight for their own right to keep their guns. Think about it--Granite and others have already brought up that trying to take someone's guns away is practically a death sentence. Would you like to go house to house forcefully demanding that gun owners hand you their guns? No, thank you.

A few may actually give up their job over something like this but not many.

If it happens, there will be a grace period people will have to turn over their weapons, after that, any one that is still in possession of a weapon will be in violation of the law.

Once the grace period is over, if law enforcement learns of illegal weapons are being held by citizens then the officers will take what ever action the law requires.

Each individual will need to decide if keeping illegal weapons is worth loosing personal freedom (jail time) over, those that have families and or other responsibilities will not risk loosing everything they have in order to keep their weapons. They will make the trade off, the right to bear arms in order to stay out of jail and continue with their lives!

For those that decide to retain their weapons, they will be weeded out over time by law enforcement and or the military.

IF, the Constitutional Right to bear arms is over thrown by our government, the only hope of turning it around would be an armed revolution.

I'm not sure there are enough people left in this country willing to risk everything to stop a gun ban once the ball gets rolling!

People are sheeple!

If you really believe in the right to bear is the time to do something...write your representatives and any one you can think of and tell them, go to town hall meetings, go to rally's and marches, let the government at all levels know of your decision!


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Thin peoples elbows! Nasty business!


You forgot the chainsaw.

And teacups. :plain:
can I add casts? I am currently wearing one due to a broken wrist. I call it "open carry" :Shimei:
Sorry I missed those obvious choices. I've added them to my list, plus a few more. Thanks! :up:

I'm okay with making guns illegal, as long as other killing tools are made illegal, too. I'll gladly cast my vote for making guns illegal, if the following are on the list, as well:
  • Cars
  • Knives
  • Rocks
  • Big sticks
  • Pointy cowboy boots
  • Coffee tables with corners
  • Ledges of buildings
  • Pillows
  • Saran Wrap
  • Duct Tape
  • Rat poison
  • Gasoline
  • Matches
  • Rope
  • Heavy books
  • Pipes
  • Nails
  • Tailpipes
  • Water
  • Dirt
  • Hammers
  • Bats
  • Axes
  • Hatchets
  • Table saws
  • Electricity
  • Bad people
  • Lamps
  • Dumbbells
  • Pencils
  • Glass
  • Empty syringes
  • Concrete
  • Big socks
  • Extension cords
  • Scissors
  • Thin folk's elbows
  • Tea cups
  • Chainsaws
  • Casts
  • CDs
  • Keyboard cords
  • Pint beer mugs
  • Clothes hangers
  • Dishwashing detergent
  • Brick walls
Works for me!


New member

To be honest I think banning guns in America would probably increase gun crime as much as legalising them here would.
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