toldailytopic: Jesus, who is He?

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Blessed is the man that......
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toldailytopic: Jesus, who is He?

Jesus . . .
  • He is the image of the invisible God
  • He is, the Way, the Truth, and the Life
  • He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last
  • He is the Great Creator who became the Savior
  • He is altogether lovely
  • He is our Salvation, Atonement, acceptable sacrifice for our sins
  • He is our Substitute for what we could not do, nor what we would do for ourselves
  • He is our High Priest
  • He is our Intercessor
  • He is the Author and Finisher of our faith
  • He is our Blessed Hope and soon coming King
  • He is our Rock, Shadow, and Shelter
  • He is the Word
  • He is our Baptizer
  • He is our Defender, Deliverer, and our Defense
  • He is our Strength in our weakness
  • He is the I am
  • He is the Bread of Heaven
  • He is the Living Water
He is our great . . .
  • Teacher and Instructor
  • Shepherd
  • Comforter
  • Burden bearer
  • Physician
  • Sympathizer
  • Provider

He who testifies to these things says, "Surely I am coming quickly." Amen.
Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
Revelation 22:20​

Son of Jack

New member
Two books I recommend on the subject, including the Trinitarian aspects:

The best book on the treatment of the Trinity and the incarnate aspects of Christ is this one:

These are quality books. This one in particular is pretty good. Bray presents a solid introduction to the topic.

Haven't personally read this one, but I've heard lots of good things about it.


Well-known member
Jesus is God with a face. He had hair and eyes, but we do not know the color. He was not from Sweden.

Hi Godrulz and others,
According to some of my research our Lord Jesus could very well have had red hair, a white but ruddy complexion, and deep blue eyes. Would you be interested in why, where, and how I came up with this description from the scriptures?

Since this thread is about - who is Jesus as our Lord, I think this discussion would fit the conversation.


Hall of Fame
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for December 9th, 2009 10:56 AM

Jesus, who is He?

Based on *my* understanding starting back from my days in Sunday School and Christian School, Jesus is the Son of God, as well as God in the flesh.


Well-known member
Based on *my* understanding starting back from my days in Sunday School and Christian School, Jesus is the Son of God, as well as God in the flesh.

I like to say Jesus is God ASSOCIATED WITH flesh... for how could an omni-present infinite God jump/fit inside of a finite body? In fact I figure that his body existed IN GOD just like the rest of our mortal bodies exist IN GOD. I think this fits the description that Jesus mentioned: I am IN the Father and HE is IN me... we are ONE. (a close association relationship)

You see, according to Colossians 1:15 the bodily image of our Lord was a created thing. It was created before any other creature... and was designed to come as the sacrificial LAMB our Savior. Colossians 1:14-15 It would naturally exist WITHIN God like the rest of our bodies.


New member
Hi Godrulz and others,
According to some of my research our Lord Jesus could very well have had red hair, a white but ruddy complexion, and deep blue eyes. Would you be interested in why, where, and how I came up with this description from the scriptures?

Since this thread is about - who is Jesus as our Lord, I think this discussion would fit the conversation.

You probably got that from descriptions about Adam and David.

Maybe you can find the references to Jesus with white hair, red eyes, and a dark tan?


Well-known member
You probably got that from descriptions about Adam and David.

Maybe you can find the references to Jesus with white hair, red eyes, and a dark tan?

Hi genuineorigninal,
Thank you so much for responding to my post.

You wrote:
You probably got that from descriptions about Adam and David.

The idea about King David is part of my clues in my research, but there is more. Now, I'd like to hear how you determined that Adam had red hair and such? I would find that evidence very interesting... especially since this is true: The image of Adam was patterned after the likeness of the original image belonging to God. Gen.1:26-27 Please share your scriptures about Adam.

However, I make my conclusions from knowing that the three super-natural males, who appeared to Abraham in Gen.18 and Gen. 19 ... were THREE images of the LORD... therefore, three Lords. Later I found the colorful description of the nazarites belonging to God, who had shown up in Sodom at the time it was to be destroyed.

By putting the super-natural men in Sodom together with God's nazarites described ... I applied the physical description to them. Now I conclude that the three of them had this appearance
... and since I believe they were come in the ONE image of God named THE LORD - Exodus 34:5.
... and since I believe that Jesus also came in the image of LORD appearing in flesh
... I also believe that this description applies to him as well.

Especially when Jesus clearly says: When you have SEEN ME (aka - The Lord Jesus) you have also SEEN The FATHER (aka - The LORD God). Since they are both The image of LORD just like the three in Gen. 18 and 19 were Lords ... they all had red hair, white but ruddy complexion, and deep blue eyes.


Well-known member
Hello again genuineoriginal,
You wrote:
Maybe you can find the references to Jesus with white hair, red eyes, and a dark tan?

I've seen those ... the bronze glowing body - white shining hair and fiery eyes. This is the glorious presence of God intensified.

I'm so excited that you believe that God has a body that he uses to appear as the presence of The LORD God, the father, and My Lord Jesus, the divine Savior! Many people do not. After all, Isaiah 43:11 tells us the truth about our Savior.


New member
Hi genuineorigninal,
Thank you so much for responding to my post.
The idea about King David is part of my clues in my research, but there is more. Now, I'd like to hear how you determined that Adam had red hair and such? I would find that evidence very interesting... especially since this is true: The image of Adam was patterned after the likeness of the original image belonging to God. Gen.1:26-27 Please share your scriptures about Adam.

However, I make my conclusions from knowing that three Lords appeared to Abraham in Gen.18 and Gen. 19 ... and then later found a colorful description of the nazarites belonging to God, who had shown up in Sodom at the time it was to be destroyed.

Putting the super-natural men together with God's nazarites in Sodom ... I applied the physical description to them. Since I believe the three of them were come in the image of THE LORD
... and since I believe that Jesus also came in the image of LORD appearing in flesh... I also believe that this description applies to him as well. Especially when Jesus clearly says: When you have SEEN ME (aka - The Lord Jesus) you have also SEEN The FATHER (aka - The LORD God). Since they are both The image of LORD just like the three in Gen. 18 and 19 were Lords ... they all had red hair, white but ruddy complexion, and deep blue eyes.

Genesis 5
2Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.​

Names are very important in the Bible.
Look at Adam's name:
Strong's H119 - 'adam
1) to be red, red
a) (Qal) ruddy (of Nazarites)
b) (Pual)​
1) to be rubbed red
2) dyed red
3) reddened​
c) (Hiphil)​
1) to cause to show red
2) to glare
3) to emit (show) redness​
d) (Hithpael)​
1) to redden
2) to grow red
3) to look red​

Genesis 2
7And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.​

God formed man ('adam) of the dust of the ground ('adamah).
God formed a red man from red dirt.

On top of this, the gene forred hair is a recessive gene, so Adam must have had the red hair gene in order to pass it on to his descendants.


Well-known member

Genesis 5
2Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.​

Names are very important in the Bible.
Look at Adam's name:
Strong's H119 - 'adam
1) to be red, red
a) (Qal) ruddy (of Nazarites)
b) (Pual)​
1) to be rubbed red
2) dyed red
3) reddened​
c) (Hiphil)​
1) to cause to show red
2) to glare
3) to emit (show) redness​
d) (Hithpael)​
1) to redden
2) to grow red
3) to look red​

Genesis 2
7And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.​

God formed man ('adam) of the dust of the ground ('adamah).
God formed a red man from red dirt.

On top of this, the gene forred hair is a recessive gene, so Adam must have had the red hair gene in order to pass it on to his descendants.

Execellent! Thank you so much for the info. Adam was formed after the likeness of the image belonging to the two favored. You know, it says that his son Seth looked just like his father Adam...

I've never thought the word Adam meant more than a term for mankind. Never thought to look up its Hebrew meaning. Can't believe that - since I am so interested in the image of God.

I took the hard road of discovering the connection between God's nazarites and the multiple Lords seen by Abraham and Lot.

Now, I am even more sure that my conclusions are correct. Some of the oldest icons of Jesus do paint him with white skin and auburn hair... so fascinating isn't it? !!!

We also know that Jesus came in the likeness of the original image of God, which was the first of all created creatures. Colossians 1:14 and Colossians 1:15.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Two books I recommend on the subject, including the Trinitarian aspects:

The best book on the treatment of the Trinity and the incarnate aspects of Christ is this one:

And if you want to go very, very, deep:


What is the world coming to? AMR is now linking in the same way he once criticized me for doing. It was unfair to assume I did not read the books I linked or that there is anything wrong with pointing people to resources vs spoon feeding long posts that no one reads.


New member
A lion is going to haunt your dreams tonight...:plain:...seriously...:noid:
Just to let you know, I didn't have any lion haunting my dreams last night. Wasn't even a nightmare. It was actually very pleasant.

Red alert: the Book of Mormon is a testament of another Jesus, not another testament of Jesus as it claims.

If you ever pursue a relationship with God, watch out for the false groups like Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons.

The Koran/Islam is also false. Don't even think about the Satanic Bible (I have had it for 30 years, but like it better in the dark garage where it belongs).
The Mormons would say the opposite. In fact, every religion will tell me to avoid every other religion "because they're false".


New member
Execellent! Thank you so much for the info. Adam was formed after the likeness of the image belonging to the two favored. You know, it says that his son Seth looked just like his father Adam...

I've never thought the word Adam meant more than a term for mankind. Never thought to look up its Hebrew meaning. Can't believe that - since I am so interested in the image of God.

I took the hard road of discovering the connection between God's nazarites and the multiple Lords seen by Abraham and Lot.

Now, I am even more sure that my conclusions are correct. Some of the oldest icons of Jesus do paint him with white skin and auburn hair... so fascinating isn't it? !!!

We also know that Jesus came in the likeness of the original image of God, which was the first of all created creatures. Colossians 1:14 and Colossians 1:15.

Glad to help.


Well-known member
Yeah, it is found in Revelation
IT is also revealed in the book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel 1:27-28

A lot happened between Gen.1 and Revelation. The invisible God visually revealed his presence within the creation repeatedly.
I get so excited whenever I see him revealed (Exodus 24:10) ... I just wonder why others don't get just as excited.
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