toldailytopic: Jesus, who is He?

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Well-known member
It think C.S. Lewis said it best: Jesus is either Lord, liar, or lunatic.

Yes, Elohiym, but do you yet fully grasp who is the LORD?
The invisible God cannot be seen ... but the LORD can be seen and can have a personal relationship with mankind.

This is why Jesus was able to say: When you have SEEN ME (the Lord Messiah/Emmanuel/Son) ... then you have SEEN the Father (the LORD Father).


There's a guy at the hotel I work at named Jesus. He's a grounds keeper, doesn't speak much English. He might not be a US citizen though.


∅2L84U;2218034 said:
Make sure you mention that when you're standing before God.


Should I also tell Zeus, Odin, Ra, Darth Vader, Bilbo Baggins and Mr. Spock the same thing should I meet them?


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Hall of Fame
I doubt your atheist claim is true, but that doesn't really matter. We don't have any first-hand documents, this does matter. I, personally, wouldn't be surprised if Jesus was a real person, but currently there aren't any first-hand documents supporting his existence. The Bible may be 100% true, but we can't rely on one source. We need at least several independent sources.

Red alert: the Book of Mormon is a testament of another Jesus, not another testament of Jesus as it claims.

If you ever pursue a relationship with God, watch out for the false groups like Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons.

The Koran/Islam is also false. Don't even think about the Satanic Bible (I have had it for 30 years, but like it better in the dark garage where it belongs).
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