toldailytopic: Is the Pope anointed by God?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
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"on this rock I will build My Church"
That's not in question. The question involves how literal he was being. If he had said upon this man I think you'd have something. I don't believe that's what he was saying at all. No protestant does that I know of.


New member
Christ compared His Church to "living" things...tree, shepherd. A living Church requires a living down to earth representative, able to keep His Church, "one" in dogma and teaching.

What "one" church fits that description?



New member
The rock is not Peter, it is Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:11 For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ
In fact, both Jesus and Peter are "rock", though in different senses. Again, I recommend a careful and thorough reading of the article cited in Post #48.

Gaudium de veritate,



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Hall of Fame
In fact, both Jesus and Peter are "rock", though in different senses. Again, I recommend a careful and thorough reading of the article cited in Post #48.

Gaudium de veritate,


Right, Jesus is Rock and Cephas (Peter) is pebble.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for March 8th, 2012 10:14 AM

toldailytopic: Is the Pope anointed by God?


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Nope. Look at the Borgias and others the have been liars and competitive and allowed terrible thing to happen.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for March 8th, 2012 10:14 AM

toldailytopic: Is the Pope anointed by God?


Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.

Really? Seriously? So gross!
NO WAY! Unless he was annointed by this little fellow at the behest of God...:devil: Kind of like He used the donkey, but not quite. Except they seem to have cut this ones ears a bit short:confused:


New member
Because according to the Calvinist everything..... every drop of water that falls, every molecule that moves, every action that man may take, was predetermined by God an eternity ago.

Admin may have problems with understanding our theological position.
And If I tried to explain it, Calvinists all over may start fainting and other such things even worse...
So I will leave the theology part to others far better at it and better qualified.

BUT ask yourselves:

Is Knight trying to reduce this to a PINBALL GAME?
And if he is - who then is the PINBALL WIZARD at playing the game?

Man? God? Who?
below with lyrics:

Or should this have gone on the music thread?
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New member
There have been past Popes that have been oppressive and wanting to convert the masses or else. Popes are like any other leaders of a group of people, some are bad and some are good.

Only God really knows the man's heart. I have known some Catholics that really had it together when it came to the message of Christ. Being Catholic, in my view, doesn't disqualify a person from being Christian. What defines a Christian is accepting the LORD Jesus as one's personal Savior. I have known a few Catholics that have done just that.

Wow this is a great post to me, the best! Thanks for posting it, Inzl.

And I have a confession to make: last night as I was praying when time to go to sleep I remembered all positions of power and authority down on man's level are possible dangers. I believe the RCC has done a wonderful job guarding who they put in this position, maybe because of times past as you touch on.

But didn't we just have a movie where a young man almost got in there who was evil and a murderer? Ewan?

Lately we on the Protestant side have had more problems with men and women getting in positions of the ravenous wolves who kill their sheep, so it does have to be remembered - the verse you said, Inzl. I shouldn't have fought it.


New member
Greetings Stu ad X (may I shorten your nick?)
And thank you, wow, very good:
...The Lutherans didn't like the term protestant. I have not read that the Reformers aren't considered or didn't consider themselves Protestants, as I'm sure they would all agree with what Fred Saunders succinctly wrote about the word Protestant:[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] "The word seems to come from pro + testari, to testify forth, or to hold forth a position on something. Its primary historical meaning has been to assert, to maintain, to proclaim solemnly or state formally."

May I add to this? It appears that in mainstream Christianity today we have the Orthodox (Greek and Russian or Eastern?) and the Catholic and the Protestant as just some sort of sorting out?

I'm a bit confused here, or you talking about Open Theism, the unsettled view, or have I totally missed the boat? :)

If you will accept the divisions I gave, then we are Protestants and Admin as an Open Ender (aka OT just as you said) is perhaps like a Pinball Player somehow? Not sure waiting to see... :eek:
The catholic Church goes back to Jesus Christ. The Roman Catholic church fell into grave error and apostasy.

Woo I hate talking about apostasy. (And I can't talk about lampstands in Revelation because I tried to do a study and it was very frustrating.)
Was Martin Luther in apostasy? He was a Catholic, wasn't he?
I fear to agree with you, Stu-X.

Human institutions may all tend to fall away or get wrong if not
injected to kick them back, is that possible?

You know I believe in Justification by faith alone, I hope you do anyway.
But to have that faith considered real when it shows its fruit, could be held, perhaps, by some? I dunno. Honestly I cannot judge these things because I want to leave them to God.

Religious leaders in Israel should have gotten it all correct after Jesus talked to them. Should've beens.. I do not understand them.

But is any so far away they cannot be brought near? Or any so near they cannot need to be brought nearer?

(Not trying to be difficult with you :eek:)


New member
To be more clear (or less perhaps) I meant "peace be upon him" Mohamed (pbuh), I don't know what you meant.

I told Alwight (in pm) I thought he was talking about Mo of the 3 Stooges since he was Curly in his avatar

He then told me he was Uncle Fester of the Addams Family...

So do y'all think Al feels like one hand clapping yet?

(And I think that is Buddhism? Or is that Confucius?)

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Why would calvinist have to say yes?

And of course, the pope, the one "they" call 'Holy Father' :vomit: is not anointed by God and is in fact an enemy of the Cross.

Jesus said "call no man father" and those God haters doubled down and went straight to "holy father". one day that beast will sit in the temple declaring himself to be god. Won't end well for him though. :D

Why would a Calvinist say yes? Simply because, Calvinists believe everything is "predestined" by the " total sovereignty" of God...Calvinists themselves are 'way off base' when it comes to the true message of God's word (The Bible)


New member
All believers are anointed by God. I John 2:27

So what the real question is this ,

is the pope a believer?


Yes indeed...and in what?
Every Pope has taken the place of God?
Every Pope has taken the place of Yahu'Shua THE Intercessor? (taking the place of God)
The Queen of Heaven? (Mary taking the place of Yahu'Shua The Intercessor)
Praying to dead people who can't answer because they SLEEP?

I reckon he believes in all that and more.
"Babylon has become a haunt of demons"...or have we forgotten in our lazy last day stupors.

Or maybe we forgot, the people who they killed were killed because they read the Bibles and went back to keeping Sabbath, and the Feast days of Yahuweh, and not men!


Oh yes, I nearly forgot...Sodomy.
And also do not forget, good works are forfeited when the Commands of YAHUWEH are not kept, or changed, or added to, or taken away. So NONE of the good they think they have done counts because it all contributed to leading those who had a chance to believe in Yahuweh, and now, because of their Popes, every last one of them, have turned them away from Yahuweh, for their own gains and the gains of the CATHOLIC CHURCH...NOT the Body of Messiah Yahu'Shua who comes in the Name of Yahuweh!

The Pope is no ones intercessor, and those who think either Mary or the Pope can intercede IN YAHU'SHUA'S PLACE? Well you are in deep slumber already.

There is only ONE INTERCESSOR...and He don't need to be sitting in a chair in Rome. ALL MEN have a direct line to HIM, Yahu'Shua, who died and now lives! AS INTERCESSOR AND HIGH PRIEST, AND Elohim. The ONE...not many.

Many, makes harlots.
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Well-known member
Calvinists would have to say yes.
Protestants would say absolutely not. (unless they are Calvinist)
Atheists would think that all Christians would say yes.
This is still a misunderstanding of at least my particular position on the matter. God has, according to me and many Arminians agree with me: a decretive and prescriptive will. One is what He wants to happen and the other is how He will use something He doesn't particularly want to happen.
For instance, even you, as an open theist, would say God had planned Christ from the get go. Such an admission, before Adam sinned, has you acquiescing that God has at least two types of will; just like the Calvinist.

So no, Protestants do not all say "absolutely" not. In fact, most don't, not even the Open Theist.