toldailytopic: If guns became illegal to own, would you comply?

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
As regards the civil war, if it was tried today I think it would create havoc at least.

However for it to become law in the US there would need to be a massive politcal and social shift.

The reason for that shift, the time it takes and how it was done would dictate how difficult enforcing the law would be.

Its was easy for the Uk to become a non handgun society, because we had been a culture with low gun ownership.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
But also many strong democracies practice stringent gun control.

How true.

Without exception, every major, horrific, dictatorial leader has made the confiscation of citizens' weapons one of their first priorities. Tyrants know that they can only push their agendas if the people cannot defend themselves and their rights.


New member
Reply or comply?

Reply or comply?

Do I reply by expending all ammo first?

Or comply by turning in said firearms? OK I will comply. A firearm is a tool. The most dangerous weapon is your mind. Buy some old Civil Defense brochures, Poor Man's Almanac, Poor James Bond and learn other things than a firearm. Things that go boom can and will do bigger damage.:cool:


TOL Subscriber
:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: Oh yeah, I'd be first in line to give up my guns :rotfl::rotfl: right after they buried me!


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
In the old days I'd agree with you here. However totalitarianism has gotten increasingly sophisticated (I'd argue we're already a police state in everything but name) and it's not necessary to do it like the old days. It's subtler. What's worse: having a government outright disarm you, or having a government so deeply entrenched, so powerful and corrupt, that it doesn't need to even bother? Let the serfs keep their guns--they don't pose a real threat.


Yeah...I've been pondering this concept myself. :plain:

Nathon Detroit

Absolutely not. Gun ownership is too engrained in this country, probably more so than any other in the world, for people just to meekly hand over their weapons. Some would. The vast majority wouldn't even consider it.
I hope you are right.

Part of me think's that the majority in this country have lost all sense as to what America is all about.

I have now doubt there would be a strong resistance from the minority of patriots but would it be enough?


New member
Hall of Fame
I hope you are right.

Part of me think's that the majority in this country have lost all sense as to what America is all about.

I have now doubt there would be a strong resistance from the minority of patriots but would it be enough?

I think so. There are enough gun owners who'd go down fighting. We'd be looking at a Waco-type situation virtually every week. Authorities would have to wonder if it's worth it; the loss of life would be enormous; and besides, gun control is intensely unpopular nationwide.

The only way it'd work would be in the wake of a martial law declaration, and at that point, all bets are off. Even then, with people more frightened than usual, trying to round up weapons would be a logistical nightmare. There are too many firearms, too many owners, and too much ammo for nationwide confiscation to ever be practical.


Well-known member
We don't need guns.
The government will protect us.
Guns are sly coniving low-lifes and ya' can't trust their motives....ever.

That's why I keep mine close at all times, so's I can keep it under control.

'Gun Control' is hitting what you aim to.

The Berean

Well-known member
Absolutely not. Gun ownership is too engrained in this country, probably more so than any other in the world, for people just to meekly hand over their weapons. Some would. The vast majority wouldn't even consider it.

Plus, if it was a matter of authorities going to house to house, well...I'd say after about a week there'd be very few takers for that job. Enforcement would be simply impossible.

Yeah, I like to see the "authorities" try to take guns away from the Bloods and the Crips! :chuckle:


New member
In the old days I'd agree with you here. However totalitarianism has gotten increasingly sophisticated (I'd argue we're already a police state in everything but name) and it's not necessary to do it like the old days. It's subtler. What's worse: having a government outright disarm you, or having a government so deeply entrenched, so powerful and corrupt, that it doesn't need to even bother? Let the serfs keep their guns--they don't pose a real threat.


That appears to be the case in Syria.


New member
Hall of Fame
I think this is one of those issues that might actually cause a civil war in this country (if the government tried to confiscate all guns).

Or... would the people just lay down and let it happen thinking "oh... it's not that big of a deal"?


If it did cause a civil war in this country, I know which side would win.

:listen:'s the side that chose to keep their weapons.


Well-known member

(Lifetime NRA member)


And if they tried to come and get them I would immediately report them all stolen. Just an hour ago. Right. I was no where around when it happened.

The Horn

I've never used or owned guns, and as far as I am concerned, the likelihood of the US government ever making guns illegal ,let alone
sending government agents to confiscate people's firearms is about
on a par with the Pope becoming pro-choice .
The gun lobby, right-wing politicos ,celebrities and bloggers etc,
have been spreading the urban legend that there's asinister commie government plot to confiscate everybody's guns as part of a commie taker . If you believe this, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you .