toldailytopic: I get sad when I see...

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I got really sad the other day when I was driving home for work. I passed underneath an overpass, and there was a man on the side of the road with a sign: "Homeless. I need food, please."


I find it curious that nobody answered: "Traditio's rantings about the inevitibility of death and the futility of life." :squint:


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The TOPIC OF THE DAY for September 29th, 2010 09:21 AM

toldailytopic: I get sad when I see...

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I get sad when I see me in the mirror. I am gittin so old, I don't even look in the mirror anymore. I had a nightmare once, and I was so old in the dream it skeered me. Well, now I wish I looked as young as I did in the nightmare. But I rejoice that I still have days left to serve Him. Praise the Lord!
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I get sad when I see people who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

The sadness turns to strength, knowing that spreading the Word of God is not for the weak.


TOL Subscriber
I get sad when I see me in the mirror. I am gittin so old, I don't even look in the mirror anymore. I had a nightmare once, and I was so old in the dream it skeered me. Well, now I wish I looked as young as I did in the nightmare. But I rejoice that I still have days left to serve Him. Praise the Lord!

Sympathies, firon . . . I am turning 70 soon, and having to face the reality of "old age" even though I rarely feel any different than I was at 35 yrs.

Of course, that old nasty mirror does "skeer" us, but we must remember to rejoice that what years are left will be reserved for His service, and when we are finally in His presence, "years" will not count against the glorious bodies we will be given in His kingdom!



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When I log on and discover "The Word" is not yet red!

Funny, I came to this thread because I saw your handle, lol. You did! Say what I thought you might say, lol! I agree. That's a bit much coming from me, but at least I utilize Scripture to say what needs to be said. Shoot, I know my own words won't count.

I get sad when I see somebody taking the place of Yah, calling themself "the word of god", like he is the Son of Yah! No, sad isn't the word I have in my head, but it came first. My hatred of evil is growing like it was watered by Yah Himself. The guy is definitely "smoke in my nostrils"!


Well-known member
Reading about women who have to carry jugs through the desert to collect water that is unfit to drink, but they have no choice because of their corrupt goverments. The alteration of the genetics of the food, the lack of constitutional americans with a backbone, fake oil shortages.
The rush to obtain the latest trinkets that will end up in the landfill, the fact that we can, and could build houses that need little energy to heat or cool them, the fact that people think they really own their home, my own lack of civility at times to others, my oldest daughter having a rare blood disorder so young in life that she hast to have blood takin out to keep it under control, the list is to long to describe all the injustice, and greed found on the planet.

Thank God for the hope beyond this worlds failures which can be obtained by all! rich or poor, slave or free.


The Dark Knight
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People who think they know Christ and don't.

I find it curious that nobody answered: "Traditio's rantings about the inevitibility of death and the futility of life." :squint:
Because none of us are capable of feeling sad for you.


New member


People who think they know Christ and don't.

Because none of us are capable of feeling sad for you.

I've lived 73 years and hope to live some more! Life is a gift from our loving God. I never look a gift horse in the mouth!
The world is filled with wondrous things. The little daily miracles of kindness and healing, of learning and teaching, especially moments of sharing with family and friends.
A young man with angst is boring!


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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I am saddened when I see Christians saying things like God want you dead and claiming that it is the most loving thing they can do. In my experience, this show of "Christian Love" does more to harden a heart against God rather than open it to Him and that makes me sad.


The Dark Knight
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Hall of Fame
I am saddened when I see Christians saying things like God want you dead and claiming that it is the most loving thing they can do. In my experience, this show of "Christian Love" does more to harden a heart against God rather than open it to Him and that makes me sad.
What if someone tells you God would rather you die than to continue in such deep depravity, for death would truly be better than to live a long life in such a cesspool?

Frank Ernest

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What if someone tells you God would rather you die than to continue in such deep depravity, for death would truly be better than to live a long life in such a cesspool?
That someone would be seriously wrong. How could any such person know the mind of God? Matthew 7:1-2 (KJV)


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
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That someone would be seriously wrong. How could any such person know the mind of God? Matthew 7:1-2 (KJV)
As I've told you before, you need to read the rest of what Jesus had to say in that speech. As it stands now you look like a fool.

A murderer is better off dead than if he were to continue to murder. Those who would be his victims will be better off if he is dead.

And he would be much better off if he accepted Christ before his death.

The same applies to anyone who commits acts so deviant and depraved that they are lost in sickness.

God said so. Who are you ti disagree?

Frank Ernest

New member
Hall of Fame
As I've told you before, you need to read the rest of what Jesus had to say in that speech. As it stands now you look like a fool.
Matthew 5:22 (KJV)
A murderer is better off dead than if he were to continue to murder. Those who would be his victims will be better off if he is dead.
Genesis 4:15 (KJV)
And he would be much better off if he accepted Christ before his death.
I'm sure that applies to everyone.
The same applies to anyone who commits acts so deviant and depraved that they are lost in sickness.

God said so. Who are you ti disagree?
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