toldailytopic: How old is the earth?


New member
You can't use current rates of change to project time back that far. You cannot assume things have always been as they are today. There are no other dating methods to cross check things older than a few million years. There are methods to cross check for relatively younger items and they do match but that could be because the rate of decay could have decayed itself over time to where the more recently aged items have an accurate radiometric date as a result of decays rates close to that of today.
Unlike you and possibly genuineoriginal I credit scientists for having ability, knowledge and a reasonable common sense in what they profess to be expert in. Perhaps I'm wrong but without presenting your own theory based on evidence you are surely not going to persuade me of a thing by presuming that what seems to be constant now perhaps, might, could, have been different back then, which in your opinion is only a million years or so which is nothing in geological time as I understand it.

Your latter comment only applies to those who insist on a 6000 year old earth. I don't, in fact it's quite impossible. All I am saying there is no good reason to believe it is as old as 4.5 billions years besides radiometry. Things such as rates of mountain building and erosion do not demand such an old age. In fact, there are other evidence such as ocean salt or other chemistries that suggest a much younger age.....and I mean not anywhere in the ballpark of 4.5 billion years.
I rather think it's taken quite a while for you to even accept the period of time you do now, I feel if you could find a way for it to be conceivably only 6000 years you probaly would take it. But astrophysics, genetics, geology, light from other galaxies says you're wrong, what exactly says you're right?:think:


The following is my assessment after watching the potholer54 video.

Carbon dating accurately measure ages of young objects. it does show the geological column is in the right order but not the ages given to it.
All dating based on radioactive decay will correctly measure relative ages( what is older or younger than another). This does not mean the absolute age given is even in the ballpark though. All the ages can be in the right order but still magnitudes of order greater than reality. The DNA method shows man coming out of africa 50,000 years ago and is said to match radiometric ages. Match within less than 500 years? If so, you have something; if not, you haven't shown anything. All this does is confirm that more recent the actual age, the more accurate the C14 or other methods are. If the earth is one million years old and the decay rate has been decaying assymptotically ever since then, the rate will be very close to today's rates for objects measured that are 50,000 years old. As for the paleomagnetic dating, they state the earth's magnetic field flips every 250,000 years. Other than radiometrically dating the layers that have flipped, how do they know it flips at that rate? If there is no corroborating evidence for that, it is circular reasoning. He goes on to discuss other radiometric methods such as potassium argon, but what does this prove? All dating methods are based on radioactive decay. If decay was accelerated in the past, all radioactive elements would all be accelerated by the same amount. They would all give similar ages for the same rocks. So far, no convincing evidence for the accuracy of the absolute age of billions of years. Of course the rate at which continents moves gives us a date that matches the radiometric evidence. Those continents moved faster when the decay rate was faster and slower when the decay rate was slower. Why? Because, a faster decay rate means more heat generated and more heat generated makes for a more fluid athenosphere which makes for faster continental movement.He states that climatic bands in the sedimentary rocks match with the wobble of the earth. I have seen where this really isn't true, at least for the green river formation. If they really do have a match somewhere else in the world, I would be glad to see it. A yearly deposition of layers that can vary widely from year to year is a much more reasonable interpretation of the sedimentary layers.


New member
As I said earlier, there are different dating methods that can produce similar results for relatively young ages. Show me a method that corroborates 4.5 billion years and I'm all ears.
Why meteorites were used

An age of 4.55 ± 1.5% billion years, very close to today's accepted age, was determined by C.C. Patterson using uranium-lead isotope dating (specifically lead-lead dating) on several meteorites including the Canyon Diablo meteorite and published in 1956.[25]...

...Some meteorites are furthermore considered to represent the primitive material from which the accreting solar disk was formed.[26] Some have behaved as closed systems (for some isotopic systems) soon after the solar disk and the planets formed. To date, these assumptions are supported by much scientific observation and repeated isotopic dates, and it is certainly a more robust hypothesis than that which assumes a terrestrial rock has retained its original composition.
Nevertheless, ancient Archaean lead ores of galena have been used to date the formation of Earth as these represent the earliest formed lead-only minerals on the planet and record the earliest homogeneous lead-lead isotope systems on the planet. These have returned age dates of 4.54 billion years with a precision of as little as 1% margin for error.[27]...

...The Canyon Diablo [meteorite] date has been backed up by hundreds of other dates, from both terrestrial samples and other meteorites.[29] The meteorite samples, however, show a spread from 4.53 to 4.58 billion years ago. This is interpreted as the duration of formation of the solar nebula and its collapse into the solar disk to form the Sun and the planets. This 50 million year time span allows for accretion of the planets from the original solar dust and meteorites.


Unlike you and possibly genuineoriginal I credit scientists for having ability, knowledge and a reasonable common sense in what they profess to be expert in.

I credit them with the same. That doesn't mean they are right. Science always corrects itself. Right now, the evidence shows them this based on a few assumptions. The creationists question the assumptions; most scientists don't. This doesn't mean they don't have ability and knowledge and common sense. All scientists in the past had the same qualities, and sometimes , much later, they turned out to be wrong.

Perhaps I'm wrong but without presenting your own theory based on evidence you are surely not going to persuade me of a thing by presuming that what seems to be constant now perhaps, might, could, have been different back then, which in your opinion is only a million years or so which is nothing in geological time as I understand it.

All I am saying, is that there is no corroborating evidence for the earth being billions of years old. We have evidence for the method being accurate for the very recent past, but none for the very distant past. What theory do you want me to present? All I'm saying is that the 4.5 billion year figure is based on scant evidence and assumption. If you make a claim for a specific age, it's up to you to make a case for it. It's not up to me to disprove it. As for uniformitarianism, on what basis is there to assume that what happens at a certain rate, has always happened at that rate? The climate was vastly different in the past. We don't assume the climate of today was the same millions of years ago; why assume other phenomena were?

I rather think it's taken quite a while for you to even accept the period of time you do now, I feel if you could find a way for it to be conceivably only 6000 years you probably would take it.

There is no conceivable way the earth could be 6000 years old. Tree dendrochronology alone proves that. Ice layers are another. DNA is another. Erosion rates and mountain building rates absolutely rule it out.

But astrophysics, genetics, geology, light from other galaxies says you're wrong, what exactly says you're right?:think:

They say I'm wrong about what? ..Less than a million years? If so, I would be glad to see it. That video certainly didn't show it.

Four O'Clock

New member
I'm a Christian but I'm pretty convinced that the earth is older than 6,015 years.
IMO the Bible is VERY historically accurate. I always cite the book of Acts as compelling evidence among much of the Old Testament writings.
But I have a hard time swallowing the literal interpretations of many on board here that Adam/Eve/Abraham/Moses, etc...had to watch themselves leaving their homes in the morning so as not to get squashed by a T-Rex or a Triceratops....
Perhaps the billions theory needs to be looked at...
But millions of years may have some validity.
"The Lord works in strange and mysterious ways"


alwight said:
Why meteorites were used

An age of 4.55 ± 1.5% billion years, very close to today's accepted age, was determined by C.C. Patterson using uranium-lead isotope dating (specifically lead-lead dating) on several meteorites including the Canyon Diablo meteorite and published in 1956.[25]...

...Some meteorites are furthermore considered to represent the primitive material from which the accreting solar disk was formed.[26] Some have behaved as closed systems (for some isotopic systems) soon after the solar disk and the planets formed. To date, these assumptions are supported by much scientific observation and repeated isotopic dates, and it is certainly a more robust hypothesis than that which assumes a terrestrial rock has retained its original composition.
Nevertheless, ancient Archaean lead ores of galena have been used to date the formation of Earth as these represent the earliest formed lead-only minerals on the planet and record the earliest homogeneous lead-lead isotope systems on the planet. These have returned age dates of 4.54 billion years with a precision of as little as 1% margin for error.[27]...

...The Canyon Diablo [meteorite] date has been backed up by hundreds of other dates, from both terrestrial samples and other meteorites.[29] The meteorite samples, however, show a spread from 4.53 to 4.58 billion years ago. This is interpreted as the duration of formation of the solar nebula and its collapse into the solar disk to form the Sun and the planets. This 50 million year time span allows for accretion of the planets from the original solar dust and meteorites.

This is all radiometric dating. I asked you for corroborating evidence and you give me more radiometric dating. I assume then that you have no corroborating evidence.


New member
I hope what I actually said will be read by others from the actual posts rather than from your own dishonest mis-characterisation here.
The data seen is the same, but it is the preconceptions that lead to it being interpreted differently, just like the words in our posts.
Unlike you and possibly genuineoriginal I credit scientists for having ability, knowledge and a reasonable common sense in what they profess to be expert in.

I credit scientists with having a worldview that affects their ability to interpret the data in any matter that disagrees with the worldview they hold.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
:thumb: Well said. I believe the earth to be several billion years. I am open to compelling evidence to the contrary.
I have one line of compelling evidence that says it is less than 1.2 billion years old. :)


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
So that would mean then that scientists and me are all a bit thick? :(
While otoh most YEC however are free to believe in a literal Genesis version of creation happily unencumbered by any annoying inconvenient real world facts and evidence. :)

Most scientists are self-deluded.
You are a bit thick.
Ya beat me to it, go.

Just because someone deludes themselves does not mean they are thick, it only means they ignore any evidence that refutes their beliefs and they demand that their evidence supports them when it doesn't necessarily do so.

However, the fact that you came up with that question based on genuineoriginal's post does show that you are thick, alwight.

I'm a Christian but I'm pretty convinced that the earth is older than 6,015 years.
IMO the Bible is VERY historically accurate. I always cite the book of Acts as compelling evidence among much of the Old Testament writings.
But I have a hard time swallowing the literal interpretations of many on board here that Adam/Eve/Abraham/Moses, etc...had to watch themselves leaving their homes in the morning so as not to get squashed by a T-Rex or a Triceratops....
Or a brontosaurus... oh, wait, those didn't exist. :think:

:listen:psst... neither did triceratops, technically speaking.


Active member
This is always such a painful merry-go-round, with YECs picking apart everything they can find, while providing literally no proof for their own theories. Because there isn't much too it beyond "I believe it because I believe the Bible, from beginning to end, is the literal word of God". That is a legitimate position, but not one to begin a scientific theory.

some other dude

New member
How Long Would It Take the Moon to Recede from Earth to Its Present Position?

"...if the Moon began orbiting very near the Earth, it would move to its present position in only 1.2 billion years. Stated another way, if we could run time backwards, in 1.2 billion years the Moon would be so close to Earth that ocean tides would sweep over all mountains."




Active member


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame

:surf: :D

This is always such a painful merry-go-round, with YECs picking apart everything they can find, while providing literally no proof for their own theories. Because there isn't much too it beyond "I believe it because I believe the Bible, from beginning to end, is the literal word of God". That is a legitimate position, but not one to begin a scientific theory.

And we know the moon would have been around 1.2 billion years ago because we were there to observe it, right?

Nice backflip, PH.

It is atheists who propose a 4.5 billion year old Earth-Moon system. You're not going to tag along with popular theory this time?


Active member
:surf: :D


Nice backflip, PH.

It is atheists who propose a 4.5 billion year old Earth-Moon system. You're not going to tag along with popular theory this time?

For all I know the moon is made out of sentient cheese created by aliens to watch bird migratory patterns 1 year before I was born. I doubt it, but for all I know...

At this point it may be worth noting I don't know jack squat about the moon. But I also know is that if the moon has been around 4.5 billion years, 99.99999% of those years the variables are unknown due to lack of time machines (Hopefully they will fix this)


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
For all I know the moon is made out of sentient cheese
Great! Glad we sorted that out. :up:

Now we know that when you go on rants like this:
This is always such a painful merry-go-round, with YECs picking apart everything they can find, while providing literally no proof for their own theories. Because there isn't much too it beyond "I believe it because I believe the Bible, from beginning to end, is the literal word of God". That is a legitimate position, but not one to begin a scientific theory.
...we can safely ignore you.