toldailytopic: Has our society become too politically correct?

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Dead wrong. They get their money from various charities, institutions, trusts, grants, and from listeners. You have an axe to grind for no reason whatsoever.

Washington, DC -- A spokesman has confirmed that South Carolina Republican U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint plans to introduce legislation to end federal funding for NPR.
Um.......if they get no money from the government, then why is Sen DeMint introducing legislation to end the funding?

Apparently you know something Sen. DeMint doesn't.


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Washington, DC -- A spokesman has confirmed that South Carolina Republican U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint plans to introduce legislation to end federal funding for NPR.

Um.......if they get no money from the government, then why is Sen DeMint introducing legislation to end the funding?

Apparently you know something Sen. DeMint doesn't.

I didn't say they get no tax dollars. Are you even reading my posts?

I said that two percent of NPR's funding comes from tax dollars. Which makes your claim that it would fold with government funds absolutely ridiculous. DeMint's posturing is classic headline-grabbing theatrics.

Seriously: you are complaining for no good reason at all. Read some of Alate's posts too.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Washington, DC -- A spokesman has confirmed that South Carolina Republican U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint plans to introduce legislation to end federal funding for NPR.

Um.......if they get no money from the government, then why is Sen DeMint introducing legislation to end the funding?

Apparently you know something Sen. DeMint doesn't.

It's called political grandstanding, Tet. They all do it. Doesn't signify anything.

Here's a link to a funding breakdown on FactCheck. :e4e:


It's called political grandstanding, Tet. They all do it. Doesn't signify anything.

Here's a link to a funding breakdown on FactCheck. :e4e:

You should really consider a neutral site for your sources.

From your NPR site:

“The largest share of NPR funding comes from its member stations.”

If you look at the pie chart from your link, NPR gets 40% of its funding from these member stations.

Well, guess where the member stations get their money?

Answer: Most of it comes from federal funding

NPR isn’t even honest enough to say they “indirectly” get the largest source of thier funding from federal funding.

As I stated earlier, the government gives millions of dollars to the member stations. NPR in turn charges the member stations a fee.

Therefore, NPR indirectly gets most of its money from taxpayer money.

The federal government does not fund other local radio stations, just the ones that are affiliated to NPR

Without the federal funding, NPR and the local member stations would all go out of business just like Air America.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm not sure what twisted your underwear this morning, Tet, but you're being deliberately unreasonable. And this nonsense is derailing a perfectly good thread.


I didn't say they get no tax dollars. Are you even reading my posts?

I said that two percent of NPR's funding comes from tax dollars. Which makes your claim that it would fold with government funds absolutely ridiculous. DeMint's posturing is classic headline-grabbing theatrics.

Seriously: you are complaining for no good reason at all. Read some of Alate's posts too.

From Wikipedia:

According to the 2005 financial statement, NPR makes just over half of its money from the fees and dues it charges member stations to receive programming. Public funding accounts for 16% of the average member station's revenue.

Do the math, this comes to a lot more than the 2% NPR is dishonestly claiming they get in federal funding.

Also, the over 800 member stations don’t have to pay real estate taxes and corporate income taxes like the other radio stations do.

Indirectly NPR gets hundreds of millions of dollars from the federal government. Without this money NPR and the member stations would all go out of business just like Air America.


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According to the 2005 financial statement, NPR makes just over half of its money from the fees and dues it charges member stations to receive programming. Public funding accounts for 16% of the average member station's revenue.

Well I read the entire article, Tet, as well as NPR's own FAQ section, and it puts a lie to your "math" and your attempt to justify the burr up your backside. For an outfit with regular pledge drives they sure some awfully eager to raise money especially if, as you seem to be saying, they really don't have to.

Without this money NPR and the member stations would all go out of business just like Air America.

Yeah, you've said that twice now, I think. Which doesn't make it any more true. You're wasting a lot of time here on a complete non-issue.


I'm not sure what twisted your underwear this morning, Tet, but you're being deliberately unreasonable. And this nonsense is derailing a perfectly good thread.

I'm giving you facts about NPR that show they only remain in business because they are given large amounts of tax payer money.

My problem with this is that I don't like my money going to far left radical progressive liberals who are trying to eliminate free speach in this country under the guise of "political correctness."


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I'm giving you facts about NPR that show they only remain in business because they are given large amounts of tax payer money.

...which is completely bogus, as a few other people have already pointed out. If you're going to be this thick-headed we might as well try to talk about something else.

My problem with this is that I don't like my money going to far left radical progressive liberals who are trying to eliminate free speach in this country under the guise of "political correctness."

And I don't like my money getting spent on thermonuclear weaponry or foreign aid to countries that hate our guts. Guess we both have something to gripe about.


...which is completely bogus, as a few other people have already pointed out. If you're going to be this thick-headed we might as well try to talk about something else.

Why don't you tell us how much money NPR gets from the federal government each year?

Please remember to factor in the amount the over 800 member stations pay to NPR that comes from federal money to the member stations in addition to the money the government directly gives to NPR.

Don't worry about all the tax money the over 800 members and NPR don't pay for now.

According to this CBS News article the member stations of NPR received 93 million dollars from the federal governement for 2010.

Of course not all of that 93 million went back to NPR in member fees, but millions of it did, and the rest remained with the member stations.

AGAIN, take away the 93 million, and all the member stations along with NPR would go out of business.


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Why don't you tell us how much money NPR gets from the federal government each year?

They don't get a dime directly and receive 2% of their funding from tax dollars. At this rate no matter how often someone explains this I doubt you'll care.

AGAIN, take away the 93 million, and all the member stations along with NPR would go out of business.

You keep saying this like it means something.

Are you complaining about this just because you want something to complain about?


They don't get a dime directly and receive 2% of their funding from tax dollars. At this rate no matter how often someone explains this I doubt you'll care.

Did you read the article that TH linked?

It clearly showed that NPR gets 40% of its money from local member stations. Wikipedia said that they get 50% of their money from local member stations.

Then in the CBS News article that I linked, it clearly showed that the local member stations received 93 million dollars from the federal government.

Why is this hard for you to understand?


New member
Hall of Fame
It clearly showed that NPR gets 40% of its money from local member stations. Wikipedia said that they get 50% of their money from local member stations.

Okay, so half of its monies come from local stations...

Then in the CBS News article that I linked, it clearly showed that the local member stations received 93 million dollars from the federal government.

...and those stations get money from the government. Which nobody here has denied. What would make any of this matter at all is if the $93 million accounted for most of NPR's dollars. This has nothing whatsoever to do with Williams's firing, by the way. You just seem to want to be contrary, for whatever reason.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
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Your boss is a girl :chuckle:........Is that politically correct?
Should I care? That isn't why she got the job. It also isn't the reason she should no longer have it.

Is she black?
Yup. she a Muslim?
Christian. Do you think if she was Muslim she would have needed to ask what theonomy is?

.......Is she a lesbian?
Nope. Married to a man and pregnant with her fourth child, their third.

.......Is she hot?


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Hall of Fame
Christian. Do you think if she was Muslim she would have needed to ask what theonomy is?

Most Christians aren't familiar with the word, let alone the thinking. Tough guy.


New member
Did you read the article that TH linked?

It clearly showed that NPR gets 40% of its money from local member stations. Wikipedia said that they get 50% of their money from local member stations.

Then in the CBS News article that I linked, it clearly showed that the local member stations received 93 million dollars from the federal government.

Why is this hard for you to understand?

Ah, you want the government to cut all funding to all NPR affiliates because NPR fired a problem employee who didn't want to abide by company policy.

Sorry, I didn't realize how ridiculous your argument was until just now.

And, for being ridiculous, I am going to pull the john w lever and unleash a rant against you. Muhahaha

john w said:
"since none of you guys can control yourselves."

The wounded soul act. Typical. And yet you, being the gutless wimp that you are, posted this Robocop trash, w/o checking out the facts? How would you feel if I posted something about your wife and kids, that I had read, w/o checking the facts? Well? How about I go back, oh, say, 5 years, and do some "surface" checking on them?

Now, post your picture, give me the web address of your "the church," and provide me your full, legal name. You have mine. Now. You accused me, and I am going to check you out, chump, despite your wining. What are you trying to hide? You brought this up, and I will pursue this.

Repeating-I am not asking for an apology. Your only "out," to "save face"(I use to be a negotiator). Delete your post. If not, provide me the info I demand. I'm calling you on this. I am not the drones, in your "the church."

Hawkeye to Radar: "You sissy."

Let's go.


What, you didn't know I had a john w lever? :D


New member
At work the other day I told my boss I believed in theonomy, so she asked me what it was. I explained it to here a little bit, and mentioned murder should be illegal and they should be executed. And To add a kicker I told her I thought the same in regard to adultery. A customer overheard us and told one of my co-workers that I needed to shut my [censored] mouth, that he didn't come into our store to spend 50 dollars a week to hear my political opinions. Then I guess he said something to my boss. When she told me I needed to be careful I asked if she offered him a tissue.

You should have been fired on the spot. If that was my shop, you would have picked your stuff and went home that very second.

Theonomists should receive the same treatment as Islamists: They should be exposed, discredited, vilified, fired from their jobs and publically ridiculed and shamed.

If they actually attempt to enforce their rules on anyone, they should get treated as the Taliban are.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Proponents of theocracy should be dealt with firmly and without any shade of mercy, no matter what their particular religion is. Either we eradicate religious fascism or we don't.

Fighting islamofascism while being cozy to christofascism is a deeply flawed strategy.
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Ah, you want the government to cut all funding to all NPR affiliates because NPR fired a problem employee who didn't want to abide by company policy.

Nope. I want the government to cut out all funding to all NPR stations because NPR has a liberal bias.

What, you didn't know I had a john w lever? :D

Johnny W sometimes forgets to take his meds.
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