toldailytopic: Gun control. Should there be any limit to the type of gun or weapon th

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I'm guessing if I did that here, the cops would stop me, even though it is perfectly legal.

However, there was an open carry walk in Indianapolis earlier this year and many of them brought loaded rifles and there were no problems.

In Indiana, we don't have concealed weapon permits - they are carry permits; with a carry permit, you can carry your firearm however you like - open or concealed, anywhere you want. Trouble is, if we cross the border into either Ohio or Illinois, we're breaking the law - they won't accept our permit :sigh:


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In Indiana, we don't have concealed weapon permits - they are carry permits; with a carry permit, you can carry your firearm however you like - open or concealed, anywhere you want. Trouble is, if we cross the border into either Ohio or Illinois, we're breaking the law - they won't accept our permit :sigh:

The gubernment sure does like to keep us in nice, neat little boxes, do they not? :bang:


Well-known member
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In Indiana, we don't have concealed weapon permits - they are carry permits; with a carry permit, you can carry your firearm however you like - open or concealed, anywhere you want. Trouble is, if we cross the border into either Ohio or Illinois, we're breaking the law - they won't accept our permit :sigh:

In that case, I would assume you have to go south! I'm sure Kentucky and Tennessee have complementary allowances? Here, I am able to swing south, into Tennessee, across that state into Georgia, no problems.:wave:

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
In Indiana, we don't have concealed weapon permits - they are carry permits; with a carry permit, you can carry your firearm however you like - open or concealed, anywhere you want. Trouble is, if we cross the border into either Ohio or Illinois, we're breaking the law - they won't accept our permit :sigh:

In violation of constitutional law.

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.


New member
In that case, I would assume you have to go south! I'm sure Kentucky and Tennessee have complementary allowances? Here, I am able to swing south, into Tennessee, across that state into Georgia, no problems.:wave:

Yep, that's what we do, but remember the southern border of Indiana is the Ohio River. There aren't that many roads that cross, and one of the main ones we like to use actually nips into Ohio for 5 or 10 miles of road :shut: The Ohio state cops love to stop speeders too, so we have to be very careful on that stretch ;)


New member
In violation of constitutional law.

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

Totally agree. Who is it - some famous, rich guy - who carries around a copy of the Bill of Rights as his gun permit? I love that :) I hope someday he gets a gun violation so that the whole mess can be cleared up for good in the Supreme Court :up:


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My husband was accidentally shot, and I was nearly a young widow, because of some idiot, who bought a gun on the streets, and knew nothing about gun safety. Limiting the amount of guns one can own solves nothing, as it only takes one, to injure or kill. People should be required to take a more thorough background check and an exam for a license to own a gun, just as a license to drive. If I were confronted face-to-face with an intruder in my home, I still could not pull a trigger...but that's just me! I don't have answers, but I know better gun control is needed.

This is always a tradgity; however bear in mind, purchasing a gun 'on the street' is quite an attitude distance from obtaining one legally, even at gun shows, where the law allows, makes quite a difference. As a past instructor in handgun safety, bear in mind, there is quite a difference between owing a weapon legally and being responsible for undertaking ownership. Telling you this will most likely not change your attitude, yet be assured, there are persons who know how to handle firearms safely.
I am most sorry about your misfortune and you do provide a perfect example as to why many are against the public ownership of firearms.

Honestly, our second amendment guarantees the right to bear arms, providing that you didn't lose your rights. What i would ban are already banned; flamethrowers and explosives.

The Second Amendment is a bit unclear as to this point, and has been argued so by many constitutional experts.

In parts of Mississippi that's considered high tech. :plain: In Alabama it's a party favor. :think:

I'm adding lawn darts to the list of bannables.

You always make me laugh, you clown;)

I hardly know where to start with you, but I will start with this. A better translation would be " thou shall not murder.
Oh and just so you know, I have four pistols, a rifle and a 12 ga SxS shotgun, and I have never killed anyone. Let alone murder anyone.

Correct, the Commandment pertains to Israel, human Israel.

everyone hunts here, most all men do and many women. I have no problem with it as a way of life. I do have some disagreement over assault rifles and stockpiling weapons. i think we use rifles and shotguns for hunting and it makes sense to have a handgun for home protection. anyway, that is how i see it. those women on lifetime always screaming and bleeding because a viscous attacker is chasing her with a knife, well that is not my story.

You and angel7 most likely, come from the opposite background. Those raised around hunting have a vastly different outlook of the firearms issue. If you were raised with hunting in your family, then you most likely own more long guns (rifles and shotguns) compared to handguns. She does have the edge on you when it comes to sentence structure, can you put more effort in your posts?

See y'all later.;)


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Yep, that's what we do, but remember the southern border of Indiana is the Ohio River. There aren't that many roads that cross, and one of the main ones we like to use actually nips into Ohio for 5 or 10 miles of road :shut: The Ohio state cops love to stop speeders too, so we have to be very careful on that stretch ;)

You can drive through any of the 50 states with a gun stored in your car. In some states I would have them stowed out of sight though.


New member
Well, I'm a gun nut. 'Nuff said.

A free people should never tolerate a government that they couldn't trivially overthrow if they considered it inconvenient.

On firepower, there's only one proper stance: MOAR!

Let's imagine if this was the way it should be, citizens outgunning the gubbermint and not the other way around.

Government outlaws a vice the people happen to like. The people overthrow the government, hang'em, and start anew.
Government raises taxes. The people's decision is simple: DO. NOT. WANT. Overthrow the government, hang'em, start anew.
The government decides to regulate something. Let's say another land grab, or licensing monopoly scheme, or another fascist thing. The people decide they would much rather be left alone. They proceed to overthrow the government, hang'em, and start anew.

See a pattern there?

Eventually the government would abstain from stuff that would anger the populace, instead of forcing stuff down we the peasants' throats. Ideally, the end result (after a couple of overthrowals and hangings to REALLY drive the point home) would be an end to authoritarian stuff.

After all, you oppress SOME people, they ARE going to overthrow, hang and quarter your little extortion racket.

The people can and should outgun the gubbermint, and there should be a revolution with each generation. We don't really need to be ruled by a bunch of old prudes and squares and idiots. Roughly 20 years or so an overthrowal is in order. Good ol' Jefferson knew as much.


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Only people who can't spell "aren't" correctly shouldn't be able to. (kidding here, my spaeling es atttrociouus at tymes as well).

Our Christian based Constitutional Republic applies to non-believers as well.

Isn't that great, not believing in God yet still being able to reap the fruits of those that did?

Why don't you just shut up?

As for carry permits: since they vary from state to state you can't blame the fed for the differing laws and regulations surrounding them, but some consistency would be nice. I like New Hampshire's: open carry is fine (although really, why do that other than to goose people?); and for ten bucks and a background check you get a concealed carry for three years. Weirdly enough not a single state in New England that I'm aware of has reciprocity with New Hampshire although states like Michigan (convenient, only one thousand miles away!) do.


New member
Honestly, our second amendment guarantees the right to bear arms, providing that you didn't lose your rights. What i would ban are already banned; flamethrowers and explosives.

I'd be fine with banning civilian posession of nukes or explosives or whatever... If an only if the pigs and the military can't use it against the citizenry to enforce the law or quell a rebellion either. Whatever thing the government uses ONCE to assert authority over the populace is fair game against them from then on.

If whatever they do amounts to a war crime, all bets are off.

Anything a pig with a badge can own or use, I want to have as well.
Each and every time a cop looks at me, I want him to know that he's outgunned, and probably outwitted, by a man that only has hate and contempt for him and his JBT ilk. Each and every freaking time.

That's my only caveat.
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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
The Second Amendment is a bit unclear as to this point, and has been argued so by many constitutional experts.

It isn't unclear. Those "experts" are no different than perverts that distort the gospel. They do it on purpose.

The right to keep and bear arms means....the right to keep and bear arms.

chrysostom's court so far is good for two things, and this is one of them. Two things....kind of like a broken clock.


New member
I'll agree with Nick M for once. The right to keep and bear arms means the Federal Government can NOT deprive you of said right.

It's clearly one of the rights, privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States. Through the (unfairly ignored) Privileges and Immunities clause, States and local jurisdictions are prevented from taking away that right as well.


Well-known member
I cannot help but think of our history when reading this part of the constitution along with the right to protest. Like then, I think many of us today are "Loyalists" (I certainly lean that way-(I'd not like to see a civil war).


New member
Bear in mind that it means STORED, not CARRIED.

For it to be stored it has to go on a case in the trunk.

Though, given that the SCOTUS is affirming gun rights again, perhaps you're in the mood for some civil disobedience. Just try to avoid jack-booted thugs shooting you, ma'am.


TOL Subscriber
Bear in mind that it means STORED, not CARRIED.

For it to be stored it has to go on a case in the trunk.

Though, given that the SCOTUS is affirming gun rights again, perhaps you're in the mood for some civil disobedience. Just try to avoid jack-booted thugs shooting you, ma'am.

Not in it is required to be "in-cased" which means you must open the case that it is stored in...glove compartment, center console with a lid, or even a cigar box sitting in the seat next to you as long as it must be opened in order to get at the gun. Each state seems to have their own definitions as how a gun must be stored in a vehicle.

Last year I was surprised at a traffic stop driving through Texas, late at night returning home (to Florida) on I-10, I was pulled over for a routine check (Texas cops love doing those, especially in the Western part of the state), when I asked why I was pulled the officer said it was a random stop, due to the hour (2 A.M.). He then asked if I was carrying anything illegal? I asked what he meant and he replied, guns, knives or drugs? It is not illegal to carry guns or knives in Texas as long as they are within the law of the state.
I answered that I did not have any illegal drugs, but was carrying an AR-15 with 500 rounds of ammo that was in a locked case and if he wouldn't get too nervous I would present my CCW for the 45 caliber semi I was wearing under my shirt, and that Texas and Florida has a reciprocity agreement in affect.

Turns out after presenting my CCW, Florida Drives License and my U.S.M.C. retired I.D. he was cool with it and we went to the next stop and had coffee. Oh, he was also a former Marine.

I have been stopped many times when traveling ( I prefer to do so late evenings and early mornings due to less traffic) and always carry guns. I have never had any difficulty from officers of the law except for loosing some time on the road when making long distance drives.
Might have something to do with the stickers on my SUV tail gate window i.e. Semper Fi, and the Florida State Troopers Assoc. as well as the permits I carry.

If you are upfront with the officers and direct in answering their questions it is usually a short stop and normally pleasant.


New member
WA State pigs are usually cool-headed guys. But beware the rookie ones.
As long as you're driving sober with the license in order, the risks of being searched are near zero. Well, as long as people don't consent to any search. Consenting can only hurt. Only idiots consent to searches.

I hate being asked for my gun, though. I always think the cop is going to shoot me when I hand the gun to him. Cops get nervous when dealing with armed folks. I prefer to store instead of carry in my car for that reason. Once I thought a rookie cop was going to kill me while I was handing him the gun. (Didn't get it himself because I didn't consent to any search)

I suppose he was not used to young urban guys carrying. But it was the worst moment in my whole life.


New member
Hall of Fame
WA State pigs are usually cool-headed guys. But beware the rookie ones.
As long as you're driving sober with the license in order, the risks of being searched are near zero. Well, as long as people don't consent to any search. Consenting can only hurt. Only idiots consent to searches.

I hate being asked for my gun, though. I always think the cop is going to shoot me when I hand the gun to him. Cops get nervous when dealing with armed folks. I prefer to store instead of carry in my car for that reason. Once I thought a rookie cop was going to kill me while I was handing him the gun.

I suppose he was not used to young urban guys carrying. But it was the worst moment in my whole life.

I guess it depends on the place and the culture. In the "larger" cities of New Hampshire carrying is somewhat unusual but in smaller towns and more rural areas, it's really no big deal. In fact the concealed carry permit is such a rubber stamp that they literally have you pay for and sign the permit when you apply.
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