toldailytopic: Election 2010: What candidates or issues to you feel passionately abou

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Keep on keeping on. Use every tool and strategy at our disposal.

People fought long and hard to make the populous realize that blacks were people too. We will do the same for babies.

All well and good but if you keep on doing the same thing year in year out, measures like this will keep on getting defeated. You need to start from the ground up, not from the ballot box. Like CM pointed out, you need to figure out why people are rejecting this, and change their hearts and mindset accordingly.

Nathon Detroit

All well and good but if you keep on doing the same thing year in year out, measures like this will keep on getting defeated. You need to start from the ground up, not from the ballot box. Like CM pointed out, you need to figure out why people are rejecting this, and change their hearts and mindset accordingly.
We have learned a ton in the past two attempts. We have made mistakes and learned from them and I'm sure we will continue to refine the strategy each time out. Keep in mind most of us are not professional politicians. We are just dads, moms, brothers, sisters, concerned citizens.

I think it's really cool that we have been able to properly frame the abortion debate instead of taking the weasely way and trying to regulate abortion.

The beauty of our strategy.... we can go to bed at night and know that we are not compromising on our principles. Are we disappointed that we lost? Of course! We want to save all the babies not just some. But at the same time, all you can really do is keep trying right? Keep improving your strategy and infrastructure of your movement. Continue to refine the message and continue to do everything in our power to save little babies from being torn limb from limb by middle aged men and women "doctors".

We are the group that does everything legally possible to save babies. We aren't killing abortion doctors, nor planting bombs near abortion clinics as that is evil. Yet we also aren't compromising and playing politics just to get minor victories that don't save babies.

Personhood is catching on fire across the nation, it's a incredibly young movement but growing rapidly.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I do predict the GOP will go after Obama just as they hunted Clinton. There will be subpoenas, investigations, and the like; wouldn't be surprised if the guy's impeached.

Much like the false investigations against Trent Lott and Tom DeLay. And a long list of Congressman that are actualy somewhat right wing. And FBIgate. And on and on from the left.

The difference is, you can not be natural born and be subject to foreign authority, such as his Kenyan father. I say they (New Republicans) do nothing about it.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Good for Iowa.

Three Iowa Supreme Court justices lost their seats Tuesday in a historic upset fueled by their 2009 decision that allowed same-sex couples to marry.

When people are taught that a tiny baby, say couple of days old inside its mother is not a person, they can look at it and see how that can be. It will take work to show otherwise. But on the other hand, you can't take two men and say it is normal or somehow natural and right, when they can look right at it and say no it isn't. I am suprised at the firing of judges. That is truly rare. Good for you Iowa. There is still hope for America.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Colorado was a big disappointment.

Tancredo lost. Amendment 62 lost, although it was encouraging to see a larger percentage of people vote for it this time around.

All the smaller government amendments also lost miserably.

Colorado used to be a conservative state until all the left-coasters moved here about 15 years ago.

I guess the only good thing was seeing re-pub Ken Buck lose. Hey Buck, maybe next time you wont stab the pro-lifers in the back and you might have won like most the other Republicans across the country. :rotfl:

I would agree, yet wish to point out the more liberal Californians began to move to both Colorado and Oregon in the 1970s, this was something observed, not just my idea.
Oregon had a slogan, "do not Californicate Oregon" That was when Oregon was an inexpensive state to reside.


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The biggest story around here is the fall of Democrat Congressman Solomon Ortiz. He's been in office since '82 when the district was drawn so that it would be nearly impossible for Republicans to ever take over. Except... he made a huge mistake by supporting Obamacare and south Texas didn't like that. Bill Clinton's recent trip here wasn't enough to save Ortiz. So he lost to a talk radio host, Republican Blake Farenthold, with just enough support from his party, conservatives, and the Tea Party to win by 799 votes. Of course, Ortiz, an attorney, is not going to concede with dignity.

Personally, I don't like either one of them. I should have pursued politics after high school. :doh:


New member
My biggest concern right now is that the Fed is buying our bonds. $500 Billion Dollars worth this coming year and this is without a new debt ceiling. Theses are bonds that are not yet sold.

What happens when our bonds not only do not sell but our creditors start handing our outstanding bonds back and expect payment for them?

They will not accept new debt but expect real money or something of value as payment for them. We are indeed broke and have no means to repay.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
My biggest concern right now is that the Fed is buying our bonds. $500 Billion Dollars worth this coming year and this is without a new debt ceiling. Theses are bonds that are not yet sold.

What happens when our bonds not only do not sell but our creditors start handing our outstanding bonds back and expect payment for them?

They will not accept new debt but expect real money or something of value as payment for them. We are indeed broke and have no means to repay.

Too bad nobody in the main stream "media" wants to talk about it. Then again, they support the socializing of the American economy so why would they talk about its destruction from within.


Well-known member
Well, my concerns....

Abortion is still wanted by the majority of people, sad actually.

The two parties are still in lock step with one another albeit different methods and speed.

Let's just keep on occupying 2 countries and throw bombs at a third.

Everyone wants nationalism for the most part, even those folks who play with the 10th amendment.

In other words, just another election, more of the same.

Hamilton's Curse is still here


Well-known member
There was far less voter turnout this time around yet this time we got 30% of the vote while last time I believe we only got 27% of the vote.
Probably because only conservative older people actually got out to vote. And the initiative still went down in flames.

Yeah... and you are right we are insane.
I guess you missed my reference. Albert Einstein once said "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Yet if trying to save babies from monsters like you is crazy...
Oh and why am I a monster? I don't want unborn children to be killed either. I just think you are spinning your wheels and ultimately hurting the cause bringing up these amendments. There needs to be a new strategy.


New member
Probably because only conservative older people actually got out to vote. And the initiative still went down in flames.

I guess you missed my reference. Albert Einstein once said "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Oh and why am I a monster? I don't want unborn children to be killed either. I just think you are spinning your wheels and ultimately hurting the cause bringing up these amendments. There needs to be a new strategy.

I tend to agree with your first two points. If we only got 29% of the votes in an election atmosphere that strongly favored those who tend to be pro-life..........If all the people had of voted on this issue, we would probably be in the teens, percentage wise.

It may be a good definition of insanity, but it is probably also a good definition for "love," unrequited.

I don't think we "hurt" the cause. Yesterday about 3 to 4 thousand babies were killed by abortion, and today after the election, about the same number were killed......and tomorrow ???????????

It didn't set abortion ahead, or set it further behind. It just continues to grind on, day after day and year after year, and no one knows how to stop it.

I think it was worth a try, but it certainly "hurts" to be defeated in another attempt, in a just cause.


Well-known member
I tend to agree with your first two points. If we only got 29% of the votes in an election atmosphere that strongly favored those who tend to be pro-life..........If all the people had of voted on this issue, we would probably be in the teens, percentage wise.
I certainly agree.

I don't think we "hurt" the cause. Yesterday about 3 to 4 thousand babies were killed by abortion, and today after the election, about the same number were killed......and tomorrow ???????????
The reason I say hurting is it makes the general public think you are crazy and tune out any argument over abortion as unreasonable.

I think it would be smarter to reduce the number of abortions rather than setting the bar so high that even forms of chemical based contraception would be illegal. Those kinds of measures will always meet with stiff resistance. Whereas reducing or outlawing late term abortions for example is a popular idea.


New member
Felt passionately about keeping the Tea Party out of the Senate and about Proposition 19.

The proposition was defeated, but at least the raving lunatics didn't take the Senate.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Lucky break for the Republicans that the S. Ct. decided corporations could buy speech before this election cycle.

Synchronicity? :plain:

(for equal time see: lowest part of my sig. line)
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