toldailytopic: Election 2010: What candidates or issues to you feel passionately abou

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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
How about that Jan Brewer. The Arizona governor is up for re-election. Surely she is in huge trouble for being racist. Where is the story with Wolf Blizter and Brian Williams? (Those are who I am watching now).

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Bill O'Reilly got something right. It has to happen every now and then. This election and the results are about Obama and his policies. Which ties in this funny video of the "media" trying to explain away what they knew was happening. American rebuked Obama.

Adams and Jefferson


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
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I'm not the one that can't tell the difference between the needs of a car and those of a human being.
You are very stupid. Proof: You can't figure out how to reform health care other than socialist theft.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
People lean left because theytolerate evil.
That's just profoundly pointless rhetoric. This is what I detest about political extremism--the way it takes otherwise decent people and instills this sort of absurdly blinkered thinking. People lean left or right for any number of reasons. This sort of damning generalization is detrimental to the process, undermines our sense of unity as Americans and begs for the sort of angry factionalism that can endanger the stability of the Republic.
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Well-known member
You are very stupid. Proof: You can't figure out how to reform health care other than socialist theft.

Newsflash, the reform package that passed the house was the Republican alternative to the Clinton "socialist theft" floated back in the 90s.

Looks to me like you're willing to call everything "socialist theft". The problem is your alternative is "let people die in the streets". Or do you actually have your own idea about how to fix it, if you're so clearly intelligent?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Here is a confession, I did vote in favour for proposition B, the limitation on standards and limiting on number of bread animals for pets. Maybe I have gone soft, yet I have known so many sub-standard breeding practices of wolf-dogs in Texas. from poor sanitary conditions, to outright lies, referring to the actual mixture of the breed animals. I was taken in by one of the breeders, selling a high quality animal, where they advertised it as a full wolf, while keeping such a 'valuable possession' in substandard care. I never sold another such breed to anyone. I know this comes down to many as a personal rights issue, then I cannot equate false advertising and poor sanitation with individual rights, What really surprised me, was how close the run turned out, I guess it will win in the next ten years.


New member
Hall of Fame
As I expected. No big shockers to speak of. I'm happy Rand Paul was elected, more or less, and hope he can do some good. Pretty much business as usual.

I do predict the GOP will go after Obama just as they hunted Clinton. There will be subpoenas, investigations, and the like; wouldn't be surprised if the guy's impeached.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
PK, so lets talk post-election results.

Thoughts comments?
I was surprised but pleased to see amendments 60, 61 and 101 go down. Usually tax relief plays well in down economic times.

I was a bit disappointed Tankrado(?) was defeated.

I was a bit surprised the Senate did not pick up more seats and the number of seats repubs gained in the house was much greater than I thought it would be. We will have to wait and see what, if anything, actually changes.


PK, so lets talk post-election results.

Thoughts comments?


What happened in Colorado?

Besides the Personhood amendment 62 losing 3-1, a Democrat won the governor’s race, and the Senate race.

You guys are starting to look like San Francisco

Nathon Detroit

Colorado was a big disappointment.

Tancredo lost. Amendment 62 lost, although it was encouraging to see a larger percentage of people vote for it this time around.

All the smaller government amendments also lost miserably.

Colorado used to be a conservative state until all the left-coasters moved here about 15 years ago.

I guess the only good thing was seeing re-pub Ken Buck lose. Hey Buck, maybe next time you wont stab the pro-lifers in the back and you might have won like most the other Republicans across the country. :rotfl:


New member
Babies are not persons. Medical science is wrong in "whatever" stance it takes as to when a human life begins. Babies in a mother's womb are not humans. Babies in a lab, or a womb are the personal "property", of their owner.

Thus say 70% of all voters in Colorado in the midst of a so called conservative and tea party restructuring in this country.

Abortion is entrenched in the hearts and minds of the people of this state and country.

Nathon Detroit


What happened in Colorado?

Besides the Personhood amendment 62 losing 3-1, a Democrat won the governor’s race, and the Senate race.

You guys are starting to look like San Francisco
We lost the governors race and the senate race because of two moronic Republicans.

Tom Tancredo could have won the Governors seat if stupid Dan Maes would have dropped out of the race early on. Therefore, Tancredo who is a real conservative had to run as a third party against a popular Democrat (in Hickenlooper) as well as the Rebublican candidate who was a complete mess.

And Ken Buck broke every promise he made within a month or two of making them, therefore he had very little support from the base conservative voters.

That's it in a nutshell.


Well-known member
Amendment 62 lost, although it was encouraging to see a larger percentage of people vote for it this time around.
Wow . . .29% is BETTER than before? You guys need to come up with a new strategy, this one is the definition of insanity.

Unsurprisingly Democrats lost pretty big since we're in an era of terrible unemployment. I'm surprised Reid won,depressed that basically none of my candidates or issues won in my state.

I'm also newly aware of how gerrymandering has affected the state of Missouri. The cities in the center of the state have been broken up into separate districts so that their impact is mitigated by rural areas. Were the boundaries only slightly different, Ike Skelton (a pro-life democrat) would have won easily.

Sad that all the negative ads tied him to Pelosi . . he didn't even vote for health care reform. :idunno:

As the districts are now, our third largest city is essentially disenfranchised. They didn't even bother running a democratic candidate.

Nathon Detroit

Wow . . .29% is BETTER than before? You guys need to come up with a new strategy, this one is the definition of insanity.
There was far less voter turnout this time around yet this time we got 30% of the vote while last time I believe we only got 27% of the vote.

Yeah... and you are right we are insane. Yet if trying to save babies from monsters like you is crazy... I don't want to be sane. The vote didn't go so well for Jesus either, I think about 99% of the crowd cheered "Crucify Him, crucify Him!". Such is the life of living in a society of godless heathens.


New member
We lost the governors race and the senate race because of two moronic Republicans.

And Ken Buck broke every promise he made within a month or two of making them, therefore he had very little support from the base conservative voters.

I think if Ken Buck had of simply "kept" his word concerning Amendment 62 and abortion, he would have won. Of course he believes, it is what "cost" him the election, and why he reneged on his word.

I think he had about double digit lead before he reneged.

I of course kept my pledge that I made "with" James Dobson several years ago, that I would never knowingly vote for a politician who was willing to take a single innocent human life. A pledge that Dobson has also reneged on.

I am sure Ken Buck got Dobson's vote but he lost mine, and how many others???????


New member
Hall of Fame
There was far less voter turnout this time around yet this time we got 30% of the vote while last time I believe we only got 27% of the vote.

Well you've lost by about the same margin twice within two years. What's the next move?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Newsflash, the reform package that passed the house was the Republican alternative to the Clinton "socialist theft" floated back in the 90s.
Doesn't make it any less theft.

Looks to me like you're willing to call everything "socialist theft". The problem is your alternative is "let people die in the streets". Or do you actually have your own idea about how to fix it, if you're so clearly intelligent?
You've already pointed out that hospitals aren't allowed to turn anyone away, so no one is dying in the streets unless they choose to.

The problem is cost, regarding medical procedures and insurance. There is no reason for them to cost as much as they do. And then there are plans like HIP here in IN, that will base your rates on your income, but will refuse you service if the company you work for offers insurance whether you can afford the company plan or not.

We need to either find ways to have affordable insurance or companies need to provide benefits without making the employees pay for it, since those employees work for the company. Make it part of their pay. Of course getting rid of minimum wage will also be necessary, as it is an impediment to better pay for those who deserve it.

Nathon Detroit

Well you've lost by about the same margin twice within two years. What's the next move?
Keep on keeping on. Use every tool and strategy at our disposal.

People fought long and hard to make the populous realize that blacks were people too. We will do the same for babies.
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