toldailytopic: During His earthly ministry would Jesus have approved of the homosexua


New member
Jesus did not say the opposite, but since you think that the Bible is a chronicle about going from outdated primitive ways to a higher level of consciousness, it is obvious that you wouldn't be able to understand what He did say.

Matthew 7 is pretty clear. I don't know what else there IS to say.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Learning to use the English dictionary.
Homosexual -
2: of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex

:think: Strangely similar to the unassisted definition I gave.

Nathon Detroit

Then obviously, based on your logic, whether or not God approves of their lifestyle is irrelevant to their salvation. Why then single out one sin? Why the focus on the flesh instead of the gospel?
Homosexuality is a bit of a "hot topic", you may want to read read up on it.


Nathon Detroit

Either God doesn't approve of their lifestyle but they are saved regardless, or God doesn't approve of their lifestyle and they are lost because they do not cease from sin. Take your pick.

If you pick the former, and you still sin from time-to-time, then God doesn't approve of your lifestyle, yet you are still saved (and the OP question is rather pointless). If you pick the latter, then you are still dead in sin.
You are a flaming moron. You couldn't get a point if I bashed you over the head with it. Seriously, you are a complete waste of time and have ruined a perfectly good thread with your asinine nonsense.

Take a break for a few days so that the rest of us can have a normal conversation.


New member
You're bearing false witness again. I never said God likes it when men commit homosexual acts.
I never claimed you stated that, liar.

However, your statements that consentual sex by homosexuals is not a sin proves that I did not lie when I said your pet theory is that God likes it when men commit homosexual acts.


New member
Matthew 7 is pretty clear. I don't know what else there IS to say.

Matthew 7 is clear... hypocrites shouldn't judge.

Yep. Matthew 7 is clear that you shouldn't judge if you will fail when judged by the same standard.

There is also what Jesus said here, which is also pretty clear:

Revelation 3:19
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.​



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Hall of Fame
Sin is a transgression of the law that God gave.

According to the law, Homosexual sex is sin. There is no way to deny it.

We need a savior because we are dead in sin. We come to Christ because we have (repented) changed our mind about living in sin, and desire His ways instead - in effect giving Him our will over our lives.

One who denies that homosexual sex is sin doesn't desire Gods way, but their own.

One who violates this law of God and maintains its not a sin and God is ok with it - is not saved - how could they be, since they are choosing their way (death) over Gods way (life)


And you have continued the "legend" of being a complete "dunderhead."
You alone declared yourself disqualified by your own comment. I had nothing to do with it.

This is why I call you a moron, and why you ARE a moron.

A sinful 'lifestyle' shows the opposite of a 'true believer.'

Anyone who makes this statement disqualifies themself from being a "true believer". Otherwise, what you are claiming is that your behavior is superior to the behavior of others, thus making you no different than the Pharisee in the temple. You stand declaring yourself qualified because you are not as bad as your neighbor. YOU are self-righteous. If God takes sin into account (like you do) then it would only take one sin to disqualify that individual from being a "true believer".

What is amazing, is that the vast majority of people on this site who claim to be Christians can't comprehend the simplicity of this. They are either a moron like you, or they are lost like you.


This is why it's so funnnnn to "poke you with a stick." You're such an angry predictable "madman extraordinaire." It's a pleasure do'in business with you.......
Yet, you cannot defend yourself from the truth that just exposed you as a fraud, who is lost, and going to hell.


New member
Matthew 7 is clear... hypocrites shouldn't judge.

Matthew 7 is clear... no-one should judge. If you judge, you are a hypocrite. No-one is without sin, so no-one can judge without being a hypocrite.

Just concentrate on the moats in your own eye. That's enough.

Religious people who are against abortion should support homosexuality. Who has fewer abortions than homosexuals? You'd think they'd be allies! Oh well...

What did Jesus say? Go around insulting and judging people who are different from you? Or helping the poor? Go ahead, read your Bible and see what Jesus said.

You guys born in 1965 (and September yet!) have so much potential. But your X generation trumps your chart. Too bad.


I don't think it's right for us to be arguing here. This threads theme is not based on our dislike for one another.
I don't dislike you. You are an immature little child. I have exposed you as a fraud, based on YOUR own words and what you said about sin and being a "true believer". Because you have been exposed (like you have on many other threads) you once again are looking to find a way out of having your back against the wall. You need to grow-up and admit that you are a self-righteous hypocrite.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Matthew 7 is clear... no-one should judge. If you judge, you are a hypocrite. No-one is without sin, so no-one can judge without being a hypocrite.

Just concentrate on the moats in your own eye. That's enough.

Religious people who are against abortion should support homosexuality. Who has fewer abortions than homosexuals? You'd think they'd be allies! Oh well...

What did Jesus say? Go around insulting and judging people who are different from you? Or helping the poor? Go ahead, read your Bible and see what Jesus said.
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