toldailytopic: Does God care about the outcome of a sports game? Might He favor one t


New member
Seems we must die the long slow "C" better? tWINs

That is not really the point of this discussion, is it? The issue is why would your god be concerned about the outcome of a game enough to influence it while at the same time not caring about the death of thousands in natural disasters. Unless of course he had some $ on Timmy, in which case, unless he got a ton of points, he lost.


Well-known member
That is not really the point of this discussion, is it? The issue is why would your god be concerned about the outcome of a game enough to influence it while at the same time not caring about the death of thousands in natural disasters. Unless of course he had some $ on Timmy, in which case, unless he got a ton of points, he lost.

Hi Jukia,
I won't say that I totally understand how God looks at things, but I have learned that he has a different perspective than ours. Sometimes, due to my lack of knowledge and understanding I don't like what I read or see.

Regarding death as you mentioned of 1,000's. I agree with you that it seems terrible to me that God does not save the 1,000's from the catastrophe.

But God is the giver of life and when life ends God takes it back. LIFE does not end ... for LIFE is eternal and our God the creator has told us that HE is the TRUTH, the WAY, and the LIFE.

We grieve because individuals die... because 1,000's die, because people die in war ... and because even the unborn die ... but God knows where each individual will be after "this breath of long suffering life" is over. God knows the loss of this life is not the end... but rather the beginning of something new.

Now, this takes us into the unknown. We don't know where each individual will go? I believe that many will go where our LORD is not present. Some will go to be with our LORD. For Christians that is why we are hopeful that the gospel (good news) will reach people on earth before they die.

We believe that if people are given a choice and choose Christ then their future after this life will be wonderful; but physical death without salvation is tragic. No one is born a Christian like people are thought to born into some religions. We don't believe that we can force anyone to accept Christ. It must be an individual choice between God and that person. All Christians are asked to do by our LORD is to SHARE the gospel (good news).

I realized that God looked at physical death differently from us by this story found in the OT.

A king of Judah (or Israel) had a sick son. The queen went to a prophet of God to ask whether their son would live or die. The prophet told her that the child would die and then told her why. God was allowing the son to die of this natural illness, because he was being rescued from the tragic judgment that was about to come on the rest of the king's family. God related that out of the entire family of the king that this son was the only one worthy of salvation from the horror to come.

This is what I learned from this event:
God knows things we don't know. For us to question why or to condemn God because he allows things to happen is foolishness.

Mankind has a few choices when tragedy strikes.
People can reject that God is involved in our lives or cares...
People can fear the creator enough to stay silent ...
or can choose to TRUST HIM enough to accept that our God, who provided a savior for mankind knows what is best as humanity rolls through this period of long suffering.

This seems crazy, but God even told us that he CURSED the GROUND of the world FOR MAN'S SAKE! Hard for us to understand ... but God knows it will ultimately be FOR OUR GOOD.

Along this period of long suffering we can rebel against, accuse, reject, and even attack our creator.
Or live with faith, hope, and trust that God does care and give him glory along the way. Christians do believe that we can have a personal relationship with God by his Spiritual gift to us from our Savior.

God is our Savior - not our destroyer. Isaiah 43:11 KJV