toldailytopic: Does God care about the outcome of a sports game? Might He favor one t

Christ's Word

New member
No He doesn't. He all ready knows the outcome.

That sure explains all the money Tebow's family has been making in Vegas lately......thanks for the tip....

And now they are saying Tebow had John 3:16 on his eye black and put up 316 yards last that true?
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Christ's Word

New member
In addition they are claiming Tebow averaged 31.6 yards per pass.

and the TV rating was 31.6 for the overtime broadcast....

if true, that is just spooky!


New member
According to Calvinism.... YES.

In Calvinism God favors certain sports teams over another. He also favors certain players over another. In Calvinism God has picked the winner of every game ever played. He has picked every Super Bowl MVP and predetermined the exact vote count for every Heisman Trophy ever awarded. :kookoo:

So thats how the Cardinals won their 11th in 11 :first:


New member
In addition they are claiming Tebow averaged 31.6 yards per pass.

and the TV rating was 31.6 for the overtime broadcast....

if true, that is just spooky!

In Catholicism we call it a miracle. Were Tebow dead this might chalk up a score of 1/10 of a miracle needed for canonization. If he could bring the Vikings back to life that just might be enough to put him into Sainthood. tWINs


Well-known member
Answer: No. God doesn't care about which teams win sporting events. God cares about people. He wants to fellowship with them and love them. Those that do love God might have more comfort in their life (knowing that sports is just a game and there are bigger, more important things in life) and therefore perform better but that doesn't mean God is preferring them over another as far as the outcome of the game is concerned.

Good answer



Well-known member
I actually have found the opening question interesting enough that I've been thinking about it off and on now for days. It smacks at what I actually do or don't believe about God's involvement with us in this world today.

I don't care about sports ... and I believe that my first answer may have projected my opinion about sports upon God.

He may very well care who wins a game ... and may base it on whether the win might glorify him and or his son in some way.

I have had some questions:

How might we tell if God influenced the outcome of a game?

Would a win for our favorite team mean that God was on the side of our team? Or might a loss mean that God was correcting our team in some way?

In the OT God did intervene in wars. And scripture explains for us the reasons why. Sometimes Israel won because HE wanted to glorify himself in the eyes of the nations around them through them ... yet, other times God allowed the enemies of Israel to win due to their being disobedience within Israel ... or he wanted to use the other nations to correct the sins of the people of Israel.

I do believe that God, is real, alive, and knows what goes on in my life personally. I know that he has intervened in my life in personal ways; so, why not in sport outcomes? It is just this - how can we tell when he is working and for what reason have things turned out like they did?

Yet, I still wonder: In most situations why God would care at all about who wins a sports event is beyond me!
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New member
All I know is that I prayed that (if it be God's will) Tebow win today.

I think I'm using the idea that if someone acknowledges Me publicly I'll acknowledge him. No one in recent sports history has done a better job of acknowledging Christ than Tebow. I bow to his faith. tWINs


Well-known member
All I know is that I prayed that (if it be God's will) Tebow win today.

I think I'm using the idea that if someone acknowledges Me publicly I'll acknowledge him. No one in recent sports history has done a better job of acknowledging Christ than Tebow. I bow to his faith. tWINs

I like that thought. Something like this?

Men use the measure of faith they have and God will honor it when it honors Him.

I certainly don't think it 'hurts' to pray over matters - even a game...

I prayed once for a very specific answer to what I thought was a very specific problem ... however, God gave me a totally different response than I expected, but I chose to believe that it was a word from the LORD and to listen to what He said and to do it ... And wow- it paid off big time!
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New member
I like that thought. Something like this?

Men use the measure of faith they have and God will honor it when it honors Him.

I certainly don't think it 'hurts' to pray over matters - even a game...

I prayed once for a very specific answer to what I thought was a very specific problem ... however, God gave me a totally different response than I expected, but I chose to believe that it was a word from the LORD and to listen to what He said and to do it ... And wow- it paid off big time!

Well I guess the "answer" was that Christ ends up on a ring.

The resurrection can begin. tWINs


New member
All I know is that I prayed that (if it be God's will) Tebow win today.

I think I'm using the idea that if someone acknowledges Me publicly I'll acknowledge him. No one in recent sports history has done a better job of acknowledging Christ than Tebow. I bow to his faith. tWINs

Hmmm, Timmy got smoked by the QB with the dynamite wife. what kind of message does that send?

Your god cares about who wins a football game to make himself look good cause Tebow is a believer yet allows hundreds of thousands of people to die in earth quakes, tsunami etc? Wow.