toldailytopic: Breast cancer and abortion: do you believe there is a connection?

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Originally Posted by derwood
50 million unwanted babies aborted? Had they been born, we'd have millions of unwanted children

1) Adoption ensures (or dramatically improves the chance that) that babies and children are wanted.

Yes, and we know that ALL children put up for adoption are adopted, and adopted by caring, loving families. Yup.

2) You have seriously underestimated the charm of a baby - his ability to worm his way into the hearts of his parents.

Yes, of course - ALL babies are loved by their parents, whether they were wanted/planned or not.
3) All are wanted by someone... God, for instance.
Except, of course, for the ones that He allows to die in utero, or the ones in the bellies of those deemed unworthy and are then ordered to be killed:

Hosea 13:16
Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.

But I am sure that was 'different'.
and adults

Excuse me??? What does that even mean? Are you suggesting that all babies who are not planned wind up being unwanted for all their lives? That's asinine.
Babies grow up, do they not? Is it really your position that childhood traumas do not persist in the minds of adults?
THAT is asinine.
And this:
many of whom would have had horrible lives (many studies have shown that unwanted children suffer from all sorts of problems at higher rates than wanted ones),
will need support from a cited study - one that eliminates the influence of poverty (since poverty is the number one marker for troubled childhood).

Poverty, of course, plays a major role. Women living in poverty are more likley than wealthy conservatives to be unable to afford birth control, prenatal healthcare, etc. another mouth to feed can create a great deal of stress.

Would you agree?
born into poor families

as I thought - your source didn't separate the two things (lack of planning and poverty) which makes it a poor study yielding absolutely no trustworthy information.
Right, of course not. better to trust the cherry-picked information from a member of Physicians for Life.

Because I mean, poor families always love their additional children.
- would you support helping these families out? with maybe welfare, or WIC?

What's wrong with community support? What's wrong with soup kitchens and homeless shelters and for that matter, what's wrong with adoption?

Well, your fellow Christian Knight says soup kitchens are bad. Commuities - especially the communities that have expendable cash - generally don't want such folk around.

Adoption is fine, but many Americans seeking to adopt want good looking very young babies with no family history of drug abuse, etc.
I suspect not.

But killing the baby is better? Is that your position?

Humans have been controlling their population levels for centuries, probably for all time. And often, they do so by commiting infanticide or inducing abortion through many means.

Aborting an early term fetus is, yes, IMO, better than having to deal with all of the related problems of unwanted children.
Why not kill all the poor then if they have such horrible lives? Put them out of their misery.

Many of them seem to be doing that to themselves.
Of course, 50 million elective abortions pales in comparison to the nuber of spontaneous abortions - i.e., little babies killed by God in the womb....
This is emotion-baiting if I've ever seen it. Miscarriage has nothing to do with killing the unborn.
Right, except for the fact that miscarriage results in the death of an unborn baby. No relation at all. Almost as emotional as the anti-abortion rhetoric one sees.


New member
1) Adoption ensures (or dramatically improves the chance that) that babies and children are wanted.
2) You have seriously underestimated the charm of a baby - his ability to worm his way into the hearts of his parents.
3) All are wanted by someone... God, for instance.

:squint: Excuse me??? What does that even mean? Are you suggesting that all babies who are not planned wind up being unwanted for all their lives? That's asinine. And this:
will need support from a cited study - one that eliminates the influence of poverty (since poverty is the number one marker for troubled childhood). So pony-up, derwood.

as I thought - your source didn't separate the two things (lack of planning and poverty) which makes it a poor study yielding absolutely no trustworthy information.

What's wrong with community support? What's wrong with soup kitchens and homeless shelters and for that matter, what's wrong with adoption?

But killing the baby is better? Is that your position? Why not kill all the poor then if they have such horrible lives? Put them out of their misery.

This is emotion-baiting if I've ever seen it. :nono: Miscarriage has nothing to do with killing the unborn.

Awesome post. The attempted reply to this only shows how silly the original was :thumb:


The Horn

Many reputable scientists and physicians dispute the connection between abortion and breast cancer. My mother ,who is 93 and in remarkably good shape, is a breast cancer survivor and did not have any abortions.
But the fact remains that women are going to have abortions whether they are legal or not,and there is nothing you can do about this.
There is absolutely no way to force women to bear children against their will,especially if they are too poor to provide for one or any they may already have.
Women will always find a way to have abortions . In fact, every country where abortion is illegal has far more abortions every year than ones where it is legal. Every time a nation has made it illegal,the abortion rate has inevitably skyrocketed,and the number of women dying from botched illegal abortions or seriously and permanently harmed has too.
Making abortion illegal has never worked.It never has and never will.
There is absolutely no way to enforce laws against abortion.
Back in the 60s, the doltish and megoalomaniacal Romanian dictator
Nicolae Ceausescu ,wanting to increase the population of his country,made abortions illegal as well as contraceptives.
The result? Many,many Romanian women died from botched illegal abortions. The death rate from these rose 700 per cent.
Also, an enormous number of children were born to desperately poor Romanian peasants who could not afford to take care of them.
They were put in horrible orphanages where they received no affection and holding, and were often neglected and abused.
They were never able to devolp into normal adults and were permantently disabled,both physically and mentally.
The Romanian government forced women to be subject to constant testing for pregnancy. The nation was already a police state, but it became an even worse one because of Ceausescu's blind stupidity and
egomania. It has still not recovered fully from this catastrophe.
How will the US government enforce the law if abortion become illegal here again? Conservatives claim to want "smaller" government and a less instrusive one, and a government that's "limited".
But how much money will be required to prevent abortions here and to prosecute doctors and others who perform them?
Billions and billions. Will the government appoint a force of thousands and thousands of anti-abortion agents to scour every corner of the USA 24/7 to make sure no abortions are being performed?
What will it do? Put up blockades at every border and airport and examine every woman of childbearing age for pregnancy in case she might be trying to go abroad for an abortion?
How will we find and close every back-alley abortion facility?
How eill we stop poor women from trying to abort themselves? Put up
surveillance cameras in every home and other places and arrest,prosecute and imprison any woman caught in the act?
Is this at all realistic? Is this the kind of "free" America where the government "leaves us alone"? It sounds more like Orwell's 1984 to me than what conservatives claim to want.
Will the government require every woman who has a miscarriage to be examined to make sure she did not really try to have an abortion?
Will the government make contraceptives illegal again?
If so,this would be an absolutely idiotic move. This would only create a black market in contraceptives and cause a market INCREASE in the number of abortions. Remember Prohibition? Did this stop Americans from drinking? And most likely,organized crime would become involved in illegal abortions, causing even more trouble for this nation.
And if as conservatives want, overnment programs to help the poor are eliminated or greatly reduced, this will only cause general poverty to increase greatly,and thus many more abortions.
Anti-choicers just don't realize how disastrously counterproductive making abortion illegal again would be. Yet they demand that abortion become illegal here again and delude themselves into thinking that this will"end" abortion. How pathetic.


New member
Given the hints of conspiracy theory a few pages ago, and the quite-right assertion that there is a lot of money in cancer (to put it in mercenary terms), I wonder what you think the motivations are for the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and other institutions to deny the validity of the studies when analyzed? The didn't hesitate to mark the link between breast cancer and alcohol consumption, at the risk of upsetting a very powerful industry that sees exponentially more income and is more "cherished," if you will, than abortions. They call out bad diets, too, and smoking. They note that not having children might raise your risk, and that not breastfeeding them might be linked, as well. All of these are hot-button rights issues to somebody.

If your suggestion is the monstrous conclusion that all of these organizations conspire to deny the link so that women will keep getting abortions and, consequently, cancer to keep feeding their money machine, why hide this and not these other things that are potentially so much more impactful? Where's the logic?

I agree with an earlier poster that bodies are complex systems that respond to change in many ways. It is possible that disrupting a pregnancy might cause side effects that could include an increased risk of cancer (but why just breast and not uterine or ovarian, which are also hormone-related?). So far, the weight of evidence does not seem to prove it. Studies continue, and that may change. But it's not enough to say that the correlation of greater occurrence of abortions with a time of increased breast cancer rates equals causation without pretty compelling proof. Access to abortion also crosses the time line of greatly increased obesity. If you want to claim that abortions cause obesity, you'd need some proof, yes?


New member
Abortion causes hormonal disruption. Hormonal disruption is correlated with breast cancer. My mother had a lot of abortions and she's been struggling with breast cancer since I was 15.

I wouldn't say abortion is *healthy*. It might be safe on the short run, sorta. It's hella convenient sometimes. But definitely not healthy.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Abortion causes hormonal disruption. Hormonal disruption is correlated with breast cancer. My mother had a lot of abortions and she's been struggling with breast cancer since I was 15.

I wouldn't say abortion is *healthy*. It might be safe on the short run, sorta. It's hella convenient sometimes. But definitely not healthy.

especially for the baby


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Actually there is a large amount of "raw data" that shows the connection.

this is what I wanted to see
A meta-analysis of 47 epidemiological studies conducted in 30 countries in which Beral reported that, "The relative risk of breast cancer decreased by 4.3% (95% CI 2.9-5.8; p<0.00001) for every 12 months of breastfeeding in addition to a decrease of 7.0% (5.0-9.0; p<0.0001) for each birth. The size of the decline in the relative risk of breast cancer associated with breastfeeding did not differ significantly for women in developed and developing countries,

Am I getting old?


New member
If there is an increased risk of breast cancer in women who have abortions (which certainly seems to be the case), shouldn't women be told?

Do you have any evidence of there being an increased risk, or just random (probably politically motivated) Internet sources? If there is such evidence, and there may well be, I haven't seen it.

It's one thing to inform a woman of the actual risks which the evidence indicates exist, and entirely another to scare her with unsubstantiated rumors that float around the web.


New member
Yes, and we know that ALL children put up for adoption are adopted, and adopted by caring, loving families. Yup.
Are you honestly going to use this as an excuse to kill them?

Or this:
Yes, of course - ALL babies are loved by their parents, whether they were wanted/planned or not.
This is your answer to suffering? Kill the ones that might suffer? You might want to think that through a bit more.

As to this:
Except, of course, for the ones that He allows to die in utero, or the ones in the bellies of those deemed unworthy and are then ordered to be killed:

Hosea 13:16
Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.
Do you think that I am going to take Bible lessons from an atheist - sorry "other"? Not likely :rolleyes:

Concerning "unwanted adults"
Babies grow up, do they not? Is it really your position that childhood traumas do not persist in the minds of adults?
So they suffered and that makes them unwanted adults? I am not following your logic here.

By your reasoning here, we should just euthanize at birth everyone with a high probability of greater suffering than some arbitrary standard. Kids with autism suffer a great deal - why not just stick a needle in their arms at diagnosis? Kids with severe mental damage suffer - and cause their parents to suffer greatly. Just kill them. Quadriplegics? The blind; the deaf; those whose mother dies in childbirth? How about kids born to drug addicts?

Concerning your studies and the poverty link:
Poverty, of course, plays a major role.
Such a major role, in fact, that all other factors are immeasurable against its backdrop. The effect of being "unwanted" cannot rationally be separated from the effect of poverty.

Women living in poverty are more likley than wealthy conservatives to be unable to afford birth control, prenatal healthcare, etc. another mouth to feed can create a great deal of stress.
That is pure ... nonsense. Birth control is free - it's called abstinence. Medicaid is exceedingly easy for a poor pregnant woman to get. And another mouth to feed is easy enough to manage with breastfeeding or adoption.

Right, of course not. better to trust the cherry-picked information from a member of Physicians for Life.
I think you'd better check the sources again.
Cruciform's article sites a journal:
The findings, published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, are the latest research to show a link between abortion and breast cancer.
And at the end of the same article:

Earlier this year, Dr Louise Brinton, a senior researcher with the U.S. National Cancer Institute who did not accept the link, reversed her position to say she was now convinced abortion increased the risk of breast cancer by about 40 per cent.

Knight's source cites a source, so it's that source that you should look at. Dr. Chris Kahlenborn, MD, wrote a book on the subject using peer-reviewed studies for his data. If you doubt that source, perhaps you should look at the individual studies and their reports to see if they hold any weight.

Before you go saying that it's not your job to prove or disprove the validity of the claim, perhaps you should consider the dire consequences if the doctor and the cited studies are correct.

Adoption is fine, but many Americans seeking to adopt want good looking very young babies with no family history of drug abuse, etc.
All babies can be put up for adoption at birth :squint: So I'm not following how that's a hindrance to adoption.

Humans have been controlling their population levels for centuries, probably for all time. And often, they do so by commiting infanticide or inducing abortion through many means.
So that makes it right? I'll be that didn't fly with your mom ("But Mom! Everyone else is doing it!" "If everyone else went and jumped off a cliff to their deaths, would you want to follow them too?") :sibbie:

Aborting an early term fetus is, yes, IMO, better than having to deal with all of the related problems of unwanted children.
What other remedies to "unwanted children" are acceptable to you? Shall we ask the mother at birth, "Did you plan to have this baby?" And burn up the "unwanted" ones in strong saline? Or cut away their limbs until they bleed to death? Starve them? What about a year later? Do you still want this child?

Right, except for the fact that miscarriage results in the death of an unborn baby. No relation at all. Almost as emotional as the anti-abortion rhetoric one sees.
One man dies of a heart attack, another is gunned down in his home. Same thing, right?


New member
Wow, gee, my post was totally demolished by all the insightful rhetoric and fact filled replies. I am now totally against abortion and not only that - I am now prepared to whitewash all of the cases of Yahweh ordering the slaughter of innocents! Hooray!


New member
Hall of Fame
Wow, gee, my post was totally demolished by all the insightful rhetoric and fact filled replies. I am now totally against abortion and not only that - I am now prepared to whitewash all of the cases of Yahweh ordering the slaughter of innocents! Hooray!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the reason we have so much breast cancer
is because football players did not wear pink

that is about to change

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Wow, gee, my post was totally demolished by all the insightful rhetoric and fact filled replies. I am now totally against abortion and not only that - I am now prepared to whitewash all of the cases of Yahweh ordering the slaughter of innocents! Hooray!
Someone just had their mouth whitewashed out. :plain:
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