toldailytopic: Breast cancer and abortion: do you believe there is a connection?

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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
If it is true that abortion causes breast cancer then there is ample evidence in Knight's few posts that cater for the fact that it is not common knowledge.

King Ogre

New member
Breast cancer is also big money.

Kind of makes you suspicious that the largest Breast Cancer foundation supports the largest abortion provider. :think:

Excellent point. There's more than just a conspiracy there. There's a connection.



New member
Again, here we can see the use of imprecise language in order to elicit an emotional response. A mother does not 'murder' her child since 'murder' is unlawful killing. Since abortion is legal (within a limited timespan) then a legal abortion cannot be simultaneously within the law and unlawful. This is why it is misleading to refer to it as 'murder'.

Well that's handy, because in that case Hitler never murdered anyone either. :doh:


Well-known member
I've read that there is, and I've read that there isn't. I trust the people who say there is more.

Susan G Komen gives money to Planned Parenthood because a couple of their top members are closely connected to Planned Parenthood.


Well-known member
Just to be accurate, it's 'foetus', not baby.

I wasn't aware of a study linking breast cancer to abortion, but I am aware that studies have shown that there are fewer cases of breast cancer in women who have breastfed their children.
If your sister were pregnant, would you correct her if she refered to it as her baby?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The concept seems reasonable from a biological-hormonal perspective. Although there is no raw data to observe, I would not debate the conclusion on face value. Stripe has a good point, regardless, abortion destroys the baby's' life!

Nathon Detroit

The concept seems reasonable from a biological-hormonal perspective. Although there is no raw data to observe, I would not debate the conclusion on face value. Stripe has a good point, regardless, abortion destroys the baby's' life!
Actually there is a large amount of "raw data" that shows the connection.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It isn't vulgar, it's a medical term.
The one doesn't preclude the other. And it's not unusual for people using the term to do so as a means of dehumanizing the baby and tends to be the sort of verbiage used by people who support the procedure.

Using medical terms does not preclude one from feeling love for one's own baby, of course, or love for all life (I've often wondered how staunch anti-abortionists square this position with eating the flesh of animals, but that's an aside).
I don't love all life. I don't love the flowers that grow in my garden, though I take pleasure in their beauty. I don't love the infection in a damaged digit that I treat with antibiotics. And as a born omnivore I have the same difficulty with consuming meat that you should rationally expect, which is to say none.

To get back to the point about abortion, I think those women who choose to terminate their pregnancies, for whatever reasons, within the legal limit, are quite entitled to do so and that I am in no position to judge them.
Then I'd say you have an awfully selective love going there yourself. At least mine has species loyalty built into it.

Of course, I am speaking from the UK, so the cultural divide might, I suspect, be wide open on this particular topic!
Oh, I don't know. I'm not willing to speculate on an inherent or acquired moral deficiency in the whole of a nation simply because you get it horrifically wrong.



New member
There is a wealth of info on the web about the connection.

The connection makes a ton of sense if you think about it... here is an easy to read page that explains why there would be a connection between breast cancer and abortion.

I'm sure this will be labeled as some sort of logical fallacy, but I think I'll put more stock in a 2003 National Cancer Institute study finding no connection than the cherry-picked amalgam of decades old material cobbled together by a member of 'physicians for life.'


New member
I don't really care if there is or isn't a connection. Abortion is murder. Breast cancer is bad. Let's try to get rid of both of them, and if, in fact, the one involving a choice (abortion) decreases the chance of the one that imposes itself (breast cancer), then by all means, stop people from making that choice all the more!


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Just to be accurate, it's 'foetus', not baby.

I wasn't aware of a study linking breast cancer to abortion, but I am aware that studies have shown that there are fewer cases of breast cancer in women who have breastfed their children.

Keep telling yourself that. You might start to believe it.

Merry meat

New member
Unfortunately for the pro-baby cause, but fortunately for women who kill their babies, there is no peer-reviewed evidence for a link between the two. The pro-life cause is not well served and looses credibility every time it reports this link.


Just to be accurate, it's 'foetus', not baby.

I wasn't aware of a study linking breast cancer to abortion, but I am aware that studies have shown that there are fewer cases of breast cancer in women who have breastfed their children.

Knight, can't you add this to the ToL Rules? Whoever says this gets an insta-ban? :noid:


TOL Subscriber
Knight, can't you add this to the ToL Rules? Whoever says this gets an insta-ban? :noid:

NO! Just make beatrice use the terms sodomite and sodomy. OR just make beatrice speak in latin since medical terminology is the "educated" way to speak... isn't latin the "educated" language? Aww... what the heck... fetus=insta-ban!!


There is a wealth of info on the web about the connection.

The connection makes a ton of sense if you think about it... here is an easy to read page that explains why there would be a connection between breast cancer and abortion.

Links not working for me, but that could be my lousy work computer and weak internet connection. There's a wealth of information on the web about a lot of things that are highly debatable. You know, stuff like creation, evolution, global warming and whether or not a Jedi can beat a Klingon in a fight. Whether or not the connection between breast cancer and abortion exists to me is nowhere near as important to me as abortion being murder.

Which would you rather save, ta-tas or babies? The former can be replaced by implants or falsies, the later can not be replaced.

Just to be accurate, it's 'foetus', not baby.

Just to be accurate, no matter what you call it, it's a human life that has not done anything to harm anyone and is not deserving of death.
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