toldailytopic: Assisted suicide. Is it wrong?

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New member
If you would forcefully prolong a person's agony by forbidding anyone to take a mercy kill, you ARE indeed promoting the suffering of others for the sake of your own twisted sense of moral purity.

There is no way around that, no matter how you try to spin it.


New member
Wow this is a difficult topic, and I for one am a advocate for assisted suicide, however . . . .

What concerns me is such a laws potential for abuse, abuse that will result in murder. Until a proper system can be worked out and it is watched over thoroughly I do not think it should be made legal or what have you.

I think in many cases it is the humane thing to do, regardless of what it may do to our souls (for lack of a better word)!

This is an amazing article by a fantastic writer who was diagnosed with a rare form of Alzheimer's, I urge you all to read it.


TOL Subscriber
I agree with you. My husband passed away at home last December. He had metastatic adenocarcinoma and died within six months of being diagnosed. We had discussed choices and he said he wished to live but be kept pain free. His wishes were honored.
I'm sorry if I sounded testy. You are one of my favorite people on here and I do not wish to offend you.

No Ma'am, I take no offense nor do I feel you are being testy!
This subject is a difficult subject for any that are involved or have had experience in it.

Our way of showing love is by Honoring those that we love, which you have done and I respect that...I am sorry you have experienced this loss and offer my heart felt are a good person and hold my respect.

Know that you will be reunited with your loved ones in the future and that they are in a much better place until then!



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Hall of Fame
I am opposed to assisted suicide.

Someone might want to remind MC that it's silly for her to ask me questions after she whined about my posts and I humored her by putting her on the ignore list. Just a thought.


Killing is the absence of trust, sometimes.

Killing is the absence of trust, sometimes.

Prolonging someone's agony to satisfy your own desires has to be one of the most twisted misapplications of mercy and morality I can imagine...

Family Guy dog, I don't think we are really talking about that. I mean, it may seem or look or feel like we are just talking about our desires about what we think we should do but I think it is more about what God thinks about all of this or not, you know, unless if you really don't care what God thinks and you only care about what you think or about how feel in what you believe with only your life with no regards to the possibilities that there's more to life than just pleasure and the avoidance of pain and suffering and the slow process of dying in which we are all slowly dying if you think about it and we are all suffering and we are all in need of pleasure or we at least think we do and so why does this all matter? Because it does. It matters because it shows us where are hearts are. You are only speaking about how you feel about it. But you are not thinking about the possibility that we are to trust God with life no matter how bad it gets.

Killing is the absence of trust, sometimes.


Are you not blind to this or not or what?

Are you not blind to this or not or what?

Which makes the reluctance of some to allow their loved ones to chose when to die completely misguided and ultimately selfish.

Disagree. There's more to life than that. Funny thing about blind people is that blind people may not know their blind.


Are there alternatives?

Are there alternatives?

If you would forcefully prolong a person's agony by forbidding anyone to take a mercy kill, you ARE indeed promoting the suffering of others for the sake of your own twisted sense of moral purity. There is no way around that, no matter how you try to spin it.

But there are always alternatives, right? First, if only we weren't in this curse of sin, right? Because then we would all be living forever, right and then wouldn't be discussing this, right? Romans 5:12

Secondly, what about God, can God not heal, why did Job suffer in the Bible, why is there suffering in this world, does that make God evil, does God enjoy suffering, or can God work all thinks for the good for those who follow Him and are we going to give up on God and on the things God does? Romans 8:28-30

But thirdly, sure, if you legalize this then you might as well legalize free speech and freewill and abortion and the right to bear arms and things like that, right? Right. we should have rights but we should also be educated because those rights can be abused or misused, right? We could misuse drugs, alcohol while driving, texting, aborting a child, in free speech, freewill, in murder, suicide, war for oil, or anything, right?

1. Should Assistant Suicide be legal? Yes.

2. Can Assistant Suicide be moral? Depends.

3. Can we re-educate, too, to better help people make their decisions? Yes.


Can it be abused?

Can it be abused?

Wow this is a difficult topic, and I for one am a advocate for assisted suicide, however . . . .

What concerns me is such a laws potential for abuse, abuse that will result in murder. Until a proper system can be worked out and it is watched over thoroughly I do not think it should be made legal or what have you.

I think in many cases it is the humane thing to do, regardless of what it may do to our souls (for lack of a better word)!

This is an amazing article by a fantastic writer who was diagnosed with a rare form of Alzheimer's, I urge you all to read it.

Can it be abused? Yes.
To add to what you write, it does get abused.
Some people who don't want their plug pulled are sometimes killed.
Illegally nurses and doctors do kill and I might be killed just for saying that.
I am for legalizing this just as I am for legalizing marijuana.
We should have freedom. But there are still consequences to actions.
Whether we like it or not, there will be consequences to everything.
We will give an answer to everything we do.

1. Can it be abused? Yes.

2. Should it be legal? Yes.

3. Can it be moral? Yes.

4. Is it always moral or best? No.

5. Will we give an answer to everything after we die? Yes.

6. Should we give people freewill regardless still? Yes.

7. Can we force or prolong a suffering one? No.


Ignoring = murder?

Ignoring = murder?

Someone might want to remind MC that it's silly for her to ask me questions after she whined about my posts and I humored her by putting her on the ignore list. Just a thought.

Ignoring = murder.
That is so sad that you do that.
It is also a very normal thing to do.
You are very normal for ignoring people. Good work.

People block me on Facebook, Youtube.
That's worse than being Adolf Hitler to those Jews.


I like icecream.

I like icecream.

Dessert and suicide are equally moral?

The new guy's an idiot.

Dessert = poison
I mean, what if dessert had poison.
And what is moral and what is not moral?

Can we do as we wish?
Can we be mass murderers then?


New member
Hall of Fame
Disagree. There's more to life than that. Funny thing about blind people is that blind people may not know their blind.

I don't think you're following my point at all. If a family member's suffering is prolonged by their family desiring "not to kill grampa," or so and so, whose wishes are really being honored?


3. Can we put grandpa out of his misery? Yes.

3. Can we put grandpa out of his misery? Yes.

I don't think you're following my point at all. If a family member's suffering is prolonged by their family desiring "not to kill grampa," or so and so, whose wishes are really being honored?

I already know that.
If grandpa wants to die then let him die.
If he is suffering then you can put him out of his misery.
But I wasn't talking about that.
You are only talking about just that.
And I was trying to say "Wake up."
What you are saying is fine from a human's perspective.

1. Kill suffering grandpa? Sure.
2. Can suffering grandpa ask for death? Yes.
3. Can we put grandpa out of his misery? Yes.
4. But are those the real questions? No.


TOL Subscriber
I already know that.
If grandpa wants to die then let him die.
If he is suffering then you can put him out of his misery.
But I wasn't talking about that.
You are only talking about just that.
And I was trying to say "Wake up."
What you are saying is fine from a human's perspective.

1. Kill suffering grandpa? Sure.
2. Can suffering grandpa ask for death? Yes.
3. Can we put grandpa out of his misery? Yes.
4. But are those the real questions? No.

4.But are those the real questions?

Instead of running around the bush, why don't you just ask the "real questions"? Then maybe we can "wake up"!


New member
Hall of Fame
I already know that.
If grandpa wants to die then let him die.
If he is suffering then you can put him out of his misery.
But I wasn't talking about that.
You are only talking about just that.
And I was trying to say "Wake up."
What you are saying is fine from a human's perspective.

1. Kill suffering grandpa? Sure.
2. Can suffering grandpa ask for death? Yes.
3. Can we put grandpa out of his misery? Yes.
4. But are those the real questions? No.



New member
1. Should Assistant Suicide be legal? Yes.
2. Can Assistant Suicide be moral? Depends.
3. Can we educate, too, to better help people make their decisions? Yes.

Ding! Ding! Ding! :first:
Give this man a medal.

Non-coercive persuasion is well and good, and you're of course entitled to whatever moral stance you choose to assume :p. As long as no coercion is employed, and you don't try to enforce your standards on others, there's no argument from me ;).
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