toldailytopic: Abortion Doctor charged with 8 counts of murder.

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Well-known member
Did you notice in the video report that the "doctor" was making over a million bucks per year performing abortions? The pro-choice folks always argue that abortion is just for the good of the women. Yeah right!

This guy was laughing all the way to the bank, getting paid to murder.

He wont be laughing so much when he faces the Judge. And I ain't talking about the judge in the court room.

I'm hoping his sentence puts some fear in other abortionists. I hope it is a sign of things to come.

I'll tell you Planned Parenthood seems just as bold as ever... opening new centers - often just up the street from pro-life centers. Putting their signs up on main routes to pro-life centers.

Just makes me sick ... and makes me pray the more.


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
Did you notice in the video report that the "doctor" was making over a million bucks per year performing abortions? The pro-choice folks always argue that abortion is just for the good of the women. Yeah right!

Just watched the video. :vomit: I doubt if this guy's behaviour is really that unusual. Abortion is big money. A late term abortion can cost 10,000 dollars. He was performing 'partial birth' abortions, something our lawmakers were trying to legalize. I hope people make the connection between this man's actions and partial birth abortion.


Well-known member
He still has a chance to repent before he meets The JUDGE.

What I pray for is a mass repentance of these evil doers - Divine collective intervention... for the sake of abused women and innocent babies, and for the glorification of the NAME of our Lord Jesus.

Many women are blind and hardhearted regarding this issue of life, but, on the other hand, many women are rejected, neglected, and persecuted by people around them to the point that even their own lives seem worthless and hopeless - therefore their off-spring succumb.

If society is not willing to rescue women ... then we can't rescue babies.

I know someone that is a feminist. Very vocal if she thinks anything might be a sexist remark. I've decided that she hates being a women... that she is in such jealous competition with men that she can't see her own worth as a 'female.'

Quite frankly, I'm happy being a woman ... and feel that it is a unique blessing. I do not feel persecuted anymore... for I have learned to stand up for myself when it is important rather than stand up for the liberation of women.

I would fight for equal pay for equal work, equal rights under the law, and other threatening issues of fairness for women, but not just for 'liberation'.

That seems to have hidden evil agenda within it.


Hall of Fame
Granite, you do make an excellent point. My husband harps on an on about the illogic of this. Our legal system is never consistent about this either. Often when a man attacks a pregnant woman and the unborn dies, sometimes he is charged with murder. But if a woman goes and aborts her baby, the abortionist is not charged with murder. Where is the consistency here?

Abortion is murder period. It should be outlawed. The case in the OP just shows the ugliness of it.

It's called a double standard ... and what it comes down to is women wanting to classify whether or not the unborn baby has the right to live based on their own needs and desires.


Well-known member
Rusha and all others,
Not all women seeking abortion are as hard-hearted as they seem to us at first glance.

Many are rejected by the father of the baby, brow beat by those rejecting her, abandoned by family and friends, and inundated with the lies coming from pro-death advocates.

Evil has many names and most often seems to have the power, influence, and money for getting their way.

Women finding themselves in a crisis pregnancy are all vulnerable to these literal pressures. I'm surprised that many of them don't end their lives. It just seems like it is a lot easier to end the life of the crisis baby instead.

These women caught in the middle of needing help from other ... and being rejected by them instead are being abused. This is why I've said that our society does not really care about WOMEN ... not even the liberated women's rights advocates.

If people just murder the babies, then no one has to face the issue that liberating women has evolved into evil by also leading to extreme unsafe sexual activity.

I think that open denial, obvious lies, no accountability, hate of men, hate of being a woman instead of a man, spiritual blindness, and absolute godlessness have led us as a once higher society to the edge of a great decline.


Well-known member
May they be 330 lbs and named Bubba.

:chuckle: Well, I hear ya, but I wouldn't wish that on anyone. If he is to be punished for murder, then he should be put to death swiftly.

What I hope comes from this more than vengence against a murderous medical buccaneer is greater awareness that abortion is about profit and murder, not about womens' best interests and choice. Maybe this incident will somehow result in one less baby being murdered.


New member
Hall of Fame
:chuckle: Well, I hear ya, but I wouldn't wish that on anyone. If he is to be punished for murder, then he should be put to death swiftly.

What I hope comes from this more than vengence against a murderous medical buccaneer is greater awareness that abortion is about profit and murder, not about womens' best interests and choice. Maybe this incident will someone result in one less baby being murdered.

This, I believe, is one thing with which I struggle. Swift death seems to be the answer for these people, but it is hard for me to refrain from wishing greater suffering for those who have so little regard for the sanctity of unborn children.


Well-known member
This, I believe, is one thing with which I struggle. Swift death seems to be the answer for these people, but it is hard for me to refrain from wishing greater suffering for those who have so little regard for the sanctity of unborn children.

For the unconverted, there can be great suffering on the way to the gallows.

The Barbarian

Who says your efforts have been wasted?

Over the years, the abortion rate has dropped markedly. The law won't change; democrats don't care, and the republicans don't want to lose a campaign issue.

But people's hearts have changed. And you've been part of it. Don't let anyone tell you that it's futile.

More work to do; the recession has ticked up abortions for the first time in decades. But we are winning. And the politicians aren't part of it.


"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and death shall be no more, nor mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more, for the former things are passed away" (Revelation 21:4).

Have faith. This is all just a bad dream. A very bad dream.


Well-known member
I have to admit, this story really made me feel ill. But the thing is, what was done was *actually* illegal. How many more unregulated chambers of horror might there be?

How can governments get a handle on these kinds of operations? I think this needs to be addressed before more regulations on abortion are enacted.

But even more importantly, the hearts and minds of women everywhere need to be won over. That will save lives regardless of the state of the law.

One Eyed Jack

New member
I find it amusing that liberals are all about winning hearts and minds when it comes to conservative issues, but they're all about passing legislation when it comes to their own.
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