Toddler shoots mother in Walmart...


Here's my basic question for all of the left-wingers. Do decreased levels of firearms possession really correlate to decreased numbers of murders and other similar fatalities?


Additional thought for liberals: Let us assume that you or someone you love is going to be murdered. Would you prefer to be stabbed to death or shot to death? Frankly, I imagine being shot to death is quicker and less painful than being stabbed. :idunno:


Here's my basic question for all of the left-wingers. Do decreased levels of firearms possession really correlate to decreased numbers of murders and other similar fatalities?
All "Traditio" need do is compare the firearm-related homicides in Detroit with those of Windsor, Ontario, Canada - situated less than a mile to the north.

Detroit averages a firearm-related homicide daily while Windsor, with its strict gun rules, recently went 27 months without a murder!

Additional thought for liberals: Let us assume that you or someone you love is going to be murdered. Would you prefer to be stabbed to death or shot to death? Frankly, I imagine being shot to death is quicker and less painful than being stabbed. :idunno:
The prospects of surviving a stabbing is appoxmately 5 1/2 times greater than being shot by a gun!

Death rate from handgun, long guns and knife wounds

..... There was a consistent pattern across different countries and wound locations — gunshot wounds were far more lethal.
For example a study in The Journal of Trauma (36:4 pp516-524) looked at all injury admissions to a Seattle hospital over
a six year period. The mortality rate for gunshot wounds was 22% while that for stab wounds was 4%.
Even among patients that survived, gunshot wounds were more serious — the mean cost of treatment for these patients was more than twice that for stab wounds.

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All "Traditio" need do is compare the firearm-related homicides in Detroit with those of Windsor, Ontario, Canada - situated less than a mile to the north.

Detroit averages a firearm-related homicide daily while Windsor, with its strict gun rules, recently went 27 months without a murder!

Correlation vs. causation. Can you show that the cause of Windsor's having fewer murders is caused by legal restrictions on firearms as opposed to one or more other factors?


The prospects of surviving a stabbing is far greater than being shot bt a gun!

Shot where? How many times?

Stabbed where? How many times?

Furthermore, you're missing my point: ex hypothesi, the murderer intends to kill his victim. Presumably, he will shoot or stab as many times as is necessary. Frankly, being shot is probably the easier way to go.


Correlation vs. causation. Can you show that the cause of Windsor's having fewer murders is caused by legal restrictions on firearms as opposed to one or more other factors?
Most firearm-related homicides involve handguns and automatic weapons - both of which are illegal in Canada. Hunting rifles and shotguns are legal, but not widely used in gun-related incidents.

One might assume that due to its close proximity to Detroit, there would be a Canadian market for smuggling those kinds of weapons across the border, driving up Windsor's homicide rate - but that doesn't appear to be the case.

Canadians also have a more developed "safety-net," whereby healthcare, affordable housing and other social programs are more readily available.


New member
Shot where? How many times?

Stabbed where? How many times?

Furthermore, you're missing my point: ex hypothesi, the murderer intends to kill his victim. Presumably, he will shoot or stab as many times as is necessary. Frankly, being shot is probably the easier way to go.

Yet, if a person's intention is something other than murder, say fear, mishandling or escape, the likelihood of incidentally killing someone with one shot is much higher than incidentally killing someone with one cut or stab. For example, it is quite rare that someone dies from an accidental knife cut. Typically a bandage or couple of stitches is the limit of medical care necessary to repair the damage. And I have never heard of anyone being killed by a stray knife coming through the wall of their home, or by an errant knife tossed from half-a-mile away.


New member
Here's my basic question for all of the left-wingers. Do decreased levels of firearms possession really correlate to decreased numbers of murders and other similar fatalities?
Obviously, just from the OP and other such events, it would seem to correlate with a decrease in tragic accidental gun related fatalities, from "friendly fire"?
Those with a ready access to quick, "glamorous" and efficient ways to dole out death are rather more likely to inadvertently dole out an unintended death than those without it.
Those who really do intend to commit murder will still find a way perhaps, even if they can't find a gun, but they may have to put a bit more thought and effort into it.

As a side thought, maybe right-wingers think that visitors to the US should be offered guns when they arrive so that they too can deal with all the difficult situations that US right wingers apparently seem to have a need to be prepared for in their everyday lives?
They could hand them back in when they leave the country and return to where guns are not needed to be routinely carried, a small deposit would probably be all it needed.:think:


Active member
Very interesting thread...any "Christians" followers of the Prince of Peace willing to post? That is to say the Christian point of view hasn't been well represented to date.


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Here in southern Ontario (hey kicked some US junior hockey butt yesterday haha) I don't carry or own a gun and don't feel the need to. There simply isn't the quantity of guns floating around here as in the States, although they are creeping north cross our porous southern border. Never been shot at; never think I will. It's probably too late for the US though...there's just too many guns available. With the millions of guns everywhere how can the government possibly bring a semblance of sanity to the situation? Don't get killed tonight American friend.


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Point 7 suggests that the numbers haven't changed much, but I'll bet location still has more to do with the most rational decision to own or not. And of course, it's a probability thing; most people in the worst neighborhoods never have to shoot anyone in self-defense. A few people in the best neighborhoods have occasion to use a firearm to protect themselves or their property..

:think: That's the thing though...It's not based on any actual probability but rather how comfortable with whatever probability level the individual has. I, for example, have a very low comfort level with any probability. I suppose some would consider this to be "paranoia" but I see it as acknowledgement of the fact that bad things/people happen no matter where you are. I tote about a number of things based upon this premise; a small but powerful flashlight, a knife with a seatbelt blade and knob at the pommel for shattering auto glass...Heck, even got a fire extinguisher in the trunk of my car along with a first aid kit which would make an EMT envious. Personally, I consider those who are not at least similarly equipped to be somewhat thoughtless.

I don't think it's about rational assessment of risk.


Define "rational". :plain:

And again, a reasonable person can greatly reduce the risks by knowing the weapon, what it can do, and taking adequate care to keep it safe.

Which for some reason always seems to be glossed over. :juggle:

As long as you avoid endangering anyone else, it's no one's business but your own. That baby might have just as easily shot some completely innocent bystander as the mother who failed to take adequate precautions.

I suppose though that everyone thinks that they are being safe "enough" otherwise they wouldn't be doing it. I've always been a big fan of education. :doh:


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Very interesting thread...any "Christians" followers of the Prince of Peace willing to post? That is to say the Christian point of view hasn't been well represented to date.

Perhaps you would be so kind as to enlighten us?

Please, enthrall us with your acumen. :e4e:


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I didn't realize you were in alliance with those who wish to disarm law abiding citizens and disable them from protecting their own family and loved ones.

I want smart, not stupid. And most of the "liberty" lovers here are sharp as a marble.


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Originally Posted by commonsense View Post
Very interesting thread...any "Christians" followers of the Prince of Peace willing to post? That is to say the Christian point of view hasn't been well represented to date.

Perhaps you would be so kind as to enlighten us?

Please, enthrall us with your acumen.

Sure, no problem. It's that I can't possibly imagine Jesus (remember Him??) telling his followers to pack heat and hollow points to go out into the world as a witness.. that He may smite His enemies in His mercy.


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Originally Posted by commonsense View Post
Very interesting thread...any "Christians" followers of the Prince of Peace willing to post? That is to say the Christian point of view hasn't been well represented to date.

Perhaps you would be so kind as to enlighten us?

Please, enthrall us with your acumen.

Sure, no problem. It's that I can't possibly imagine Jesus (remember Him??) telling his followers to pack heat and hollow points to go out into the world as a witness.. that He may smite His enemies in His mercy.

Wow...That's some post. :plain:

:think: Ummmm....How about wad-cutters? Yathink Jesus would be okay with wad-cutters?


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To be honest, the American Christian right wing tea cuppers are the antipathy of biblical Christianity. Its like "Nobody expected the American Inquistion!"


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TomO you're a good guy. I suggest that all you need is a flame-thrower and a bazooka and then you can demonstrates God's love through Christ Amen.


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TomO you're a good guy. I suggest that all you need is a flame-thrower and a bazooka and then you can demonstrates God's love through Christ Amen.

Thanks, but at this point neither of those weapons would serve any purposes which I have.

...But I could use a new Sig if you're feeling generous. :e4e: