Time Magazine: Obama is the Worst President Since World War II


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Trump’s Plan for Iran: Put Terrorists in Charge
By Ron Paul
Ron Paul Institute
May 15, 2018

Back in the 2008 presidential race, I explained to then-candidate Rudy Giuliani the concept of “blowback.” Years of US meddling and military occupation of parts of the Middle East motivated a group of terrorists to carry out attacks against the United States on 9/11. They didn’t do it because we are so rich and so free, as the neocons would have us believe. They came over here because we had been killing Muslims “over there” for decades.

How do we know this? Well, they told us. Osama bin Laden made it clear why al-Qaeda sought to attack the US. They didn’t like the US taking sides in the Israel-Palestine conflict and they didn’t like US troops on their holy land.

Why believe a terrorist, some responded. As I explained to Giuliani ten years ago, the concept of “blowback” is well-known in the US intelligence community and particularly by the CIA.

Unfortunately, it is clear that Giuliani never really understood what I was trying to tell him. Like the rest of the neocons, he either doesn’t get it or doesn’t want to get it. In a recent speech to the MeK – a violent Islamist-Marxist cult that spent two decades on the US terror watch list – Giuliani promised that the Trump Administration had made “regime change” a priority for Iran. He even told the members of that organization – an organization that has killed dozens of Americans – that Trump would put them in charge of Iran!

Giuliani shares with numerous other neocons like John Bolton a strong relationship with this group. In fact, both Giuliani and Bolton have been on the payroll of the MeK and have received tens of thousands of dollars to speak to their followers. This is another example of how foreign lobbies and special interest groups maintain an iron grip on our foreign policy.

Does anyone really think Iran will be better off if Trump puts a bunch of “former” terrorists in charge of the country? How did that work in Libya?

It’s easy to dismiss the bombastic Giuliani as he speaks to his financial benefactors in the MeK. Unfortunately, however, Giuliani’s claims were confirmed late last week, when the Washington Free Beacon published a three-page policy paper being circulated among National Security Council officials containing plans to spark regime change in Iran.

The paper suggests that the US focus on Iran’s many ethnic minority groups to spark unrest and an eventual overthrow of the government. This is virtually the same road map that the US has followed in Iraq, Libya, Syria, and so on. The results have been unmitigated disaster after disaster.

Unleashing terrorists on Iran to overthrow its government is not only illegal and immoral: it’s also incredibly stupid. We know from 9/11 that blowback is real, even if Giuliani and the neocons refuse to understand it. Iran does not threaten the United States. Unlike Washington’s Arab allies in the region, Iran actually holds reasonably democratic elections and has a Western-oriented, educated, and very young population.

Why not open up to Iran with massive amounts of trade and other contacts? Does anyone (except for the neocons) really believe it is better to unleash terrorists on a population than to engage them in trade and travel? We need to worry about blowback from President Trump’s fully-neoconized Middle East policy! That’s the real threat!


Well-known member
Unfortunately, it is clear that Giuliani never really understood what I was trying to tell him. Like the rest of the neocons, he either doesn’t get it or doesn’t want to get it. In a recent speech to the MeK – a violent Islamist-Marxist cult that spent two decades on the US terror watch list – Giuliani promised that the Trump Administration had made “regime change” a priority for Iran. He even told the members of that organization – an organization that has killed dozens of Americans – that Trump would put them in charge of Iran!

Giuliani shares with numerous other neocons like John Bolton a strong relationship with this group. In fact, both Giuliani and Bolton have been on the payroll of the MeK and have received tens of thousands of dollars to speak to their followers. This is another example of how foreign lobbies and special interest groups maintain an iron grip on our foreign policy.

But they are our terrorists.....


Well-known member
is there any reason to believe that repressive governments aren't inevitable with arab populations?
No, just like there is no reason to believe that repressive governments such as ours dont or wouldn't exist either.

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
it seems to me that any government will devolve toward tyranny and oppression - it is inevitable

The Berean

Well-known member
it seems to me that any government will devolve toward tyranny and oppression - it is inevitable

Yes, and this is tied to how large a nation gets. America currently has a population of 328.38 million. A nation of that many people will unfortunately have a bloated and slow moving bureaucratic national government with hundreds of thousands of bureaucrats. This leads to corruption and the government unable to address urgent issues in a timely manner. It's like a speedboat trying to make a quick turn versus an aircraft carrier. People always point to the Scandinavian countries as models to emulate but they are tiny countries in comparison to America.

USA 328,381,614
Sweden: 9,995,153
Denmark: 5,748,789
Finland: 5,503,297
Norway: 5,258,317
Iceland: 338,349

It's easy for a nation of under 10 million to have an effective, efficient national government. To put that into perspective the US Constitution took affect in 1789. The 1790 Census determined the US population to be 3,929,214. The US last had a population under 10 million in 1820. America will never have a freer more efficient national government ever again. It can't unless America is broken up into many smaller sovereign nations.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yes, and this is tied to how large a nation gets. America currently has a population of 328.38 million. A nation of that many people will unfortunately have a bloated and slow moving bureaucratic national government with hundreds of thousands of bureaucrats. This leads to corruption and the government unable to address urgent issues in a timely manner. It's like a speedboat trying to make a quick turn versus an aircraft carrier. People always point to the Scandinavian countries as models to emulate but they are tiny countries in comparison to America.

USA 328,381,614
Sweden: 9,995,153
Denmark: 5,748,789
Finland: 5,503,297
Norway: 5,258,317
Iceland: 338,349

It's easy for a nation of under 10 million to have an effective, efficient national government. To put that into perspective the US Constitution took affect in 1789. The 1790 Census determined the US population to be 3,929,214. The US last had a population under 10 million in 1820. America will never have a freer more efficient national government ever again. It can't unless America is broken up into many smaller sovereign nations.

the solution seems obvious - weaken the bloated national government and strengthen the smaller state and local governments

The Barbarian

Things have changed a bit since 2014... March 7, 2018:

Who's the worst president of the United States since World War II? Donald Trump, according to a plurality of voters.

A new Quinnipiac University National Poll released Wednesday showed that 41% of voters named Trump as the worst of the 13 presidents who have held office since then.


Here's who voters thought was the best president since World War II:

Ronald Reagan, 28%
Barack Obama, 24%
John F. Kennedy, 10%
Bill Clinton, 10%
Donald Trump, 7%
Dwight D. Eisenhower, 4%
Harry Truman, 3%
Jimmy Carter, 3%
Lyndon B. Johnson, 2%
Richard Nixon, 1%
George H. W. Bush, 1%
George W. Bush, 1%



Friday, March 29

Pennsylvania Democratic Presidential Primary Emerson Biden 39, Sanders 20, Warren 11, Buttigieg 6, O'Rourke 5, Harris 5, Booker 4, Gabbard 3, Gillibrand 2, Yang 1, Castro 1 Biden +19

Race/Topic - Poll - Results - Spread
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Biden Emerson Biden 55, Trump 45 Biden +10
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Sanders Emerson Sanders 55, Trump 45 Sanders +10
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. O'Rourke Emerson O'Rourke 51, Trump 49 O'Rourke +2
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Harris Emerson Harris 51, Trump 48 Harris +3
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Warren Emerson Warren 52, Trump 48 Warren +4

This President is so unpopular that each of the top 5 Democratic presidential candidates for 2020 would defeat him head-to-head in Pennsylvania - a state that Trump won in 2016!

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As for former President Barack Obama, in 2018 a poll by the Pew Research Center ranked him as the greatest president of most adults' lifetimes.

Pew surveyed about 2,000 adults in June 2018 asking, "which president has done the best job during your lifetime?"

44 percent named Obama as their first or second choice.
33 percent named Clinton.
32 percent named Reagan.
19 percent named Donald Trump.
14 percent named George W. Bush.
12 percent named John F. Kennedy.
10 percent named George H.W. Bush.

No other president managed more than 4 percent.



Well-known member
“The Worst President In History, the Legacy of Barack Obama,”

A sampling of the 200 pulled from the book:

•Blaming Bush and Congress for his woes. “During Obama’s first term, he blamed Bush for the economy, for the botched Operation Fast and Furious, for the massive deficits, for our plummeting national wealth, for our problems in the Middle East -- for just about everything that went wrong.
•War on coal and oil. “Obama forced more than 200 coal-fired plants to shut down over a five year period.”
•Cut funding to fight aids. “This inexplicable decision had a devastating effect on Africa, where most AIDS deaths occur.”
•Nominating John Brennan as CIA director. Brennan has gone on to be President Trump’s critic.
•DACA via executive order. Obama went around Congress to give amnesty to some 800,000 younger illegal immigrants.
•Assault on the press. The Committee to Protect Journalists, said of Obama’s media attacks, “In the Obama administration’s Washington, government officials are increasingly afraid to talk to the press. Those suspected of discussing, with reporters, anything that the government has classified as secret are subject to investigation, including lie-detector tests and scrutiny of their telephone and e-mail records.”