Sorry, but like him or not, Obama was one of the best presidents ever . He inherited a horrendous economic mess from those two war criminals, war profiteers and mass murderers Bush and Cheney , and yet somehow managed to turn the entire country around .
Of course he certainly wasn't perfect , but he did less harm to America than any president within memory . And he also had the most scandal free presidency of any president within memory . All of the so-called "Obama scandals " were completely bogus and manufactured .
And now , Trump is arrogantly claiming credit for all of the enormous economic progress this country made under Obama while underhandedly trying to DESTOY all of it - and then some .
No question about it - Trump is by far the worst president in US history . And the most corrupt and incompetent by far . None of the previous presidents comes even remotely close .
His election may be the worst disaster in American history . He's as phony as a three dollar bill .
Phony president, phony businessman, phony Christian, phony human being . Even many Americans who usually vote Republican can't stand him . His so-caled "successes " as president are nothing but smoke and mirrors .