Time Magazine: Obama is the Worst President Since World War II

The Horn

Actually, he did not do this . The right-wing media in America distorted the whole story of the Iran deal . Typical .

The Horn

Sorry, but like him or not, Obama was one of the best presidents ever . He inherited a horrendous economic mess from those two war criminals, war profiteers and mass murderers Bush and Cheney , and yet somehow managed to turn the entire country around .
Of course he certainly wasn't perfect , but he did less harm to America than any president within memory . And he also had the most scandal free presidency of any president within memory . All of the so-called "Obama scandals " were completely bogus and manufactured .
And now , Trump is arrogantly claiming credit for all of the enormous economic progress this country made under Obama while underhandedly trying to DESTOY all of it - and then some .
No question about it - Trump is by far the worst president in US history . And the most corrupt and incompetent by far . None of the previous presidents comes even remotely close .
His election may be the worst disaster in American history . He's as phony as a three dollar bill .
Phony president, phony businessman, phony Christian, phony human being . Even many Americans who usually vote Republican can't stand him . His so-caled "successes " as president are nothing but smoke and mirrors .


Well-known member
Are you comparing America to the number one terrorist nation in the world? That sort of moral equivalency crap is usually what we get from Leftists.
Comparing? No.....just speaking facts. I apologize if you're offended

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Well-known member
Well what is the fact?
The fact we are innocent? Oh I know, we dont do anything wrong, we are morally superior to any other country and we are justified in anything we do. Why, because the other liberal party that thinks they own you (the Republicans) have said so.

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It wasn't legal. Iran is an enemy, with whom ANY type of communication is illegal; keeping Iran's property is standard practice. Please buy a clue.

So how come Israel’s military and diplomatic agencies and experts thought the Iranian agreement was a good thing and was needed for stability in the Middle East?


Well-known member
So how come Israel’s military and diplomatic agencies and experts thought the Iranian agreement was a good thing and was needed for stability in the Middle East?
Because de-nuclearizing any terrorist state is a good idea, maybe? Not that they'll actually abide by it or anything.


Because de-nuclearizing any terrorist state is a good idea, maybe? Not that they'll actually abide by it or anything.
It IS a good thing. Talking and negotiations with one’s opponent is essential in good relationships.

History bears this out.


Yeah, it is, with countries that abide by what they agree to.
Ongoing and respectful dialogue is essential between nations who have clear differences with each other.
Mediation in magic. I used to work as one and that magic is NOT in the mediator.
It is in the process.

My daughter’s preschool taught us adults how to mediate conflicts between two screaming five-year-olds.
The pattern of reaching an agreement that both sides will agree to is the same--whether it is between children or world leaders.

Using nonviolent communication is also needed.