Depends on your reading comprehension. I don't believe that anyone is confused who doesn't mean to be.
Well, there's a reason for what you're attempting.
My witness is on record and goes back a ways. I spent a lot of my early time here taking on the mockers who dropped by a Christian site where they assumed they'd run into people who couldn't rationally defend the faith. I put them on notice the way I do those who try to use the faith as an instrument of their personal issues. That list includes you now, I suppose. And that's a shame, must.
When you do this you bear the least courageous form of false witness.
Fool will likely remember a thread, since pruned, where I recounted my conversion and conviction.
What CS was after wasn't an honest answer. I met him as my example met people like him. If that bothers you then you have a bigger issue than curiosity.
Depends on your reading comprehension. I don't believe that anyone is confused who doesn't mean to be.
Well, there's a reason for what you're attempting.
My witness is on record and goes back a ways. I spent a lot of my early time here taking on the mockers who dropped by a Christian site where they assumed they'd run into people who couldn't rationally defend the faith. I put them on notice the way I do those who try to use the faith as an instrument of their personal issues. That list includes you now, I suppose. And that's a shame, must.
When you do this you bear the least courageous form of false witness.
Fool will likely remember a thread, since pruned, where I recounted my conversion and conviction.
What CS was after wasn't an honest answer. I met him as my example met people like him. If that bothers you then you have a bigger issue than curiosity.
People are alarmed by the fact that it only takes half the amount of white people than any other color to make a wave- white people are a force to be reckoned with, you see, whereas popular culture makes them out to look like wimps and pushovers.
Seriously, if you're white, it doesn't do you any good to sit their pretending to be some hero for other races. It went out of style a decade a go to be a clown getting held hostage by minorities to exonerate yourself for being white.
But most of what Sod says about people and how he uses the Bible and his purported faith doesn't evidence gratitude or grace....Town.
I could not decipher most of yours post as usual but this clause caught my attention as you seem to be referencing it in a post that said " see what I mean climate?"
It didn't evidence gratitude or grace? Ok. Why was it supposed to? Is every response supposed to evidence that?
You defend some pretty evil thinking on here town. Doser is reacting to that. When confronted with it , you do a very good lawyer routine of obfuscation and deliberately confusing rhetoric. It's hard to show grace to such. Paul didn't respond with grace and gratitude to such tactics either.
You don't know all of Doser's life and you are not aware of the grace and gratitude he exhibits in his life as most on here on not aware of mine. You are of mine as I have shared it with you personally. Yes, I am bragging a d it's unseemly but I felt I must make the necessary points.
Perhaps doser shows grace and gratitude in his life too? Because he does not react well to evil or perceived evil doesn't mean he doesn't have gratitude for his salvation.
Long on opinion, and seemingly quick to establish it, but short on reason why. I think you take too many easy paths to opinions rooted in misinformation and lazy thinking. I don't believe you have to and it's a habit you should break.
No, CS, you weren't. If someone asks me if I'm saved I'll say yes and thank you for the concern. When they go beyond that they're really starting to ask something else, fueled by a different agenda.
No Christian should ask another about merit and heaven. The idea of merit is a perversion of a decent understanding about works. Works, merit, won't reconcile a soul. Works follow grace, the way a man who is in love acts like a man who is in love. I don't do good things for my son because I want to earn something from him. I do it because I love him. And I don't do good works for God to earn what was given to me freely, but because I find pleasure in His pleasure and my happiness in His, imperfect as my expression can be.
I'm a fan of the old Catholic monk Brother Lawrence. You should read him. He died a very long time ago, but made such an impression on another that some of his thinking was written down. It's online and fee to peruse: The Practice of the Presence of God. It takes the form of a series of conversations. This is a snippet of one:
[Lawrence] said he had been long troubled in mind from a certain belief that he should be damned. All the men in the world could not have persuaded him to the contrary. This trouble of mind had lasted four years during which time he had suffered much.
Finally he reasoned: I did not engage in a religious life but for the love of God. I have endeavored to act only for Him. Whatever becomes of me, whether I be lost or saved, I will always continue to act purely for the love of God. I shall have this good at least that till death I shall have done all that is in me to love Him. From that time on Brother Lawrence lived his life in perfect liberty and continual joy. He placed his sins between himself and God to tell Him that he did not deserve His favors yet God still continued to bestow them in abundance.
I would truly like to know. What you espouse around here is foreign to the christianity I belong to.
Here's where you tend to bog down. Particulars. What have I espoused that's foreign to the Christianity you belong to? I doubt you can come up with much of a list and I'm confident I can answer on any particular that would be on it.
The above is all the work you'll get from me, given, CS. You walk away from things too easily for me to put out more effort. Fool recalls my witness. Ask Lon about my work with the hecklers of Christ and the apostate if you're interested. Ask AMR about my reflections on faith, if you want. If you have trouble crediting my simpler answer on salvation above, then you have a problem with hearing me and it might be best to talk to them. We disagree on any number of things, but I'm sure they'll vouch for me and no one will confuse either of them with liberals or something other than men of God.
I could not decipher most of yours post as usual but this clause caught my attention as you seem to be referencing it in a post that said " see what I mean climate?"
Everything we say won't, of course. When he routinely followed Rusha around and told her how much he was looking forward to watching her burn in hell, etc., it's illustration of how he uses his faith. When he couples Christ and retard in the same address it says something.
You defend some pretty evil thinking on here town.
No, he isn't. He was doing this years before you came around and it began with his race baiting and my calling him out. Religion or politics, with sod it's a weapon to use in the service of his malice. Always has been. And I'm really tired of talking about him.
When confronted with it , you do a very good lawyer routine of obfuscation
Here goes my note about your deciphering problem: make up your mind. Either you can't understand me or you can sit in judgment. Which is it? It can't be both.
What tactics? Paul was a masterful rhetorician. He was comfortable taking on the Greeks. But your remark here is seated in a few assumptions that aren't true, Sod's reason for response and my "tactics". So...
Perhaps doser shows grace and gratitude in his life too?
I hope so. I hope he's beloved and thought of kindly wherever he walks, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it. People are who they are and it tends to demonstrate itself over time, for good or ill. I can't think of a single time where I've seen Sod apologize for his behavior, admit to a wrong, or act in a way that was contrary to my impression of how he uses his faith. So if this is an exception it's a remarkably consistent one.
Because he does not react well to evil or perceived evil doesn't mean he doesn't have gratitude for his salvation.
I've never said he isn't grateful to Christ, just as I've never said he isn't saved. You're confusing me with him again. What I've said is that his conduct here doesn't demonstrate it. I don't know the state of his soul, but I know what he does with it here. Here it's a loud, angry noise.
No, CS, you weren't. If someone asks me if I'm saved I'll say yes and thank you for the concern. When they go beyond that they're really starting to ask something else, fueled by a different agenda.
Anybody can say their saved. I honestly think you are deluded if you think you are saved. I was honestly trying to find out if my thinking was correct. Your subsequent dodged showed that my thinking may be spot on.
See, I told you three things you just proved are true: first, it wasn't an honest question. Second, giving you a substantive reply is a waste of time. Third, when met by reason and a challenge this is what you do.
I was honestly trying to find out if my thinking was correct.
You're lying through your teeth, but in any event that's not your job, guy. But I gave you a good bit of it. You obviously didn't read it, which isn't surprising. You definitely didn't speak to the two conservative brothers I noted. In short, you did what you do.
Your subsequent dodged showed that my thinking may be spot on.
See, I told you three things you just proved are true: first, it wasn't an honest question. Second, giving you a substantive reply is a waste of time. Third, when met by reason and a challenge this is what you do.
You're lying through your teeth, but in any event that's not your job, guy. But I gave you a good bit of it. You obviously didn't read it, which isn't surprising. You definitely didn't speak to the two conservative brothers I noted. In short, you did what you do.
I didn't dodge a thing. Not one.
And that's the last time you get the effort. Now I'm pretty sure about you. Thanks.
See, I told you three things you just proved are true: first, it wasn't an honest question. Second, giving you a substantive reply is a waste of time. Third, when met by reason and a challenge this is what you do.
You're lying through your teeth, but in any event that's not your job, guy. But I gave you a good bit of it. You obviously didn't read it, which isn't surprising. You definitely didn't speak to the two conservative brothers I noted. In short, you did what you do.
I didn't dodge a thing. Not one.
And that's the last time you get the effort. Now I'm pretty sure about you. Thanks.
See, I told you three things you just proved are true: first, it wasn't an honest question. Second, giving you a substantive reply is a waste of time. Third, when met by reason and a challenge this is what you do.
You're lying through your teeth, but in any event that's not your job, guy. But I gave you a good bit of it. You obviously didn't read it, which isn't surprising. You definitely didn't speak to the two conservative brothers I noted. In short, you did what you do.
I didn't dodge a thing. Not one.
And that's the last time you get the effort. Now I'm pretty sure about you. Thanks.
See, I told you three things you just proved are true: first, it wasn't an honest question. Second, giving you a substantive reply is a waste of time. Third, when met by reason and a challenge this is what you do.
You're lying through your teeth, but in any event that's not your job, guy. But I gave you a good bit of it. You obviously didn't read it, which isn't surprising. You definitely didn't speak to the two conservative brothers I noted. In short, you did what you do.
I didn't dodge a thing. Not one.
And that's the last time you get the effort. Now I'm pretty sure about you. Thanks.
It's not my job to find out if you are saved or not? Sorry to disappoint you but it certainly is. You are parading around here as a valid Christian which is dangerous as people will be deceived by what you say.
See, I told you three things you just proved are true: first, it wasn't an honest question. Second, giving you a substantive reply is a waste of time. Third, when met by reason and a challenge this is what you do.
You're lying through your teeth, but in any event that's not your job, guy. But I gave you a good bit of it. You obviously didn't read it, which isn't surprising. You definitely didn't speak to the two conservative brothers I noted. In short, you did what you do.
I didn't dodge a thing. Not one.
And that's the last time you get the effort. Now I'm pretty sure about you. Thanks.
Giving me a substantive reply is a waste of time? You're confusing substantive with a deceptive a dodging word salad that is impossible to parse. Are you incapable of plain speech?
It's in there, but why do you care? You already said you think I'm deluded if I believe I'm saved. You're the arbiter of the stranger's salvation, the guy who gets to throw out those who love Christ even before he thinks the question is answered. That's on par with your telling me you can't understand me and then telling me what's wrong with what you can't understand.
More importantly, why should I care? I spoke to what works are and aren't, what grace is and isn't. I've spoken of my long term commitment to defending the faith here, my witness and salvation. I've noted others of good character and standing who differ with me on many points but would vouch for me on what you voiced as an interest.
Again, you answered on something as above your pay grade and important as my soul BEFORE you felt the question had been answered.
I knew you were young. I never realized until now how small you were.
So I know a little more about why you defend Sod. You're not much different beyond the particular words you use. What you're trying to do with them, with the faith you profess, I couldn't squeeze a piece of paper between.
Go away kid. Go stand on a corner and damn people for whatever suits you.
I'm lying through my teeth by saying I was trying to find out if my thinking was correct? If that was not the reason, what exactly does your crystal ball say was the reason since you claim to be a mind reader?