This is what emboldened white supremacists look like

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I wasn't speaking to you hypocrite. Go find one of your wholesome Muslims and lay your head on his lap.

Go lock your doors in case someone with a turban has the temerity to walk past your house...else quit lying about someone who is one of the most staunch pro lifers here. A lot more so than some of the bloodthirsty cranks here who see nothing wrong with 'gung ho' attacks on places including pregnant women.



New member
Go lock your doors in case someone with a turban has the temerity to walk past your house...else quit lying about someone who is one of the most staunch pro lifers here. A lot more so than some of the bloodthirsty cranks here who see nothing wrong with 'gung ho' attacks on places including pregnant women.

I will never go to sleep while a known muslim is in my house.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yeah, cos you and Nick are veritable voices of sanity aren't ya? Heck, it's the flip of a coin who's the more demented between some of you lot. For anyone with a familiarity with Rusha they know she's as staunchly pro life as you can get and insinuating otherwise shows just how dishonest you're prepared to be.
I disagree. I think he's willing to be much more dishonest than that and it's time you gave him the credit he's earned. :plain:

I wasn't speaking to you hypocrite. Go find one of your wholesome Muslims and lay your head on his lap.
See? Not that I'm the sort to tell you I TOLD YOU SO, AB. But, well, you know...

He referred to it as a "Muslim Ban" ... was he lying then or is he lying now?

I will never go to sleep while a known muslim is in my house.
Have you ever invited one in?

He might have. :noid: He doesn't appear to be certain.


New member
If you live in small town or rural Missouri in 2017 you won't see any Muslims. I don't believe I have spotted a Marxist Leftist here either, though if I were back in Madison, Wisconsin I would see both Muslims and Marxist Leftists quite frequently. In fact, there is that collection of buildings on the shore of Lake Mendota in Madison where they create thousands of Marxist Leftists. Its called the University of Wisconsin.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
If you live in small town or rural Missouri in 2017 you won't see any Muslims.
Are they absent or is there a new Muslim cloaking device we should be aware of?

I don't believe I have spotted a Marxist Leftist here either,
The easiest way to tell is the plumage. A rosy tinge to it.

though if I were back in Madison, Wisconsin I would see both Muslims and Marxist Leftists quite frequently.
And Herons, I'd imagine...and Rotarian, though not at the same bank.

In fact, there is that collection of buildings on the shore of Lake Mendota in Madison where they create thousands of Marxist Leftists. Its called the University of Wisconsin.
The only people who confuse a seat of higher learning with a seat of lower indoctrination are those in need of its ministration.

Posh and piddle, you peddler of parroting. Shoo! Hie thee to the hinterlands and build for thine a bunker.

Or better yet, get your own thread on this topic. :think: Are you worried about traffic? Is it better to hitchhike in short pants than to walk alone?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Go lock your doors in case someone with a turban has the temerity to walk past your house...
The guys with the Turbans are usually Sikhs. Totally different than Muslims.
As long as we got you here AB, could you give us some commentary on this?
A guy posts a video of himself burning a Koran and in the UK that means:
Police said that a 45-year-old man from Worcestershire was arrested on suspicion of posting videos or images likely to cause racial hatred, along with a 45-year-old woman from Evesham.

We in the U.S. are appalled at this, we have freedom of speech that let's us do such things. Do you understand how we think the UK is "lost" when a man can't even burn a Koran without getting arrested?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The guys with the Turbans are usually Sikhs. Totally different than Muslims.
As long as we got you here AB, could you give us some commentary on this?
A guy posts a video of himself burning a Koran and in the UK that means:

We in the U.S. are appalled at this, we have freedom of speech that let's us do such things. Do you understand how we think the UK is "lost" when a man can't even burn a Koran without getting arrested?

As I said to Musty, there was a case not so long ago where a pastor was public about his Quran burning session and if I recall correctly, that was somewhere in America and it was frowned upon to say the least.

Frankly, I don't see what you're appalled about at all. This cretin was deliberately trying to incite hatred and no sympathy at all for the moronic nut. You have freedom of speech in this country but you don't have freedom to incite trouble with inflammatory crap like what this guy was pulling. Don't like it? Meh...


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
As I said to Musty, there was a case not so long ago where a pastor was public about his Quran burning session and if I recall correctly, that was somewhere in America and it was frowned upon to say the least.
He wasn't arrested for burning a Koran in his own backyard.

Frankly, I don't see what you're appalled about at all.
Said the slave to the free man.

This cretin was deliberately trying to incite hatred and no sympathy at all for the moronic nut.
I the U.S. we have a saying: "I disagree with what you're saying but I'll defend your right to say it".
Don't have that saying over there do you?
You have freedom of speech in this country but you don't have freedom to incite trouble with inflammatory crap like what this guy was pulling.
Who decides what's "inflammatory crap".
What he did on private property to a Koran he owns is his business. If people don't want to watch they don't have to.

Don't like it? Meh...
Exactly, if you didn't like him burning his own Koran on his own property don't watch his channel.
But to be arrested for it? That's insane. It's no wonder we separated from Ya'll.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
He wasn't arrested for burning a Koran in his own backyard.

Good for him.

Said the slave to the free man.

Way to exaggerate...

I the U.S. we have a saying: "I disagree with what you're saying but I'll defend your right to say it".
Don't have that saying over there do you?

Sure. I see some of the most asinine, putrid garbage aired on here alone by the likes of certain people, wouldn't in any way support their not having the right to air their views. What this nut was doing was a deliberate and public inflammatory act. He wasn't "saying" anything and was being totally irresponsible.

Who decides what's "inflammatory crap".
What he did on private property to a Koran he owns is his business. If people don't want to watch they don't have to.

Oh do the bloody math.

Exactly, if you didn't like him burning his own Koran on his own property don't watch his channel.
But to be arrested for it? That's insane. It's no wonder we separated from Ya'll.

Yeah, we're all gagged over here and it's a nanny state.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Said the slave to the free man.
"Because nothing says "perspective" like comparing the inability to provoke others by burning their holy book to actual slavery," said no actual slave, ever. :plain:

I the U.S. we have a saying: "I disagree with what you're saying but I'll defend your right to say it". Don't have that saying over there do you?
We also have a tradition of impinging upon all sorts of speech that we find unacceptable, from the printed to the spoken word. .
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Well-known member
He wasn't arrested for burning a Koran in his own backyard.

Said the slave to the free man.

I the U.S. we have a saying: "I disagree with what you're saying but I'll defend your right to say it".
Don't have that saying over there do you?

Who decides what's "inflammatory crap".
What he did on private property to a Koran he owns is his business. If people don't want to watch they don't have to.

Exactly, if you didn't like him burning his own Koran on his own property don't watch his channel.
But to be arrested for it? That's insane. It's no wonder we separated from Ya'll.

Remember, you're talking to a slave who has to buy a license for the privilege II to watch television that he already pays for out of taxes (assuming he's not a dole sponge). He seriously can't comprehend what it means to be an American but he hates it anyway. The ones who partly get it, like hypocrite John Cleese, moved over here to avoid the rape of high taxes but are still leftists.