This is what emboldened white supremacists look like


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Typical denial of what's right there in black and white.

Nick posts photos of stonings as well as the executions of homosexuals while his coreligionists approve of the same things (under their rules, of course).

That isn't an argument. It's an attempt to say, "OOOH Ugly video that I don't like! The whole position and anyone who agrees with any version of it must be a religious lunatic! AAAHH! Get me out of here!"

It's called an Ad Hominem argument. Most people think that the mere act of calling someone a derogative name is an ad hominem but that just shows their ignorance of what the term means.

In your other post, you throw in a mention of Sharia Law. That's a similar fallacy but would be better classified as a "Guilt by association" or "poisoning the well" fallacy.

The point here is that you are not making an argument. You're expressing a dislike for something to an audience made up of people who couldn't care less about your personal opinions much less be persuaded by them.

The God I worship says explicitly that homosexuality should be a capital crime and that those lawfully convicted of such crimes should be publically executed. Do you really expect that I'm going to be moved an inch by your person opinions or that you're going to shame me into disagreeing with God?

Now if you want to make an actual argument in an attempt to prove that the God who created you is unjust then go right ahead! My bet it that you don't have the slightest idea where to even try to begin such an argument. The best you've got is, "It's just wrong!" or the equivalent. Wrong by what standard, your own personal opinion?

Resting in Him,

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
That isn't an argument.
She made an observation. A statement of an observable truth. Everything isn't meant to be an argument of parts.

It's an attempt to say, "OOOH Ugly video that I don't like! The whole position and anyone who agrees with any version of it must be a religious lunatic! AAAHH! Get me out of here!"
No, she was clear enough over a few posts that what she's noting is some around here would be fine with putting homosexuals to death. And that's true enough.

It's called an Ad Hominem argument.
No it isn't, but it does make what follows funny. So that's something.

Most people think that the mere act of calling someone a derogative name is an ad hominem but that just shows their ignorance of what the term means.
Well, thank heaven you know and can...apparently take your secret society of Ad Hominer knowledge to the grave...or failing that, to the mildly amused. :shocked:

In your other post, you throw in a mention of Sharia Law. That's a similar fallacy but would be better classified as a "Guilt by association" or "poisoning the well" fallacy.
Or rough parallel, though I can see where that one wouldn't make your list.

The point here is that you are not making an argument. You're expressing a dislike for something to an audience made up of people who couldn't care less about your personal opinions much less be persuaded by them.
Your indifference really comes through. :plain: If you're any more indifferent we could all be here a while.

The God I worship says explicitly that homosexuality should be a capital crime and that those lawfully convicted of such crimes should be publically executed.
Then you haven't read his later work. You don't have to sacrifice goats now either...I've ruined it for you, haven't I. :poly: I always do that.

Do you really expect that I'm going to be moved an inch by your person opinions or that you're going to shame me into disagreeing with God?
I don't believe anyone who reads you expects you to change tenor, let alone positions.

Now if you want to make an actual argument in an attempt to prove that the God who created you is unjust then go right ahead!
When you honestly can't see that disagreeing with you isn't necessarily the same thing as differing with God you might be over extending a healthy self-regard a skosh.

My bet it that you don't have the slightest idea where to even try to begin such an argument.
My bet is that you don't get invited to a lot of parties...or conversations.


New member
"Ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is now usually understood as a logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself." This is from:

The use of an Ad Hominem Argument rather than a substantive argument is one tactic of the dialectic, which is used on this thread.

It looks like the reason for using the dialectic type of argument on this thread is because of a lack of knowledge of the topics that go along with an assertion that the present day Alternative Media and patriot-populist movement is "white supremacy."

The use of tactics like attacking the individual who opposes the claim that the patriot movement is white supremacy and racism, and making statements in an attempt to get the opponent into a prolonged quarrel fits the meaning of the dialectic. Those promoting the politically correct "weapon" of white supremacy and racism try to say there is maybe no such thing as the dialectic and that the concept of the dialectic is over the heads of people on TOL.

Has anyone thought of the idea of Googling "dialectic" and see what comes up?

The links that came up for "dialectic" are all about Plato's Phaedo and the Republic. This is relevant to the use of a word from the ancient Greek dialectic in Plato, before Christ - in I Timothy 6: 20. The phrase in Greek is "και αντιθεσεις της ψευδωνυμου γνωσεως." αντιθεσεις or anti-thesis is the word from ancient Greek dialectics. There are other Greek words used in the New Testament which mean opposition, such as anthistémi, antidiatithémi, antipolítef̱si̱, or enantío̱si̱. Antithesis is a term used in Greek philosophy in relation to the dialectic.

"In classical philosophy, dialectic (διαλεκτική) is a form of reasoning based upon dialogue of arguments and counter-arguments, advocating propositions (theses) and counter-propositions (antitheses). The outcome of such a dialectic might be the refutation of a relevant proposition."

First of all the dialectic depends upon establishing a dialogue between two or more people. The didactic method of teaching, on the other hand does not depend upon dialogue.

The dialectic is about argument between propositions, often called the thesis and the anti-thesis opposing the thesis.

And the Marxist form of the dialectic is based upon an ideology.

"In the eyes of the dialectical philosophy, nothing is established for
all time, nothing is absolute or sacred." (Karl Marx)

The goal of Marxism is to do away with the present form of society and government and set up a collectivist society and totalitarian form of world government. In Transformational Marxism there is a slow tearing down of the culture and institutions supporting the Christian and family derived order which raises up and values the individual. This tearing down of the older culture is done in part by the dialectic type of argument.

Benjamin Bloom, who wrote the two volume book on the Taxonomy
of Educational Goal Objectives, by which all teachers must be
certified, said "“We recognize the point of view that
truth and knowledge are only relative and that there are no hard and
fast truths which exist for all time and places.” (Benjamin Bloom, et
al., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Book 1, Cognitive Domain)

"Once the earthly family is discovered to be the secret of the
heavenly family, the former must be destroyed (annihilated), in theory
and in practice." Karl Marx, Feuerbach Thesis #4

“The individual accepts the new system of values and beliefs by
accepting belongingness to the group.” Kurt Lewin in Kenneth Benne
Human Relations in Curriculum Change
Last edited:


like marbles on glass
She made an observation. A statement of an observable truth. Everything isn't meant to be an argument of parts.

No, she was clear enough over a few posts that what she's noting is some around here would be fine with putting homosexuals to death. And that's true enough.

No it isn't, but it does make what follows funny. So that's something.

Well, thank heaven you know and can...apparently take your secret society of Ad Hominer knowledge to the grave...or failing that, to the mildly amused. :shocked:

Or rough parallel, though I can see where that one wouldn't make your list.

Your indifference really comes through. :plain: If you're any more indifferent we could all be here a while.
Then you haven't read his later work. You don't have to sacrifice goats now either...I've ruined it for you, haven't I. :poly: I always do that.

I don't believe anyone who reads you expects you to change tenor, let alone positions.

When you honestly can't see that disagreeing with you isn't necessarily the same thing as differing with God you might be over extending a healthy self-regard a skosh.

My bet is that you don't get invited to a lot of parties...or conversations.

Thanks, you've summed it up.

It's very clear. They approve of stoning. Carried out according to their version of the rules.

What makes their version of stoning different than the terrorist barbarians' version?

Different books.

So while Nick decries the barbarity of stoning by Islam (and well he should - just not with fake photos and not by complaining that no one's talking about stoning in a white supremacy thread), meanwhile his coreligionists are wishing they could bring stoning back.


New member
So while Nick decries the barbarity of stoning by Islam (and well he should - just not with fake photos and not by complaining that no one's talking about stoning in a white supremacy thread), meanwhile his coreligionists are wishing they could bring stoning back.

Exactly. We've got a real problem in this country with white folks who are just as radicalized as the Muslims they purport to be worried about.

It was pointed out to me recently that all of the terrorist attacks that have occurred in the US within the intended time-frame of Trump's travel ban have been committed by white supremacists, not Jihadists, despite the ban being blocked by the courts.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The God I worship says explicitly that homosexuality should be a capital crime and that those lawfully convicted of such crimes should be publically executed.


Then you haven't read his later work. You don't have to sacrifice goats now either...I've ruined it for you, haven't I. :poly: I always do that.

i so look forward to watching you try to argue your way past the judgement throne

have fun burning in hell, pervert :wave2:


New member
Hall of Fame
Are you going to answer the question or attack strawmen?

Here is the question again. it is a yes or no question:

Trump is running for President on a platform that includes building a wall on the Mexican border and deporting the Illegals.

Do you think those things "Impact the Latino Community"?
I think where your argument fails is that the case in question doesn't impact Latinos. It was a Trump University case. If what you propose as a conflict of interest is truly a conflict of interest then we'd have to have judges recusing themselves left and right.


New member
Hall of Fame

Emancipation and Justice: Lee and Jackson parks get new names

Following the disruptions to City Council meetings that have occurred with regularity since the call to remove the statue of General Robert E. Lee was first made more than a year ago, councilors voted 5-0 to ditch the monikers honoring Confederate generals Lee and Stonewall Jackson and dub them, respectively, Emancipation and Justice parks.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I think where your argument fails is that the case in question doesn't impact Latinos. It was a Trump University case.

can you separate the man from his other policies?

if a judge has a strong association with MMCC, is it inconceivable that he'd be biased against trump because of trump's climate change positions?


New member
Hall of Fame
can you separate the man from his other policies?

if a judge has a strong association with MMCC, is it inconceivable that he'd be biased against trump because of trump's climate change positions?
It isn't inconceivable because people could let their political positions compel them to do any number of things. The question is if the case is strong enough to justify statements like Trump made and a recusal of the judge.


New member
Hall of Fame
Also, the La Raza stuff may help Trump but did he even know about that association at the time he made the comments? Or is that something conservatives found after the fact to do damage control? Because he didn't mention any Latino organization membership. He mentioned Mexican.


New member
Hall of Fame
what statements made by trump need justifying?

IIRC, he's an american citizen and as such is afforded the right to free speech, right?
As far as I've seen no one has said Trump doesn't have the right to say what he says.