This Fourth of July, it’s worth pondering the true meaning of patriotism


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

Is English your second language?

She said that the murderers targeted events for political reasons. Ie, these were terrorism aimed at her side of the aisle.
They are definitely terrorism. Yes.

They're suicidal. They're mass murderous. And they're terrorist.

So we live among suicidal mass murderous terrorists, and people like Democrats just want to even further restrict their already further restrictions, which began maybe innocently enough, but has self fulfilling prophetically rendered our national militia a disorganized bunch whose only commonality seems to be that we're the ones who aren't afraid to carry or wear weapons. That's basically all we are. We're "well regulated" through the stupid restrictions, starting with the 1934 NFA, and things only get more convoluted as time has gone on.

Don't get me wrong, even with this Democratic injection of confusion, beginning 1934 (National Firearms Act), even still America is far better prepared for oh idk say a Russian invasion, that literally every other nation, all things considered. (Even though Switzerland is heavily armed they are also really small, and have a large proportion of mountainous terrain, so their country is just easier to defend than ours, but that's no knock on Americans, for having so much territory.)


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Whatever the question, the answer is always: More guns.

(or you're an idiot)


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame

Whatever the question, the answer is always: More guns.

(or you're an idiot)
:unsure: Remember these things: FP-45 Liberator?

Everyone over the age of 18 gets one...Free of charge...With three rounds of some kind of wadcutter profile .45acp hard-alloy low-pressure ammo.

It's serial numbered, along with the three bullets...Issued to you...Ballistics on file.

EVERYONE has basic personal protection. ;)

:D Think about it....It wouldn't even have to be a huge response if a shooter walked in. Most people in polite society probably would cower even if they were armed anyway.
Just one unnoticed little old lady...Silent in the corner...As the shooter savors the moment and he shoulders his weapon her tiny bird-like hands draws one from her handbag and puts a 200gr. ashcan behind his ear. It gives me goosebumps! :LOL:

I gotta' get up with Tarantino about a screenplay for this. :unsure:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Only. If. You're. An. Idiot.

Hmm. Let's parse that. Let's say a guy busts into a place of work with the intent to kill as many innocent people as possible. Is the answer:
A. Sprinkle guns randomly on the crowd, or
B. You're an idiot.
Let's not. "More guns" isn't an answer to any question and only morons would seriously suggest that it was.


Well-known member

This Fourth of July, it’s worth pondering the true meaning of patriotism

Robert Reich

On this Fourth of July, it’s worth pondering the true meaning of patriotism.

It is not the meaning propounded by the “America first” crowd, who see the patriotic challenge as securing our borders.

For most of its existence America has been open to people from the rest of the world fleeing tyranny and violence.

Nor is the meaning of patriotism found in the ravings of those who want America to be a white Christian nation.

America’s moral mission has been greater inclusion – equal citizenship for Native Americans, Black people, women and LGBTQ+ people.

True patriots don’t fuel racist, religious or ethnic divisions. Patriots aren’t homophobic or sexist. Patriots seek to confirm and strengthen and celebrate the “we” in “we the people of the United States”.

Patriots are not blind to social injustices. They don’t ban books or prevent teaching about the sins of our past.

They combine a loving devotion to America with a demand for justice.

This land is your land, this land is my land, Woody Guthrie sang.

Langston Hughes pleaded:

Let America be America again,

The land that never has been yet –

And yet must be – the land where every man is free.

The land that’s mine – the poor man’s, Indian’s, Negro’s, ME –.

Nor is the meaning of patriotism found in symbolic displays of loyalty like standing for the national anthem and waving the American flag.

Its true meaning is in taking a fair share of the burdens of keeping the nation going – sacrificing for the common good. Paying taxes in full rather than lobbying for lower taxes, seeking tax loopholes or squirreling away money abroad.

It means refraining from political contributions that corrupt our politics, and blowing the whistle on abuses of power even at the risk of losing one’s job.

It means volunteering time and energy to improve the community and country.

Real patriotism involves strengthening our democracy – defending the right to vote and ensuring more Americans are heard. It is not claiming without evidence that millions of people voted fraudulently.

It is not pushing for laws that make it harder for people to vote based on this “big lie”. It is not using the big lie to run for office.

True patriots don’t put loyalty to their political party above their love of America.

True patriots don’t support an attempted coup. They expose it – even when it was engineered by people they once worked for, even if it’s a president who headed their own party.

When serving in public office, true patriots don’t try to hold on to power after voters have chosen not to re-elect them. They don’t make money off their offices.

When serving as judges, they recuse themselves from cases where they may appear to have a conflict of interest. When serving in the Senate, they don’t use the filibuster to stop all legislation with which they disagree.

When serving on the supreme court, they don’t disregard precedent to impose their ideology.

Patriots understand that when they serve the public, one of their major responsibilities is to maintain and build public trust in the offices and institutions they occupy.

America is in trouble. But that’s not because too many foreigners are crossing our borders, or we’re losing our whiteness or our dominant religion, or we’re not standing for the national anthem, or because of voter fraud.

We’re in trouble because we are losing the true understanding of what patriotism requires from all of us.
What is the difference between patriotism and idolatry?


Staff member
Super Moderator
What is the difference between patriotism and idolatry?
US patriots don't worship the United States or the Constitution. They value it enough and are man enough to die for it. That doesn't mean they worship it.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Let's not.
Oh. You just want to be able to share your opinion without pushback?

Wrong planet, fella.

"More guns" isn't an answer to any question

Sure, it is. Watch:
What if China invades? Answer: More guns.
What if a homicidal maniac busts in? Answer: More guns.
What if food runs low? Answer: More guns.
What if a leftist control freak (apologies for the redundancy) demands a gun ban? Answer: More guns.
What if we're bored? Answer: More guns.

We could go on all day.

Only morons would seriously suggest that "more guns" is not the answer.


Well-known member
Oh. You just want to be able to share your opinion without pushback?

Wrong planet, fella.

Sure, it is. Watch:
What if China invades? Answer: More guns.
What if a homicidal maniac busts in? Answer: More guns.
What if food runs low? Answer: More guns.
What if a leftist control freak (apologies for the redundancy) demands a gun ban? Answer: More guns.
What if we're bored? Answer: More guns.

We could go on all day.

Only morons would seriously suggest that "more guns" is not the answer.
Oh if only people would trust God, instead of trusting weapons.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Do you equate a country with your kids?

Leftists have no capacity for rational thought.

In this specific context, yes he is equating his kids and his country. Ie, he worships neither and would die for both.

Darwinists are morons.