This Fourth of July, it’s worth pondering the true meaning of patriotism

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
America has always used Military Force to undertake Political Subversion, Theft, Genocide, Colonialism, White Superiority, Religion, Capitalist Elitism, and to destroy Competition.

Are you real proud of that?
Yes I am 😁


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
That's exactly what our Constitution is based on; that you have rights.

That's why I care about the right, not the piece of paper that upholds that right for people where I don't live.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
That's why I care about the right, not the piece of paper that upholds that right for people where I don't live.
Our "piece of paper" frames a regime which protects rights best of all.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The mass shooter's father is a big Trump fan and 2A nut. Robert Crimo III’s father signed the form enabling his son to buy the guns he is accused of using to kill at least seven people even after Crimo exhibited various red flags prior to his gun purchase. Police say he attempted suicide in the spring of 2019 and talked about “killing everybody” in September of that same year, after which police seized 16 knives, a dagger, and a sword from his home.

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"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Only if you're an idiot.
Only. If. You're. An. Idiot.

Hmm. Let's parse that. Let's say a guy busts into a place of work with the intent to kill as many innocent people as possible. Is the answer:
A. Sprinkle guns randomly on the crowd, or
B. You're an idiot.