They say Islam won't conquer England...they even say Mohammedans don't want to


New member

This quotes the ex-minister 'saying "At this rate, the whole parliament will be muslim" (leaving no allowance for non-muslims to have any representation in UK government if he gets his way). '

But in reality he said (with a smirk indicating humour) "At this rate the whole parliament will be Muslim, but just to say, in case there are journalists here today, that is not my objective."

I know some of you Americans don't get irony, but when you are trying to interpret partial quotes, you really ought to get with the idiomatic ways of speaking here.


Well-known member
Watch the first 15 seconds. Some English Mohammedans have a different idea.


Artie Brain knows this is going on but lies anyway.

Muslims are waiting for Jesus to return too but to Damascus rather than the Mount of Olives. They call this Jesus Isa and believe Isa will then select the Muslim Mahdi who will rule the world. This is in their Quranic eschatology. The Bible however calls Isa the 'strange god' and the Mahdi the Anti-Christ:

Daniel 11:39
Thus shall he [The Anti-Christ] do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.

This strange god Isa will be Satan pulling off his biggest deception to date.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I certainly don't apologize for cussing today but you're a loon for not facing reality. How can you keep denying what's happening in your neck of the woods? Don't display any crosses when you walk past the mosque.

The reality of the situation is that I've lived a hundred yards away from a mosque for years, which in turn is around the corner from a Baptist and a Methodist church. The amount of trouble there's been in relation to religious or cultural clashes? None is what, de nada, squat. I can "keep denying" your version of "reality" because simply put, it's not real. It's a fabrication invented by cranks like Musty who think whacked out youtube videos are a representative source of 'news'. They aren't and nor are his beloved far right blogs. Neither he, you or any other conspiracy peddling moron are qualified to tell people living in England what's happening in the country because you haven't got a damned clue.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member

You have no idea what you are talking about. You see one video from a tiny ultra-right nationalist spouting falsehoods, and you think you're an expert, and you are telling people who live here that they are confused or lying. Get real.


He's a conspiracy crackpot and a dope. He won't see reason because he's incapable of it...

patrick jane

You know the ones. Getting back to musty's "conspiracy" it's funny how some people refuse to believe actual video footage of real life in those muslim controlled towns you have. The United States started with one small colony itself. Brits want to be the next "Melting Pot". Talk to me when you're 70.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You know the ones. Getting back to musty's "conspiracy" it's funny how some people refuse to believe actual video footage of real life in those muslim controlled towns you have. The United States started with one small colony itself. Brits want to be the next "Melting Pot". Talk to me when you're 70.

No I don't so either link to them or can it. Hey, maybe you think Birmingham is a no go city like one of your far right reporters thought until he was laughed at so much he had to make a public apology for it? Talk to me when you've taken your metal hat off...



New member
Did I miss it, or did GC not comment on the

"You're jealous that WE'RE takin' ovah!"

It was a tightly cut piece of propaganda, and it is not clear what might be taken over, of if it was just taunting the nationalist nutjobs. I know which way you'll go to validate your conspiracy theory, but reality does not lie that way.

I know you sympathise with the racist agitators who took the video, but I would rather swap those antisocial loonies for more hard working Muslims looking to start businesses and work hard for a living. Nationalist, racist agitators do not make my society safer.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Something you won't be allowed to do.

Sure I will Dopey. I'll continue to walk past by the local mosque on the way into town where a myriad other folk do the same, walking their dogs, wearing what they like within British decency laws, wearing crosses if they want and the same thing will happen as it has for years, nothing.

You are just too irrational to even think your position through with some semblance of reason or intelligence. Go scour some more cranked out youtube videos cos that's your level, and you should be embarrassed at that.