These are NOT the same gospel


Well-known member
The requirements were given in the passage I quoted:

Paul, as far as we can tell, does not fit the standard presented in Acts 1:21-22. Therefore, he is unqualified for filling the position left open by Judas.
That was my point—“as far as we can tell”. But that applies not just to whether Paul fits Peter’s standards, but also to whether the twelve thrones or twelve foundations are filled according to Peter’s or someone else’s standard.

Right Divider

Body part
He said His kingdom was not of this world.
What do you think that means?
I think that He's talking about the world in it's current state.
Evil, corrupt, etc. etc.
Matt 13:37-43 (AKJV/PCE)
(13:37) He answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; (13:38) The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked [one]; (13:39) The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. (13:40) As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. (13:41) The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; (13:42) And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. (13:43) Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.


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ohn 18:36 (AKJV/PCE)
(18:36) Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
He's making a distinction between two realms that both just as real.
He states His kingdom is not of this world, meaning it is of another realm.
And then says if it was of the earthly realm His servants would fight, but it is not of this realm.
His kingdom and battle was with the dark supernatural forces before His kingdom and battle will be earthly.
And then both realms will be united without any supernatural darkness or earthly darkness.

Right Divider

Body part
He's making a distinction between two realms that both just as real.
He states His kingdom is not of this world, meaning it is of another realm.
And then says if it was of the earthly realm His servants would fight, but it is not of this realm.
His kingdom and battle was with the dark supernatural forces before His kingdom and battle will be earthly.
And then both realms will be united without any supernatural darkness or earthly darkness.
When He returns to "this world", there will definitely be a battle.


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Right, it was not time for it yet, it will come at a later time.

Or, Jesus was telling the truth that "you will not be able to travel through all the cities of Israel before My return", etc, but then circumstances changed (Israel rejected Her Messiah) and so God couldn't give them right away the land He had promised them.


Well-known member
Has been explained many times on this very site, the "this generation" passage was a conditional statement. The condition wasn't met so it hasn't happened. Yet.


Well-known member
The gospel of the kingdom is NOT just that there is a future earthly kingdom coming to Israel.

It was that the kingdom was AT HAND.
Exactly, and then something happened to change that.
Oh, that's right, the Jews rejected their Messiah.
Then they stoned Stephen, and God raised up Paul to fulfill the prophecy concerning the Gentiles.

It's interesting that Paul was a Jew, and God used him to be a light to the Gentiles.


Well-known member
Nobody knew about the gospel of the grace of God in Acts 10. Don't forget that Peter was sent on a special mission to Cornelius.
That doesn’t mean it wasn’t the same gospel. It just means the 12 were woefully stuck in their old ways, which wasn’t a detriment at first, since they were doing the Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria part of their commission. They had trouble moving on to the “ends of the earth” part. And that would mean, obviously, that they DID know about the grace of God toward their Gentiles, but they didn’t know what it would look like.
Duh... everyone should "live holy lives" regardless of how they are saved.
Good. Thanks for the clarification. So that part of your two gospels is the same?
Nope. I'm claiming that Israel and the body of Christ are two different things.
Which also is obvious, based on Rom 11 and others. But couldn’t their be people that were both of Israel and the BOC? Like Paul, Timothy, Barnabas, Silas?
That is NOT "Paul's gospel". That is Paul defending himself against the Jews.
That’s Paul taking some kind of message to the Gentiles. Are you saying he wasn’t preaching the gospel to them when he did so?
No, it was meant tongue in cheek. I'm probably older than you.
The gospel of the kingdom is NOT just that there is a future earthly kingdom coming to Israel.

It was that the kingdom was AT HAND.
Why is that such good news on a parallel with the gospel of grace?

Right Divider

Body part
That doesn’t mean it wasn’t the same gospel. It just means the 12 were woefully stuck in their old ways, which wasn’t a detriment at first, since they were doing the Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria part of their commission. They had trouble moving on to the “ends of the earth” part. And that would mean, obviously, that they DID know about the grace of God toward their Gentiles, but they didn’t know what it would look like.
That is, quite frankly, ridiculous.

The twelve were preaching the gospel of the kingdom for YEARS and YET they did not even know that Christ would die.

Can the gospel of the grace of God be preached without the death, burial and resurrection? NO!!
Hence, they CANNOT be the same gospels. End of story.
Good. Thanks for the clarification. So that part of your two gospels is the same?
Those are not "part of the two gospels". They are general principles that pre-date an gospel.
Which also is obvious, based on Rom 11 and others. But couldn’t their be people that were both of Israel and the BOC? Like Paul, Timothy, Barnabas, Silas?
Of course. But if they are part of the body of Christ, they do not have a place in the earthly kingdom where there is a distinction between Jew and gentile.
Why is that such good news on a parallel with the gospel of grace?
Who said such a thing? Not me.

You seem to think that all "good news" has the be the same good news or on the same level as every other good news.... that's just not true.


Well-known member
And he was an ex-pharisee and Roman citizen too...he had skills and inroads the Twelve never did.
The Lord did good when He chose Paul. In fact, in my recent study of the Greek, I found that this particular "chosen" is not like any of the others. It means "divinely chosen".

Acts 9:15
But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel:


Well-known member
That is, quite frankly, ridiculous.

The twelve were preaching the gospel of the kingdom for YEARS and YET they did not even know that Christ would die.

Can the gospel of the grace of God be preached without the death, burial and resurrection? NO!!
Hence, they CANNOT be the same gospels. End of story.

Those are not "part of the two gospels". They are general principles that pre-date an gospel.

Of course. But if they are part of the body of Christ, they do not have a place in the earthly kingdom where there is a distinction between Jew and gentile.

Who said such a thing? Not me.

You seem to think that all "good news" has the be the same good news or on the same level as every other good news.... that's just not true.
It does have to be a similar level if you withhold one from a group that could benefit by it, in order to only give them the other, which you’ve just admitted is less beneficial to them.


Well-known member
The twelve were preaching the gospel of the kingdom for YEARS and YET they did not even know that Christ would die.

Can the gospel of the grace of God be preached without the death, burial and resurrection? NO!! Hence, they CANNOT be the same gospels. End of story.

End of story only to those who actually believe the Bible. You're arguing with one who doesn't.


Well-known member
The twelve were preaching the gospel of the kingdom for YEARS and YET they did not even know that Christ would die.

Can the gospel of the grace of God be preached without the death, burial and resurrection? NO!!
Hence, they CANNOT be the same gospels. End of story.
How could it be end of story before they realized Christ had to die? Listen, I’m not sure about whether one might call what they preached prior to Jesus’ death a different gospel—I might be able to go along with that. But once they understood the death and resurrection was part of the plan, it was incorporated into the gospel they were preaching. Thus you can’t say that Paul and Peter were preaching different gospels at the same time, but only if you compare Peter’s old gospel to Paul’s new gospel. But why would anyone make a thread about that? Your thread presupposes that the two different gospels are being preached at the same time.
Paul received a different gospel from the Lord.
Different from what? Isn’t it the other CONCURRENT gospel?