Lighthouse said:
Could you put that in layman's terms?
Yes, I can begin it for you from the beginning -
God created the earth for Adam "son of God" to be his dominion. Psalm 115:16
Adam lost the dominion and was no longer 'son of God', in his death of separation from the glory, because of the defilement.
We are all seed of Adam and dead in spirit when we come into our being, and our inheritance 'in Adam' was lost and corrupted, with no one able, in Adam, to ransom it with any acceptable price. Haggai chapter 2
There was no "husband"/servant for earth; which word in Hebrew is 'Isyh', to bring forth deliverance of the kingdom by righteousness, and who could redeem the sons of God back, for the Father's glory to indwell.
Isaiah 59 "There was no 'Isyh' to bring forth justice and do the Father's will, so He clothed Himself with the garments of "vengeance =Kinsman/Redeemer, and His created flesh nature is that New Man, and His Spirit is the Everlasting Spirit, called Christ, which clothed Himself with the garment of New Man nature.
So YHWH Himself took upon Himself a created second human being body, to come in flesh of human kind, to be the Deliverer; Judge; Husband; Everlasting Father [as a human being] and the Mighty God of this lost kingdom, to Ransom it back for the Father's glory to fill, and to do the duty of Kinsman to His dead in spirit, [Adam] brother's family.
His name as the New 'Isyh is "Israel"; and He is not of the corrupt dust, but is the Living Spirit from above come to wear the second human being nature prepared for Him from "nothing of this earth", but that body was prepared in the womb of a daughter born in Adam, and therefore He is a legal 'heir' of earth, a legal 'seed' of Abraham, and the Legal Kinsman/Redeemer of Adam, as the only "human being kind" brother to Adam, created by the Father as our own Kinsman/Redeemer.
He is the Everlasting Father of this creation as to His human nature which He is ever to wear as our own Head of the New Race, into which He adopts us by giving us His Spirit as the second birth for us.
We will wear our own bodies in the regeneration which will be dissolved and formed anew from the elements but made in His immortal human being image. -If we are born again in His Living Spirit.
His coming as a human being of the second and only Living Son of the Father is the Good News to all in Adam.
Adam was made one spirit [Malachi 2:15] and two persons, male and female [Genesis 5:2] for the purpose of multiplying the godly seed, which means "sons of God", until this kingdom created for Adam and ben -Adam was filled.
The kingdom included the dominion of the heaven of this earth, which is that realm of the spirit which Adam is cut off from as a 'dead' spirit, and in which realm the wicked rulers have dominion until they are removed and destroyed, when the Son of Man/Son of God returns and takes possession of His purchased kingdom.
The redemption is one story, from Genesis to Revelation, and the Redeemer is the Seed of the Woman [Zion above], who was declared in Genesis 15, who was to come, is come, and shall come.
His mission is to unite us with the Father from whom we were separated at the fall, and for the Father's glory to fill the regenerated sons of God and their kingdom which He is to also regenerate, as He is YHWH/Israel, the New Man High King/High Priest for this dominion
And we must be born a second time "in His Spirit" or we will not inherit the kingdom prepared for us from the beginnning, in the New Man; who was to come, is come, and shall come.
The Jews were given this complete redemption story to perform as oracles in the law, feasts, tabernacle, furnishings, priesthood, and service of the temple.
The High Priest donned the 'garments of glory' to enter into the Holy of Holies once a year as "Christ =the Messiah" and to perform a full dress rehearsal of the Day which was made from the beginning for our Ransom.
Jesus Christ's prepared New Man body is the true Mercy Seat of God which was patterned in the Living Oracles, which received the sprinkling of the blood yearly as a pattern of the final performance.
Psalm 118 is about the Day of Atonement when our God was bound to the Altar of sacrifice to be our Gate to the Righteous City, Zion above.
Jesus said we must enter in through the "Strait Gate" referring to His own Mercy Seat body, bound to the cross for us as the Door into the Kingdom of God.
In the Law, The scapegoat was to bear the iniquities of the people away, to the wilderness, on the Day of Atonement, as a pattern for the final act of our Scapegoat.
Jesus became our Scapegoat when all our sins and iniquities were laid on Him by the Father, and He tasted our own death in spirit and became Sin for us and died, taking our sins upon Himself to Sheol, below, where He left them when He rose immortal =perfected, on the third day.
If we don't personally "lay hands on the true Scapegoat", and confess our sins and believe He took them away, then we will not be born again.
If we do not accept water baptism in His name, by His authority, in faith that in Him our old man [which we still wear] died with Him, was buried with Him, and will also rise from the dust of this creation in His Perfected 'immortal' image; then we are not His.
His servants obey Him and His servants are united with Him in His death, burial, and resurrection -by faith, and they follow Him, as Paul the Apostle did, who was adopted into the Beloved Son of God by the Spirit of Adoption, and who was water baptised, and who believed he would be "perfected' in His image in the resurrection.
The Acceptable Year of our LORD is that age of His fulfilling His promise of His "Good Pleasure =His Grace, towards us, for our acceptance by the Father in the Beloved Son.
Israel is His name, Christ is the Living Spirit made flesh, called Israel.
The namesake people received the promise of Adoption by the Final performance in the Appointed Season, as laborers in His vineyard, they were the first called to come in when all things were prepared for the wedding of the Son -Gentiles are being called to His Life, today, to be joined to His living Spirit and made one in His "New Man" kind for the Father's glory to indwell.