The Walk-Away


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On Fire said:
You mean you USED to feel guilty for not going to church? Man, you DO have issues.

Not "guilt" so much as it was something to get used to.

"Oh, man. It's nine o'clock. NINE O'CLOCK!?!? Sunday school starts in half an hour! Kick into high gear ASAP!"

Then came the realization: oh, yeah. I can sleep in and STAY in, if I'm so inclined.



The Dark Knight
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I haven't been to church in months, and I don't feel guilty. I didn't even go today.


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ApologeticJedi said:
I agree with those that say that one cannot loose one's own salvation through sin. I don't believe we were saved on the basis of our lack of sin, so it makes little sense that we could loose our salvation by sinning.

What then, is the response to the idea that people can walk away? I'm speaking of someone who aftr accepting Jesus, decides he'd rather not spend all of eternity with God. Can someone walk away from their own salvation?
My response, borrowing Sozo's eloquent way of putting it...
No, they cannot. It is a 100% absolute impossibilty for anyone to undue what God has done. Free will is not all inclusive, and those who are in Christ have been purchased by the blood of Jesus, and they are not their own. The life that they have is the life of God, and Jesus said that those who have the life will NEVER perish. If they perished through an act or will of their own then Jesus would be wrong, and He is not.


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granite1010 said:
Nothing like a last minute sinner's prayer to absolve a lifetime.

Only someone who thinks that is what it means to be saved by grace through faith, would have your perspective. Simply quoting a prayer, does not save you. Going to church or walking forward at a Billy Graham crusade does not save you.


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Sozo said:
Only someone who thinks that is what it means to be saved by grace through faith, would have your perspective. Simply quoting a prayer, does not save you. Going to church or walking forward at a Billy Graham crusade does not save you.

So NEVER praying a "sinner's prayer" is going to save you? Not once? No exceptions? No deathbed confessions or last-minute cries of repentance?


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granite1010 said:
So NEVER praying a "sinner's prayer" is going to save you? Not once? No exceptions? No deathbed confessions or last-minute cries of repentance?

Re-read what I said.

I did not say that prayer is not involved. There is more.


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Sozo said:
Only someone who thinks that is what it means to be saved by grace through faith, would have your perspective. Simply quoting a prayer, does not save you. Going to church or walking forward at a Billy Graham crusade does not save you.

I agree with you. I think that it's what's in a person's heart that matters. A death bed repentance only "works" if the person truly means it. Just saying it doesn't mean much.


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ninjashadow said:
I agree with you. I think that it's what's in a person's heart that matters. A death bed repentance only "works" if the person truly means it. Just saying it doesn't mean much.


It is absolute surrender. An irreversible commitment, similar to suicide. You are so convinced that God is your only hope that you are willing to sacrifice all that you are for all that He is; Giving up all that you know and understand, for that which you cannot see or comprehend. It is the death of self at that very moment, and the impartation of new life.

Mr. 5020

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Romans 12:1-2, NKJV

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.


The Dark Knight
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What exactly are you saying? I know what that verse says to me, but what is your purpose for presenting it in this thread?


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granite1010 said:
I understand but you didn't answer my question.

I did answer your question. There is no such thing as a definitive "sinner's prayer", a "deathbed confession", or a "last-minute cry of repentance" apart from what I defined as saving faith.
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Sozo said:
I did answer your question. There is no such thing as a definitive "sinner's prayer", a "deathbed confession", or a "last-minute cry of repentance" apart what I defined as saving faith.

Are you saying that a sinner's prayer or deathbed confession isn't effectual (never works), or are you saying something else?

I'll simplify:

Is a deathbed confession/sinner's prayer at the last minute worthless?


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granite1010 said:
Are you saying that a sinner's prayer or deathbed confession isn't effectual (never works), or are you saying something else?

I'll simplify:

Is a deathbed confession/sinner's prayer at the last minute worthless?

I'm not sure, what it is you are having a problem understanding by my responses to your questions.

I have given you an exhaustive answer on what it means to have saving faith. Apart from what I have expressed concerning our response to God's grace, there are no other options. Saving faith may be a part of someone's prayer or "confession", but they can never be less than what I described.