The true defintion of the word liberty

The Horn

Conservatives always talk as though abortion had just now begun to happen with Roe v Wade , and that homosexuality has become a "problem now that gay people are starting to gain long overdue civil rights , and as though pornography were something new .
Wrong ! Homosexuality has existed from the very beginning of the human race and will always exist . Abortion has been common all over the world for thousands of years and laws against it have never done anything to prevent it .
Pornography has also existed since ancient times . All efforts to stop these things have been futile and always will be.
More abortions take place in countries where it is illegal than where it is legal .
Banning pornography has never prevented sexual misconduct , because pornography does not cause it . Rape is not caused by pornography , and is rampant everywhere it is illegal anyway .
Owning or distributing a Playboy magazine, which is not even real pornography, in a Muslim country can get you executed , or put in jail for years and flogged .
Yet rape is far more common in these poor backward countries than in the west , and women are treated horribly . Being raped can get you executed for "adultery" if you are a woman there .
Gay people in Muslim countries are often executed in a barbaric way . Do we want to make America into such a country ? I certainly hope not .


Conservatives always talk as though abortion had just now begun to happen with Roe v Wade , and that homosexuality has become a "problem now that gay people are starting to gain long overdue civil rights , and as though pornography were something new .
Wrong ! Homosexuality has existed from the very beginning of the human race and will always exist . Abortion has been common all over the world for thousands of years and laws against it have never done anything to prevent it .
Pornography has also existed since ancient times . All efforts to stop these things have been futile and always will be.
More abortions take place in countries where it is illegal than where it is legal .
Banning pornography has never prevented sexual misconduct , because pornography does not cause it . Rape is not caused by pornography , and is rampant everywhere it is illegal anyway .
Owning or distributing a Playboy magazine, which is not even real pornography, in a Muslim country can get you executed , or put in jail for years and flogged .
Yet rape is far more common in these poor backward countries than in the west , and women are treated horribly . Being raped can get you executed for "adultery" if you are a woman there .
Gay people in Muslim countries are often executed in a barbaric way . Do we want to make America into such a country ? I certainly hope not .

Hence the reason I use the term "sexual anarchist", because secular humanists like De Horn defends all kinds of perversion which leads to a nation that is overrun with....

sexual anarchy.


Liberty - noun - lib·er·ty \ˈli-bər-tē\: the state or condition of people who are able to act and speak freely; the power to do or choose what you want to; a political right.

(mic drop)

Note how the word "adults" wasn't used in the definition. Note how the word "responsible" nor "moral" weren't used either.

The word "liberty", as we've seen, can be (and is) used subjectively.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Note how the word "adults" wasn't used in the definition. Note how the word "responsible" nor "moral" weren't used either.
Right. Though each of those has a definition too.

The word "liberty", as we've seen, can be (and is) used subjectively.
Edit: I don't think it is subjective inside the sense of deciding on a political right. There's nothing subjective about being free to exercise one. And liberty is rightly abridged where there's sufficient reason or in balance against another's right.
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The Horn

Culturewarrior calls me a "sexual anarchist ", which is laughable . Just because I and millions of other sane and rational Americans don't want the government in everybody's bedroom doesn't make us "sexual anarchists ".
We don't condone pedophilia or any other sexual crime . We just believe that WHAT CONSENTING ADULTS DO IN PRIVATE IS ABSOLUTELY NO BUSINESS OF THE GOVERNMENT , THE LAW , THE COURTS AND THE POLICE !
If you DO want the government in everybody's bedroom, move to Iran or Saudi Arabia, where the morals police are constantly checking every in case they're doing something "wrong .


Well-known member

That's fine, but doesn't go to the heart of it. Basically sir, what I am attempting here is that we have this now, a state forcing people not to murder, correct? That's the object and and meaning of law. Correct? So if you don't murder someone because the law says you can't or you will suffer the consequences, I say that is not a moral position. Is that agreeable to you or no?

Bump for AcW. And......

Do you agree with the Non-Aggression Principle AcW?

The Horn

"Moral relativism", which is nothing but a conservative straw man, doesn't cause abortions . POVERTY and adverse social and economic conditions do . Even if Roe v Wade had never happened, there still would have been millions of illegal abortions, and who knows how many dead women, or ones who nearly perished . Since Roe, only a tiny handful of women have died from legal abortions .
Every year in poor countries where abortion is illegal, THOUSANDS of poor women die .
Persecuting gay people, which is exactly what misguided and deluded people like Culture warrior want , doesn't improve morality and doesn't prevent health problems . All it does is cause tyranny .


Hall of Fame
"Moral relativism", which is nothing but a conservative straw man, doesn't cause abortions . POVERTY and adverse social and economic conditions do .

Wrong. I have known people in the medical profession who abort (even though they make an above average wage) as well as teens from my Christian high school who aborted. Being that private school is not inexpensive, you cannot make the claim that it was due to poverty.

Also, you are setting it up that morality (in this case violence) should be based on income level.

By your own standard, if a rich college boy murders his girlfriend, it's justifiable due to his monetary status.

The Horn

Rusha, I didn't say all abortions are caused by poverty ; I said that poverty is a major cause of it . And remember- before Roe, women who could afford it had absolutely no trouble getting illegal but safe abortions . But the poor ones routinely went ot dangerous and unsanitary back-alley abortionists , and many died , or nearly perished . The poorest killed themselves with coat hangers and other makeshift devices . This is a fact .
Roe wasn't the beginning of abortion in America - it was the end of women DYING from abortions .