Before the "If I ran for President" thread was closed, I was having a discussion with some secular humanists on what the true definition of the word "liberty" means.
In this post secular humanists Rusha (aka Sandy) and Granite state that liberty is where others don't make choices for you:
Originally Posted by Rusha
Oh. You mean liberty is not about people agreeing to allow someone else to make their choices for them?
I don't believe he understands the word "liberty".
Originally Posted by Granite
At least you're blunt about it. Leave a Christian who claims to love "liberty" to spend time describing his hatred for it.
You and the rest of the would be-ayatollahs are getting more brazen as time goes on. I consider that a good thing.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
In Jr.'s hardcore Libertarian days he defined "liberty" as the supposed right to destroy one's life (alcohol/drug abuse, homosexuality, pornography, out of wedlock sex, etc.); it's amazing how much the 3 of you have (or once had) in common.
People of faith believe that "liberty" is being free from sinful behaviors.
Yet a page later Rusha (aka Sandy) wants restrictions on people's actions, changing her definition of liberty to where others are making choices for them through legislation:
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
But but but Sandy, you wouldn't want to take those people's "liberty" away from them would you? (I love it when Sandy goes from one stance to another, i.e. the supposed freedom to do with one's body as he/she or it pleases, but then shows that irresponsible behavior is harmful to others).
Quote: Originally posted by Rusha
Being that I would take away the "liberty" that allows women to abort their unborn babies, I would have no problem with taking away the liberty that allows women to drink, do drugs OR smoke during pregnancy ... OR after if it meant the child would come into contact and be harmed by any of the above.
Children should not be subjected to the second hand smoke, period.
So what is the true definition of liberty?
1) Being free (through Christ) of sinful behavior.
2) Having other people not make choices with what you do with your body.
3) Doing with your body as you please as long as others aren't harmed.
In this post secular humanists Rusha (aka Sandy) and Granite state that liberty is where others don't make choices for you:
Originally Posted by Rusha
Oh. You mean liberty is not about people agreeing to allow someone else to make their choices for them?
I don't believe he understands the word "liberty".
Originally Posted by Granite
At least you're blunt about it. Leave a Christian who claims to love "liberty" to spend time describing his hatred for it.
You and the rest of the would be-ayatollahs are getting more brazen as time goes on. I consider that a good thing.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
In Jr.'s hardcore Libertarian days he defined "liberty" as the supposed right to destroy one's life (alcohol/drug abuse, homosexuality, pornography, out of wedlock sex, etc.); it's amazing how much the 3 of you have (or once had) in common.
People of faith believe that "liberty" is being free from sinful behaviors.
Yet a page later Rusha (aka Sandy) wants restrictions on people's actions, changing her definition of liberty to where others are making choices for them through legislation:
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
But but but Sandy, you wouldn't want to take those people's "liberty" away from them would you? (I love it when Sandy goes from one stance to another, i.e. the supposed freedom to do with one's body as he/she or it pleases, but then shows that irresponsible behavior is harmful to others).
Quote: Originally posted by Rusha
Being that I would take away the "liberty" that allows women to abort their unborn babies, I would have no problem with taking away the liberty that allows women to drink, do drugs OR smoke during pregnancy ... OR after if it meant the child would come into contact and be harmed by any of the above.
Children should not be subjected to the second hand smoke, period.
So what is the true definition of liberty?
1) Being free (through Christ) of sinful behavior.
2) Having other people not make choices with what you do with your body.
3) Doing with your body as you please as long as others aren't harmed.
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