The Trinity

The Trinity

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You contradict yourself in saying there is more than one creator.
Sorry that the words in the Bible disturb you but that is what it says friend. I had nothing to do with what is in the Bible. It says very clearly in Hebrew 1 and Col 1 that God used his son to create all.

Consider Genesis 1
And the spirit of God moved across the face of the waters.

Was it God or the spirit (son) that is the creator?

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Bright Raven

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Sorry that the words in the Bible disturb you but that is what it says friend. I had nothing to do with what is in the Bible. It says very clearly in Hebrew 1 and Col 1 that God used his son to create all.

Consider Genesis 1
And the spirit of God moved across the face of the waters.

Was it God or the spirit (son) that is the creator?

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However, you are responsible to properly interpret it.


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And I do!

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So then how do you interpret these ones?

Jesus Christ’s Self-focus:

“Follow Me”*19x*Mt.*4:19;*8:22;*10:38;*16:24;*19:21;*Mk.*1:17;*2:14;*8:34;*10:21;*Lk.*5:27;*9:59;*18:22;*Jn.*1:43;*8:12;*10:27;*12:26;*13:36;*21:19,*22

Pray and act “in My name”*18x*Mt.*7:22;*18:5;*18:20; [24:5];*Mk.*9:37,*39,*41; [13:6];*Lk.*9:48; [21:8]; 24:47;*Jn.*14:13?14; 15:16; 16:23?24, 26;*Acts*9:15

“the Holy Spirit” comes “in My name”*Jn.*14:26

“for My name’s sake” leave family and property*Mt.*19:29; or even be killed*5x*Mt.*24:9; [Lk.*21:12,*17;]*Jn.*15:21;*Acts*9:16

Believe in the “name of the… Son” and “in the Son”*3xJn.* 3:18,*36;*9:35*and “in Him [Jesus]”*4x*Jn.*3:18;*6:29,*40;*8:31

“believe in Me”*14x*Mt.*18:6;*Mk.*9:42;*Jn.*3:15?16, 18; 6:35, 47; 7:38; 11:25, 26; 12:44, 46; 14:1, 12; 16:8; 17:20

You “are sanctified by faith in Me”*Acts*26:18

Live “in Me”*Jn.*11:26

“come after Me”*Mk.*8:34;*Lk.*14:27

Abide “in Me”*Jn.*15:2,*4:5,*7*“abide in Me” or else*Jn.*15:6*“abide in My love”*Jn.*15:9?10

“where two or three are gathered,” Jesus is “there in the midst of them”*Mt.*18:20

So too: “I [Jesus, will abide] in you”*Jn.*15:4?5

“know that I am He”*Jn.*8:28*or “if you do not believe that I am He you will die in your sins”*Jn.*8:24

Do things “for My sake”*Mt.*10:22,*39; even lose your life “for My sake”*4x*Mt.*16:25;*Mk.*8:35;*10:29;*Lk.*6:22

“I never knew you, depart from Me”*Mt.*7:23

“I am willing; be cleansed”*Mt.*8:3; Mk..*1:41

”confess Me”*Mt.*10:32;*Lk.*12:8

Do not deny “Me”*7x*Mt.*10:33;*26:34;*Mk.*14:30,*72;*Lk.*12:9;*22:34;*Jn.*13:38

Do not be “ashamed of Me”*Mk.*8:38;*Lk.*9:26*nor "My words"

“love Me”*5x*Jn.*14:15,*21,*23?24, 28

Do not reject “Me”*Lk.*10:16;*Jn.*12:48

“He who is not with Me is against Me”*Lk.*11:23

Love Me “more than” your family members*Mt.*10:37; [Lk.*14:26]

“I… have loved you”*Jn.*15:9,*12

Be “worthy of Me”*Mt.*10:37?38

“Come to Me”*5x*Mt.*11:28;*Lk.*6:47;*Jn.*5:40;*6:35;*7:37

“I will give you rest”*Mt.*11:28

“For My yoke is easy and My burden is light”*Mt.*11:30

I am “greater than the temple” “than Jonah” “than Solomon”*Mt.*12:6,*41?42

I am “Lord even of the Sabbath”*Mt.*12:8;*Mk.*2:28;*Lk.*6:5*[Lord of God's Ten Commandments]

Thus He says keep “My commandments”*4x*Jn.*14:15,*21;*15:10,*12

“You are My friends if you do whatever I command you”*Jn.*15:14

“keep My word”*Jn.*14:23?24

“He who is not with Me is against Me”*Mt.*12:30

The angels are “His angels”*Mt.*13:41;*16:27*and He commands “His angels”*Mt.*24:31;*Mk. 13:27

The kingdom is “His kingdom”*Mt.*13:41*and He calls it “My kingdom”*Lk.*22:30

Jesus called it “My church”*Mt.*16:18*and believers are “My sheep”*Jn.*10:14,*27*and they are “His elect”*Mt. 24:31;*Mk. 13:27

Paul is a “vessel of Mine to bear My name”*Acts*9:15

“all Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine”*Jn.*17:10

“My peace I give”*Jn.*14:27*”in Me you may have peace”*Jn.*16:33

“My joy” should fill you*Jn.*15:11

“Who do men say that I am?”*Mt.*16:13;*Mk.*8:27*“who do you say that I am?”*Mt. 16:15

Receive “Me”*Mt.*18:5;*Mk.*9:37;*Lk.*9:48

“My words” will never pass away*Mt.*24:35;*Mk.*13:31;*Lk.*21:33

Tell others about Jesus*Mk.*5:19

“you belong to Christ”*Mk.*9:41

Hear “My sayings” and do them*Lk.*6:47

Jesus has “His own glory”*Lk.*9:26; [Jn.*2:11;*16:14] The Son is “glorified”*8x*Jn.*11:4;*12:23;*13:31?32; [17:1, 5, 10 24]

“He who hears you hears Me”*Lk.*10:16

Jesus expects praise, from stones if necessary*1xLk.*19:37?40

Return “to Me”*Lk.*22:32

Be “My disciple”*Lk.*14:27;*Jn.*8:31;*15:8*Forsake all to “be My disciple”*Lk.*14:33*”you are My disciples”*Jn.*13:35

“I shall send… the [Holy] Spirit”*Jn.*15:26;*16:7

The Holy Spirit “will testify of Me”*Jn.*15:26

We read in John 5 and Luke 24 that “the Scriptures… testify of Me”*Jn.*5:39; [Lk.*24:44]

“You [Apostles] also will bear witness [of Me] because you have been with Me”*Jn.*15:27

Paul gives “testimony concerning Me”*Acts*22:18;*23:11

“the Son gives life to whom He will”*Jn.*5:21

“seek Me”*Jn.*6:26

Serve “Me”*Jn.*12:26

“all should honor the Son*just as they honor the Father”*Jn.*5:23

“I am the bread of life,” “of heaven,” “of God”*Jn.*6: 32-33,*35,*41, [48,] 51

Just seeing Christ is reason enough to believe [Jn.*6:36] him”*Jn.*6:56

Drink “My blood” and eat “My flesh”*Jn.*6:53?54, 56

“I will raise him up at the last day”*Jn.*6:40*for He is the resurrection

“The world… hates Me”*Jn.*7:7

“I am the light of the world”*Jn.*8:12;*9:5;*12:46

“I bear witness of Myself” 1x*Jn.*8:13-14,*18

“know… Jesus Christ” for “eternal life”*Jn.*17:3; [8:19; 10:10, 14]

“the Son makes you free”*Jn.*8:36

“Abraham rejoiced to see My day”*Jn.*8:56; “Before Abraham was, I*AM”*Jn.*8:58

Of believers, Christ said, “I know them”*Jn.*10:27

“I give them eternal life”*Jn.*10:28

“I am the resurrection and the life”*Jn.*11:25

I “will draw all peoples*to Myself”*Jn.*12:32

“I will… receive you to Myself”*Jn.*14:3

Be “Mine”*Jn.*14:24

“I am the vine”*Jn.*15:5

“without Me you can do nothing”*Jn.*15:5

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you”*Jn.*15:16

Those who oppress Christians are “persecuting Me”*Acts*9:4?5; 22:7?8; 26:14?15
“because they have not known… Me”*Jn.*16:3

The Spirit “will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it”*Jn.*16:14

“All things that the Father has are Mine”*Jn.*16:15

“the Father… loves you, because you have loved Me”*Jn.*16:27

“If I will that he remain”*Jn.*21:22

“I have overcome the world”*Jn.*16:33

“I am the way”*Jn.*14:6

“I am… the truth”*Jn.*14:6

“I am… the life”*Jn.*14:6

“I will… manifest Myself”*Jn.*14:21


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Well-known member
So then how do you interpret these ones?

Jesus Christ’s Self-focus:

“Follow Me”*19x*Mt.*4:19;*8:22;*10:38;*16:24;*19:21;*Mk.*1:17;*2:14;*8:34;*10:21;*Lk.*5:27;*9:59;*18:22;*Jn.*1:43;*8:12;*10:27;*12:26;*13:36;*21:19,*22

Pray and act “in My name”*18x*Mt.*7:22;*18:5;*18:20; [24:5];*Mk.*9:37,*39,*41; [13:6];*Lk.*9:48; [21:8]; 24:47;*Jn.*14:13?14; 15:16; 16:23?24, 26;*Acts*9:15

“the Holy Spirit” comes “in My name”*Jn.*14:26

“for My name’s sake” leave family and property*Mt.*19:29; or even be killed*5x*Mt.*24:9; [Lk.*21:12,*17;]*Jn.*15:21;*Acts*9:16

Believe in the “name of the… Son” and “in the Son”*3xJn.* 3:18,*36;*9:35*and “in Him [Jesus]”*4x*Jn.*3:18;*6:29,*40;*8:31

“believe in Me”*14x*Mt.*18:6;*Mk.*9:42;*Jn.*3:15?16, 18; 6:35, 47; 7:38; 11:25, 26; 12:44, 46; 14:1, 12; 16:8; 17:20

You “are sanctified by faith in Me”*Acts*26:18

Live “in Me”*Jn.*11:26

“come after Me”*Mk.*8:34;*Lk.*14:27

Abide “in Me”*Jn.*15:2,*4:5,*7*“abide in Me” or else*Jn.*15:6*“abide in My love”*Jn.*15:9?10

“where two or three are gathered,” Jesus is “there in the midst of them”*Mt.*18:20

So too: “I [Jesus, will abide] in you”*Jn.*15:4?5

“know that I am He”*Jn.*8:28*or “if you do not believe that I am He you will die in your sins”*Jn.*8:24

Do things “for My sake”*Mt.*10:22,*39; even lose your life “for My sake”*4x*Mt.*16:25;*Mk.*8:35;*10:29;*Lk.*6:22

“I never knew you, depart from Me”*Mt.*7:23

“I am willing; be cleansed”*Mt.*8:3; Mk..*1:41

”confess Me”*Mt.*10:32;*Lk.*12:8

Do not deny “Me”*7x*Mt.*10:33;*26:34;*Mk.*14:30,*72;*Lk.*12:9;*22:34;*Jn.*13:38

Do not be “ashamed of Me”*Mk.*8:38;*Lk.*9:26*nor "My words"

“love Me”*5x*Jn.*14:15,*21,*23?24, 28

Do not reject “Me”*Lk.*10:16;*Jn.*12:48

“He who is not with Me is against Me”*Lk.*11:23

Love Me “more than” your family members*Mt.*10:37; [Lk.*14:26]

“I… have loved you”*Jn.*15:9,*12

Be “worthy of Me”*Mt.*10:37?38

“Come to Me”*5x*Mt.*11:28;*Lk.*6:47;*Jn.*5:40;*6:35;*7:37

“I will give you rest”*Mt.*11:28

“For My yoke is easy and My burden is light”*Mt.*11:30

I am “greater than the temple” “than Jonah” “than Solomon”*Mt.*12:6,*41?42

I am “Lord even of the Sabbath”*Mt.*12:8;*Mk.*2:28;*Lk.*6:5*[Lord of God's Ten Commandments]

Thus He says keep “My commandments”*4x*Jn.*14:15,*21;*15:10,*12

“You are My friends if you do whatever I command you”*Jn.*15:14

“keep My word”*Jn.*14:23?24

“He who is not with Me is against Me”*Mt.*12:30

The angels are “His angels”*Mt.*13:41;*16:27*and He commands “His angels”*Mt.*24:31;*Mk. 13:27

The kingdom is “His kingdom”*Mt.*13:41*and He calls it “My kingdom”*Lk.*22:30

Jesus called it “My church”*Mt.*16:18*and believers are “My sheep”*Jn.*10:14,*27*and they are “His elect”*Mt. 24:31;*Mk. 13:27

Paul is a “vessel of Mine to bear My name”*Acts*9:15

“all Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine”*Jn.*17:10

“My peace I give”*Jn.*14:27*”in Me you may have peace”*Jn.*16:33

“My joy” should fill you*Jn.*15:11

“Who do men say that I am?”*Mt.*16:13;*Mk.*8:27*“who do you say that I am?”*Mt. 16:15

Receive “Me”*Mt.*18:5;*Mk.*9:37;*Lk.*9:48

“My words” will never pass away*Mt.*24:35;*Mk.*13:31;*Lk.*21:33

Tell others about Jesus*Mk.*5:19

“you belong to Christ”*Mk.*9:41

Hear “My sayings” and do them*Lk.*6:47

Jesus has “His own glory”*Lk.*9:26; [Jn.*2:11;*16:14] The Son is “glorified”*8x*Jn.*11:4;*12:23;*13:31?32; [17:1, 5, 10 24]

“He who hears you hears Me”*Lk.*10:16

Jesus expects praise, from stones if necessary*1xLk.*19:37?40

Return “to Me”*Lk.*22:32

Be “My disciple”*Lk.*14:27;*Jn.*8:31;*15:8*Forsake all to “be My disciple”*Lk.*14:33*”you are My disciples”*Jn.*13:35

“I shall send… the [Holy] Spirit”*Jn.*15:26;*16:7

The Holy Spirit “will testify of Me”*Jn.*15:26

We read in John 5 and Luke 24 that “the Scriptures… testify of Me”*Jn.*5:39; [Lk.*24:44]

“You [Apostles] also will bear witness [of Me] because you have been with Me”*Jn.*15:27

Paul gives “testimony concerning Me”*Acts*22:18;*23:11

“the Son gives life to whom He will”*Jn.*5:21

“seek Me”*Jn.*6:26

Serve “Me”*Jn.*12:26

“all should honor the Son*just as they honor the Father”*Jn.*5:23

“I am the bread of life,” “of heaven,” “of God”*Jn.*6: 32-33,*35,*41, [48,] 51

Just seeing Christ is reason enough to believe [Jn.*6:36] him”*Jn.*6:56

Drink “My blood” and eat “My flesh”*Jn.*6:53?54, 56

“I will raise him up at the last day”*Jn.*6:40*for He is the resurrection

“The world… hates Me”*Jn.*7:7

“I am the light of the world”*Jn.*8:12;*9:5;*12:46

“I bear witness of Myself” 1x*Jn.*8:13-14,*18

“know… Jesus Christ” for “eternal life”*Jn.*17:3; [8:19; 10:10, 14]

“the Son makes you free”*Jn.*8:36

“Abraham rejoiced to see My day”*Jn.*8:56; “Before Abraham was, I*AM”*Jn.*8:58

Of believers, Christ said, “I know them”*Jn.*10:27

“I give them eternal life”*Jn.*10:28

“I am the resurrection and the life”*Jn.*11:25

I “will draw all peoples*to Myself”*Jn.*12:32

“I will… receive you to Myself”*Jn.*14:3

Be “Mine”*Jn.*14:24

“I am the vine”*Jn.*15:5

“without Me you can do nothing”*Jn.*15:5

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you”*Jn.*15:16

Those who oppress Christians are “persecuting Me”*Acts*9:4?5; 22:7?8; 26:14?15
“because they have not known… Me”*Jn.*16:3

The Spirit “will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it”*Jn.*16:14

“All things that the Father has are Mine”*Jn.*16:15

“the Father… loves you, because you have loved Me”*Jn.*16:27

“If I will that he remain”*Jn.*21:22

“I have overcome the world”*Jn.*16:33

“I am the way”*Jn.*14:6

“I am… the truth”*Jn.*14:6

“I am… the life”*Jn.*14:6

“I will… manifest Myself”*Jn.*14:21


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