The Trinity

The Trinity

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Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Hall of Fame
So in your opinion is a triune God speaking in this passage as a composite?

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God is simple. That is, God is not a composite of parts, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Since God is not composed in his being, but is pure existence, pure actuality with no potentiality; it follows that God is simple and indivisible. A being that by nature is not composed cannot be decomposed. One that has no parts cannot be torn apart. Hence, God has absolute simplicity with no possibility of being divided. He is literally indivisible.

The one speaking was God, whose essence is wholly partook by all the three personal subsistences in the Godhead. That some will argue it is God the Father speaking is really not evidence to deny the Trinity, for all the personal subsistences co-inhere the one essence of God, and therefore are of one will.

For more see:—-The-Holy-Trinity




xxxThe devil is a deity.

4567 Satanas (sat-an-as');

of Aramaic origin corresponding to 4566 (with the definite affix); the accuser, i.e. the devil:

KJV-- Satan.

1140 daimonion (dahee-mon'-ee-on);

neuter of a derivative of 1142; a daemonic being; by extension a deity:

KJV-- devil, god.

The only three in one trinity god in the bible is the dragon, devil, satan.

2316 theos (theh'-os);

of uncertain affinity; a deity, especially (with 3588) the supreme Divinity; figuratively, a magistrate; by Hebraism, very:

KJV-- X exceeding, God, god [-ly, -ward].

2 Cor 11:14-15
14 And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.
15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.

II Th 2:4
4 who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

xxx There is only one three in one god in the whole bible. Satan is useing the trinity to mock the living God.

Rev 20:2
2 He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years;


New member
God is simple. That is, God is not a composite of parts, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Since God is not composed in his being, but is pure existence, pure actuality with no potentiality; it follows that God is simple and indivisible. A being that by nature is not composed cannot be decomposed. One that has no parts cannot be torn apart. Hence, God has absolute simplicity with no possibility of being divided. He is literally indivisible.

The one speaking was God, whose essence is wholly partook by all the three personal subsistences in the Godhead. That some will argue it is God the Father speaking is really not evidence to deny the Trinity, for all the personal subsistences co-inhere the one essence of God, and therefore are of one will.

For more see:—-The-Holy-Trinity


God, in the Old Testament, went out of His way to declare, explicitly and repeatedly, that he alone was God. The Jews got the message loud and clear, to the point monotheism became THE defining theology if the nation. God's singleness of person wasn't something inferred from single pronouns, God went out of His way to push the nation that direction in their understanding.

It bothers me when "modern Hebrew scholars" look at the writings of the OT and claim to see multiple personal subsistences. I understand English better than a non-native speaker because I've been immersed in it, with all of its nuances and cultural subtleties, from birth. For someone to come along 2,000 years later and claim to find something that the real Hebrew scholars would have died to disprove is preposterous. All native Hebrew scholars agreed, God had one mind, consciousness, etc.

Another thing that disproves a Trinitarian understanding of the OT is the fact that God, knowing the Jews believed in one divine person, went out of His way to say "I created things by myself - there is none like me, with me, beside me, before me, after me, etc". If God knew that they were misunderstanding His nature, it is not His M.O. to push them over the edge and deeper into hard-core deception.

Both the Shema and the first commandment were engineered specifically by God to convey absolute singularity of will, person, center of consciousness, etc. The first commandment, which the NT attributes to The Father, says (paraphrased) "in your theology don't put any second person (literally) beside me, with me, or before my face"

It is far more likely that God, knowing He Himself was going to come in the flesh, and knowing it could get confusing, wanted to first leave no doubt when Jesus came that it was The Father in flesh. When someone came that was called God, he wanted no doubt that it was Him.

Again I reiterate the fact that Hebrews says the one speaking through the prophets is the one who has a son (only the Father can be referenced here).

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Well-known member
Hi folks, I haven't been on to much lately so I have a lot of catching up to do. I am about to go through some tough back surgery on Wednesday, it my tenth or eleventh time, but I am in danger of loosing the use of my legs. Without my legs I can not drive the Senior Van. That is important to me for it gives me a reason to exist. What ever God has in store for me I accept but I ask that some will pray for my ability to help the older folks who have no other way to get to their doctor appointments. Drivers are hard to come by as they do not get paid much. But the rewards are great when they say "thank you, I am so glad your here." I should be used to my back problems as my first operation was forty two years ago. I have lived with pain all those years, but I have a purpose now, and I wish to continue to serve the Lord in this way.

Thank you for your friendship and your prayers, to the folks that I might have offended I ask your forgiveness. But my love for my God and his son compels me to post what I believe he has given to me to share. God bless you all and keep the love of God in your hearts and let him rule your lives.

Thanks again, Bob

patrick jane

Hi folks, I haven't been on to much lately so I have a lot of catching up to do. I am about to go through some tough back surgery on Wednesday, it my tenth or eleventh time, but I am in danger of loosing the use of my legs. Without my legs I can not drive the Senior Van. That is important to me for it gives me a reason to exist. What ever God has in store for me I accept but I ask that some will pray for my ability to help the older folks who have no other way to get to their doctor appointments. Drivers are hard to come by as they do not get paid much. But the rewards are great when they say "thank you, I am so glad your here." I should be used to my back problems as my first operation was forty two years ago. I have lived with pain all those years, but I have a purpose now, and I wish to continue to serve the Lord in this way.

Thank you for your friendship and your prayers, to the folks that I might have offended I ask your forgiveness. But my love for my God and his son compels me to post what I believe he has given to me to share. God bless you all and keep the love of God in your hearts and let him rule your lives.

Thanks again, Bob
I'm praying for you keypurr !!!!


Well-known member
I'm praying for you keypurr !!!!

Thank you my friend, the Docs are concerned about putting me to sleep because of my age. I have no fear of that, but I need my legs. They want to extend on to the fusion that I had done 27 years ago. Life is fun when your old.

patrick jane

Thank you my friend, the Docs are concerned about putting me to sleep because of my age. I have no fear of that, but I need my legs. They want to extend on to the fusion that I had done 27 years ago. Life is fun when your old.
You will pull through just fine !! Praise the Lord !!!

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Another thing that disproves a Trinitarian understanding of the OT is ...

Then please cast your vote in the poll above so that we may have it on the record as to your view. I have not the time nor the patience to provide the entrenched anti-Trinitarian a platform for bringing scandal upon the Christian faith.



New member
Then please cast your vote in the poll above so that we may have it on the record as to your view. I have not the time nor the patience to provide the entrenched anti-Trinitarian a platform for bringing scandal upon the Christian faith.


I take that as an admission that you don't have answers for the plain Bible truths in my post. If you don't have time for this discussion it would probably be good to stay off a forum where the leading question is "is the Trinity Biblical?".

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Literal lunatic
Thank you my friend, the Docs are concerned about putting me to sleep because of my age. I have no fear of that, but I need my legs. They want to extend on to the fusion that I had done 27 years ago. Life is fun when your old.

1 Thessalonians 5:23
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Job 29:2
Oh that I were as in months past, as in the days when God preserved me;

Peace, Bob.


Well-known member
1 Thessalonians 5:23
And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Job 29:2
Oh that I were as in months past, as in the days when God preserved me;

Peace, Bob.
Thanks for your thoughts friend, I have been blessed with a deep inner peace from my Lord. He has given me many friends to share and discuss with. What a great feeling it is to have the joy of Christ in my heart.

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New member
The scandal was started about the second century Mr R

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The Bible is clear. God is one numerically, emotionally, consciously, by himself. There is no one in the Bible who believed in the trinity. The consensus in scripture is that God's word, which He sent to create (Genesis 1), sent to heal (Psalm 107:20), and sent to reveal Himself (all of the law and prophets) He made into a man, and fully indwelt that body and nature.

That's how the Father created the worlds "by His son" and "by Jesus Christ".

Never before in history have you had a man that pre-existed as something else, so there is no precedent for saying "by him" when you are referring to "by His spoken word", but because it is the first and last time it happened no precedent is needed.

John, Paul and other writers all viewed the preexistent form of Jesus as the spoken word of one God - known as The Father (both because of Him fathering Christ and then adopting us).

The scandal happened when post-biblical writers started trying to overlay not only New Testament doctrine with a Trinitarian philosophy, but OT as well.

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New member
I posted this as a response, but I'll put it out as a general comment.

God, in the Old Testament, went out of His way to declare, explicitly and repeatedly, that he alone was God. The Jews got the message loud and clear, to the point monotheism became THE defining theology if the nation. God's singleness of person wasn't something inferred from single pronouns, God went out of His way to push the nation that direction in their understanding.

It bothers me when "modern Hebrew scholars" look at the writings of the OT and claim to see multiple personal subsistences. I understand English better than a non-native speaker because I've been immersed in it, with all of its nuances and cultural subtleties, from birth. For someone to come along 2,000 years later and claim to find something that the real Hebrew scholars would have died to disprove is preposterous. All native Hebrew scholars agreed, God had one mind, consciousness, etc.

Another thing that disproves a Trinitarian understanding of the OT is the fact that God, knowing the Jews believed in one divine person, went out of His way to say "I created things by myself - there is none like me, with me, beside me, before me, after me, etc". If God knew that they were misunderstanding His nature, it is not His M.O. to push them over the edge and deeper into hard-core deception.

Both the Shema and the first commandment were engineered specifically by God to convey absolute singularity of will, person, center of consciousness, etc. The first commandment, which the NT attributes to The Father, says (paraphrased) "in your theology don't put any second person (literally) beside me, with me, or before my face"

It is far more likely that God, knowing He Himself was going to come in the flesh, and knowing it could get confusing, wanted to first leave no doubt when Jesus came that it was The Father in flesh. When someone came that was called God, he wanted no doubt that it was Him.

Again I reiterate the fact that Hebrews says the one speaking through the prophets is the one who has a son (only the Father can be referenced here).

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Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Hi folks, I haven't been on to much lately so I have a lot of catching up to do. I am about to go through some tough back surgery on Wednesday, it my tenth or eleventh time, but I am in danger of loosing the use of my legs. Without my legs I can not drive the Senior Van. That is important to me for it gives me a reason to exist. What ever God has in store for me I accept but I ask that some will pray for my ability to help the older folks who have no other way to get to their doctor appointments. Drivers are hard to come by as they do not get paid much. But the rewards are great when they say "thank you, I am so glad your here." I should be used to my back problems as my first operation was forty two years ago. I have lived with pain all those years, but I have a purpose now, and I wish to continue to serve the Lord in this way.

Thank you for your friendship and your prayers, to the folks that I might have offended I ask your forgiveness. But my love for my God and his son compels me to post what I believe he has given to me to share. God bless you all and keep the love of God in your hearts and let him rule your lives.

Thanks again, Bob

praying that you come through your surgery fine and are back to driving the van in short order. Blessings to you My friend.

patrick jane

I take that as an admission that you don't have answers for the plain Bible truths in my post. If you don't have time for this discussion it would probably be good to stay off a forum where the leading question is "is the Trinity Biblical?".

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You sure are simple


New member
You sure are simple

I am. Typically honesty is simple, deceit is complex.

The greatest men in the world had a knack for taking complicated issues and making them simple.

Jesus took the complication of God's mysterious nature, and came to every man's level with "the poor will blessed, the meek will be blessed..."

I hope I can attain to that level of simplicity.

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Well-known member
The Bible is clear. God is one numerically, emotionally, consciously, by himself. There is no one in the Bible who believed in the trinity. The consensus in scripture is that God's word, which He sent to create (Genesis 1), sent to heal (Psalm 107:20), and sent to reveal Himself (all of the law and prophets) He made into a man, and fully indwelt that body and nature.

That's how the Father created the worlds "by His son" and "by Jesus Christ".

Never before in history have you had a man that pre-existed as something else, so there is no precedent for saying "by him" when you are referring to "by His spoken word", but because it is the first and last time it happened no precedent is needed.

John, Paul and other writers all viewed the preexistent form of Jesus as the spoken word of one God - known as The Father (both because of Him fathering Christ and then adopting us).

The scandal happened when post-biblical writers started trying to overlay not only New Testament doctrine with a Trinitarian philosophy, but OT as well.

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Folks just refuse to understand that it was Jesus that God used to create the Universe, it was the spirit that was in him that is the express image of the father. Only the Father is the true God.

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