God's Truth
New member
I will answer, when you answer....So when did the church start?
Find what I said already and post it here.
I will answer, when you answer....So when did the church start?
How many times do you have to be told that we are to imitate Jesus and he was water baptized.
Find what I said already and post it here, then I will answer you.
You are a dishonest person. Show where I tell people to tell their sins to everyone here.
You say I have not repented of my sins. I say I have. I ask you haven't you given up any sin for Jesus? You don't answer. I ask you to contemplate what sins you don't want to give up---what sins you are still doing.
You never come back with a decent conversation; you come back misrepresenting those in the truth.
I am an enemy of Satan because I preach what Jesus says and that is to repent of sins.
Your light is dark.
Mathew 6:23 But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
Screw that. Your a coward. I ask a simple question, and you run from it.
Find what I said already and post it here.
I already answered you and you missed the post. Relax.
No. I will always love him, just as I love you.
Pops has said absolutely false things in the past, and as far as I can see he hasn't repented of them yet, at least not publicly; yet, I still love him. He has went against someone before for putting down the Islamic religion, as if they had truth. That is a horrific falsehood. I still am glad when he does right and stands up against you for constantly verbally abusing me.
I will always still correct him when he is in error, but I do not wish to demean him and call him an idiot and liar, as most do.
The water baptism was a SIGN for the Jews.
Jesus was not water baptized so that you could be dunked in water, gt.
What is your problem? How do you ever get that getting water baptized because Jesus did is wrong?
Water baptism a sign for the Jews? Give the scripture.
Why not reply to this, lifeisgood?
The Pot Calling the Kettle Black.
I did.
I will let him answer since you asked Him, but my question is do you believe in baptismal regeneration?
If you, gt, were a true believer in WHO Jesus is and WHAT Jesus did, you would answer as many times as you are asked, but you are so deluded with your invented false doctrine that you believe that even Satan is afraid of you.
If as you say he missed the post. Post it here again.opcorn:
Hebrews 10:24-25 New King James Version (NKJV)I belong to the body of Christ. That is my church. I do not believe there are any churches nowadays that don't preach falseness. People went to church during the laying of the foundation so that they could hear the Word preached by letter and by the apostles themselves.
We all have the written Word of God and do not need to go to a church to find the truth.