The Trinity

The Trinity

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God's Truth

New member

How is God the Beginning and the End; yet, God is without beginning or end?

I know how, but you reject it and you don't even try to explain. Oh yeah right, you don't explain because it is not explainable. lol So you defend your false beliefs by calling me an idiot and liar.

That will not wash.

God's Truth

New member
Again, scripture clearly reveals the 3 as distinct from each other and clearly shows the 3 interacting with one another.
You are so fond of your father that you flat out deny the truth of scripture in favor of distortion of the truth.

2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Jesus is a life giving Spirit, see 1 Corinthians 15:45.

The Spirit gives life; see 2 Corinthians 3:6.


Well-known member
I did not fly into a rage, ever. That is nothing like me what you are saying.

You acted like a friend to me, and we private messaged each other, and you posted those private messages publcally. You not only betrayed me the worst way you could, you constantly verbally abuse me and say untruths about me.


No, I corrected you and you got furious and unfriended me....then you proceeded to lie about what happened, which is why I posted the messages that proved you lied. And as far as "verbal abuse".....I speak the truth, and truth is verbal abuse to those who are ministers of satan.

Too bad. Change your message and speak the truth, and you'll no longer be an outcast.


Well-known member

How is God the Beginning and the End; yet, God is without beginning or end?

I know how, but you reject it and you don't even try to explain. Oh yeah right, you don't explain because it is not explainable. lol So you defend your false beliefs by calling me an idiot and liar.

That will not wash.

Go start your own wild-eyed thread and stop pretending like you have anything to add to this one. :wave:


Well-known member
God the Father is Spirit. He sent His Spirit in the flesh of Jesus, in the womb of Mary. God the Father came as a man. He lived and grew as all humans do.

What I said is scriptural because it is HOW Jesus came from heaven, and how there is only one Spirit, and how Jesus is God.

Not one verse to support your fairy tale story of the FATHER coming as a man.

When will she ever learn? :nono:


New member
I do not understand what you are saying about my 'changing'.

I have always looked for love here on this site and have given it.

So what has changed?

I have always been kind to everyone here.

So what has changed?

My love and kindness has not changed, and my doctrine has not changed.

With all due respect, what is it that you think has changed?
It very well could have been my perception of you that changed, but it changed for a reason.

I cannot rightly pinpoint a reason.....wait.....yes I can.....

You posted scripture one day in a thread that struck me in a way that only Truth does, be it written or otherwise. I thanked you privately for it. We started fresh from their I think.

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God's Truth

New member
It very well could have been my perception of you that changed, but it changed for a reason.

I cannot rightly pinpoint a reason.....wait.....yes I can.....

You posted scripture one day in a thread that struck me in a way that only Truth does, be it written or otherwise. I thanked you privately for it. We started fresh from their I think.

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I am so glad to hear that you realize it is your perception of me that has changed. Now maybe we can really start fresh, again?


New member
Not paying attention to what is said ..... again.

The gospel Jesus taught and sent the circumcision apostles to baptize folks.
The gospel Jesus taught Paul did not include sending him to baptize folks. 1 Cor 1:17

Things that differ are not the same.
You always trying to make things that differ the same is just one of the many reasons your theology is so messed up.
The gospel Jesus taught and sent the circumcision apostles to baptize folks.

Could you rephrase the above please. It is confusing to me.

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God's Truth

New member
Not one verse to support your fairy tale story of the FATHER coming as a man.

When will she ever learn? :nono:

I have given you the scripture many times.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

1 Corinthians 8:6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we exist. And there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we exist.

John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.


New member
You wrote:

What you wrote and what you now claim to have been asking are out of accord with one another. My response keyed in on the portion in your original post shown in red above.

For that matter, subsistence and existence are not synonyms, especially related to this topic: the Godhead. We need to use the terms precisely as they were intended by the church, not importing anachronistically modern day assumptions about the words being used.

For example, the human nature of Jesus Christ is not a personal man, but a human nature without personal subsistence. That human nature truly exists, but it is not a personal subsistence. The human nature of Christ was not an independent hypostasis (anhypostatic), but it was enhypostatic, that is, the human nature had its subsistence in and through the the Second Person of the Trinity that took up the human nature.

If you can wrap your mind around the following, you will be well on the way to coming to a more fuller understanding of the Trinity:

There never was a man, Jesus Christ, without the fact that this man was also fully God. A man called Jesus Christ—a person—did not exist who was assumed (taken up) by the Second Person of the Trinity to make the God-man, Jesus Christ. What was taken up by the Second Person of the Trinity was a human nature, not a human person.

So no definition for your use of the word subsisting then?

Do you realise the truth is simple; that a child could easily understand and explain?

I asked about mans perception because we are men and the perceiving is by us. Not that it is in any way limited to our perception, but that our perception is limited.

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God's Truth

New member
Paul preached the ONE BAPTISM, and that is most certainly NOT water.

Paul preached water baptism and baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Just as Paul preached repent of your sins and receive the Holy Spirit.

Paul also preached the obedience of FAITH, which is believing unto salvation.

The obedience of faith is faith with obedience.

Proving once again that you are stuck on the wrong side of the cross. :thumb:

There is no such thing as the wrong side of the cross.

What you say is not from God.

Show from the scripture where it is said there is a wrong side of the cross.