The resurrection to life or judgement


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The deliverer came, it was Jesus,


literal Israel religion rejected him and sent him to his death. To this day they reject him. They can turn to Jesus right now( Matt 23:39) they refuse.

Indeed. And yet...

Spiritual Israel( made up of all who obey the real Jesus) is now Gods chosen.

There is no such thing as "spiritual Israel."

Otherwise, you make what Paul said in Romans 9-11 a lie, that Israel has NOT been cast away, only cut off, and that they will be grafted back in again.



Indeed. And yet...

There is no such thing as "spiritual Israel."

Otherwise, you make what Paul said in Romans 9-11 a lie, that Israel has NOT been cast away, only cut off, and that they will be grafted back in again.
They best hurry. We are at near the end of these last days. Revelation has been occurring for quite awhile.
Paul mentions Abrahams seed-meaning Gods chosen, they are spiritual Israel religion now( these are christian), not literal Israel religion.


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They best hurry. We are at near the end of these last days.

Let me know when it's the last minutes.

Revelation has been occurring for quite awhile.

You're either lying, or you've been fooled.

Paul mentions Abrahams seed-meaning Gods chosen, they are spiritual Israel religion now( these are christian),

Israel was Abraham's GRANDSON.

Not his son.

And all humans today are descendants of Abraham.

(Will update with link once I find it)

not literal Israel religion.

Again, Paul's words contradict what you say.

I'll believe Paul over you.

Israel has been cut off. But Israel has not been cast away. God is not done with Israel.

Israel's program has been put on hold, until the "fullness of the Gentiles" comes in.

Right Divider

Body part


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Perhaps you're thinking of Noah.

Actually, in this case, I meant what I said.

@Stripe sent me a link, was hoping he would send it to me, or maybe he can post it here, that shows that everyone's genealogy can be traced to Abraham.

Yes, Noah too, but particularly Abraham in this case.


Let me know when it's the last minutes.

You're either lying, or you've been fooled.

Israel was Abraham's GRANDSON.

Not his son.

And all humans today are descendants of Abraham.

(Will update with link once I find it)

Again, Paul's words contradict what you say.

I'll believe Paul over you.

Israel has been cut off. But Israel has not been cast away. God is not done with Israel.

Israel's program has been put on hold, until the "fullness of the Gentiles" comes in.
Did you miss the prophecy found in Daniel 4? 2520 days when a king will sit on Gods throne from the removal of the last king--No king sat on thr throne. Thus applying a year for a day bible rule, this comes up--607bce+2520( years) = 1914 is when Rev 6:2 occurred--Rev 6:4 backs it with proof--Peace will be taken from the earth( not a single war, a world war) = ww1=1914.
Rev 6:2 Ride of the white horse= the war in heaven, He receives his crown= Jesus sitting on Gods throne as Gods appointed king.( the presence)-Rev 12 explains the war in heaven and the birth of Gods kingdom.
After ww1( other 3 riders) millions upon millions died from things mentioned of the other 3 riders at Rev 6.
Its nearing the end.


Well-known member
The ones on thrones= the little flock( Luke 12:32)
these are numbered-Rev 14:3-144,000
Possibly not
bought from the earth= the anointed bride of Christ.
Probably not
The great crowd( Rev 7:9) no man can number are the other sheep( John 10:16) who are not of that fold. These remain on earth forever( Matt 5:5, Psalm 37:29, Prov 2:21-22)
They inherit the earth/land, but they aren't bound to stay there, they just get to dwell there.
Rev 20:8--numbered as the sand of the sea.) It just means many.
Yes, the ones that came against the saints was "numbered as the sand of the sea" (and I agree it means "many"), but those were destroyed by the fire that came down from heaven, not by the lake of fire. You can see the different outcomes between the ones that were gathered together and the devil:
[Rev 20:8 KJV] And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom [is] as the sand of the sea.
[Rev 20:9 KJV] And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.
[Rev 20:10 KJV] And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet [are], and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

I don't add to scripture.
Then please don't claim that your interpretations/understandings are "facts of the bible", as you did here:

Did you realize these are the facts taught in Gods written word?

Your post had some interesting things to discuss, but when you make the claim that your entire post is "facts taught in Gods [sic] written word", you are claiming biblical authority for your post, which you aren't authorized to claim.



Possibly not

Probably not

They inherit the earth/land, but they aren't bound to stay there, they just get to dwell there.

Yes, the ones that came against the saints was "numbered as the sand of the sea" (and I agree it means "many"), but those were destroyed by the fire that came down from heaven, not by the lake of fire. You can see the different outcomes between the ones that were gathered together and the devil:
[Rev 20:8 KJV] And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom [is] as the sand of the sea.
[Rev 20:9 KJV] And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.
[Rev 20:10 KJV] And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet [are], and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Then please don't claim that your interpretations/understandings are "facts of the bible", as you did here:

Your post had some interesting things to discuss, but when you make the claim that your entire post is "facts taught in Gods [sic] written word", you are claiming biblical authority for your post, which you aren't authorized to claim.
How can you say possibly not When Rev 14:3 is clear--144,000 bought from the earth.

God created the earth for mortal man. His plans did not change. His kingdom will bring it to a reality--called the new earth= Gods kingdom rule in full control forever, no more satan influences ever. All made back to perfection.


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How can you say possibly not When Rev 14:3 is clear--144,000 bought from the earth.
Because the phrase "little flock" isn't used in Rev 14:3. You might be right, but you don't have enough evidence to say the 144,000, mentioned first in Revelation, is the same group that was alive when Jesus was speaking on the earth, especially since all of that group Jesus spoke to died already. The 144,000 appear to need to be sealed in order to at least delay their death.
God created the earth for mortal man.
Well, God created the earth for "man", but he wasn't necessarily "mortal" at the time the earth was created. It wasn't until he ate of the wrong tree that he became mortal, as far as can be determined from the scriptures. "Throuhg
His plans did not change. His kingdom will bring it to a reality--called the new earth= Gods kingdom rule in full control forever, no more satan influences ever. All made back to perfection.
God's plans for man changed, at least once:
Gen 6
5And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 7And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.


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I asked you to show me scripture. If i asked Jesus would he show me? A christian is one who follows Jesus. So either you can show me scripture or you cant, which is it?
Quote for me the words you don't like. Sometimes I assume people have read the passages I have and know what they say. I'll try my best to give you scripture. BTW, I have not been back to this forum in many years. Still getting accustomed to what people want or need. Give me the list with which you need scripture.


Quote for me the words you don't like. Sometimes I assume people have read the passages I have and know what they say. I'll try my best to give you scripture. BTW, I have not been back to this forum in many years. Still getting accustomed to what people want or need. Give me the list with which you need scripture.
Rightdivider in post 13. He said the body of Christ would be removed before the tribulation--i thought he meant the physical body of Christ, but now i see he thinks all Christians will go to heaven--that is 100% error-Prov 2:21-22 proves that. The great crowd ( Rev 7:9)of other sheep( John 10:16) who are not of that fold( little flock)Luke12:32) are not promised heaven anywhere in the bible. Only the little flock are bought from the earth( Rev 14:3)-numbered-144,000 literal.


Well-known member
Rightdivider in post 13. He said the body of Christ would be removed before the tribulation--i thought he meant the physical body of Christ, but now i see he thinks all Christians will go to heaven--that is 100% error-Prov 2:21-22 proves that. The great crowd ( Rev 7:9)of other sheep( John 10:16) who are not of that fold( little flock)Luke12:32) are not promised heaven anywhere in the bible. Only the little flock are bought from the earth( Rev 14:3)-numbered-144,000 literal.
Well, I have not kept up with all Rightdivider has written on that topic. Can't speak for him or add much.

I'm probably out of both your boxes. I think people will experience the last three years of tribulation. I think there will even be believers around. I lean toward a post rapture at this time. Yet, I am still a student who is reading listening and watching.

I consider the body of Christ to be the Church of true believers ... nothing to do with the risen body of Christ nor any denominations or Jewish synagogues... all to do with God's call and the gift of the Spirit. Only he knows who they are and only they know his voice.

Were you posting to me or Rightdivider?


Well, I have not kept up with all Rightdivider has written on that topic. Can't speak for him or add much.

I'm probably out of both your boxes. I think people will experience the last three years of tribulation. I think there will even be believers around. I lean toward a post rapture at this time. Yet, I am still a student who is reading listening and watching.

I consider the body of Christ to be the Church of true believers ... nothing to do with the risen body of Christ nor any denominations or Jewish synagogues... all to do with God's call and the gift of the Spirit. Only he knows who they are and only they know his voice.

Were you posting to me or Rightdivider?
I answered you from post 34.


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Did you miss the prophecy found in Daniel 4? 2520 days when a king will sit on Gods throne from the removal of the last king--No king sat on thr throne.

I did not miss it.

I said the program was put on hold part way through it.

Thus applying a year for a day bible rule,

There is no such rule.

this comes up--607bce+2520( years) = 1914 is when Rev 6:2 occurred--Rev 6:4 backs it with proof--Peace will be taken from the earth( not a single war, a world war) = ww1=1914.
Rev 6:2 Ride of the white horse= the war in heaven, He receives his crown= Jesus sitting on Gods throne as Gods appointed king.( the presence)-Rev 12 explains the war in heaven and the birth of Gods kingdom.
After ww1( other 3 riders) millions upon millions died from things mentioned of the other 3 riders at Rev 6.
Its nearing the end.

Last I checked, we're 110 years past 1914.

The great tribulation only lasts a MAXIMUM of seven years.

So that's a bust for your position. Nothing adds up.

No, again: the tribulation of Israel was well under way by Acts 6, but something happened shortly after that caused God to bring the entire program to a halt, and to start working directly with the gentiles, rather than through Israel.

Hardly any of Revelation has occurred yet.

At best, Israel was a year into the seven year tribulation when God hit the pause button on it.

He literally said He would pause the program during his earthly ministry.

So that's at most six years' worth of events that have not occurred yet.


I did not miss it.

I said the program was put on hold part way through it.

There is no such rule.

Last I checked, we're 110 years past 1914.

The great tribulation only lasts a MAXIMUM of seven years.

So that's a bust for your position. Nothing adds up.

No, again: the tribulation of Israel was well under way by Acts 6, but something happened shortly after that caused God to bring the entire program to a halt, and to start working directly with the gentiles, rather than through Israel.

Hardly any of Revelation has occurred yet.

At best, Israel was a year into the seven year tribulation when God hit the pause button on it.

He literally said He would pause the program during his earthly ministry.

So that's at most six years' worth of events that have not occurred yet.
Ezek 4:6-- Num 14:34--there is a day for a year rule. No king sat on the throne 2520 days after the removal of the last king in Jerusalem. That rule applies.