The real cost to rid the world of Mystery Baboonalon


The Romans are hard shake out of the trees. What we may have to do is chop the tree down.

What does this mean?

Wick Stick

Well-known member
It weren't the Romans what were in the tree. It was them pesty Canaanites.

Also, the tree were already chopped down. It was the Romans what dun that.



It weren't the Romans what were in the tree. It was them pesty Canaanites.

Also, the tree were already chopped down. It was the Romans what dun that.


This is a Protestant viewpoint. And very serious. If the roman church is Mystery Babylon then it is evil and must be put behind us. There is a cost involve. So far the Protestants from Martin Luther onward have not been willing to pay. They don't even want to talk about it.


Where does the roman church get its power here on earth?

Do not answer with the word 'God' as we are talking about something that we can get our hands on.

The roman church has an earthly power. Where does this power come from?

Wick Stick

Well-known member
This is a Protestant viewpoint.
Mine or yours? Both, I think.

And very serious. If the roman church is Mystery Babylon then it is evil and must be put behind us. There is a cost involve. So far the Protestants from Martin Luther onward have not been willing to pay. They don't even want to talk about it.
Well you've got me there. I don't think the Roman Catholic Church is Mystery Babylon.



Mine or yours? Both, I think.

Well you've got me there. I don't think the Roman Catholic Church is Mystery Babylon.


Hi Jerrod. I don't know you so maybe you could tell me if you believe that there is a Mystery Babylon? And if so, could you identify it?


Wick Stick

Well-known member
Hi Jerrod. I don't know you so maybe you could tell me if you believe that there is a Mystery Babylon? And if so, could you identify it?

There definitely WAS, and I guess to some extent there are still vestiges of it, who would like to bring it back to life.

I can identify it, but I need a paragraph or so of history...

The Bible says 2 million people came out of Egypt following Moses, and not all of them were actually Israelites. After tromping through the desert for a while, they invaded a land where they were supposed to evict/slaughter the current inhabitants and not intermarry with them. But they didn't evict them and they did marry them.

They adopted a pagan monarchy and then they adopted pagan religion, and built a pagan temple, and apostatized until they were carried away "beyond Babylon." In Babylon, they proceeded to adopt a good bit of Babylonian religion, and mix it with the existing combination of Judaism and Canaanite religion. They brought that mess to Persia and then back to Israel, where they (re)built their pagan temple.

Basically, the Israelite nation was established as a mixture. There was a mixture of Abraham's true descendants, and false ones. There was a mixture of the Lord's true religion, and false.

The false element of the Jewish nation, and its associated Canaanite religion, is "Mystery Babylon."

For the most part, God has stomped it down and burned it with fire whenever it started to crush the righteous. That is what Tishba B'Av is about.

Different bits of it still exist - some within modern Judaism, some in the Masonic Lodges, some elsewhere. As a single entity, it no longer exists. It is a shattered mirror, and bits of it are all over the place.




To invade and conquer the Land was extremely high. We would not expect that they could actually ever do it.

It is the same with Protestantism. The cost of defeating the Roman Church is higher than the Protestants are willing to pay. Instead we should expect the Protestants and the Romans to, (using your term) intermarry.

And this 'intermarriage' is actual Mystery Babylon.



Well-known member
Mystery Babylon is "the flesh" with all of its attributes including the eyes and mind of the flesh of the carnal minded man. The same will always see the primary covenant(s) as physical in nature while the Torah is Spirit, supernal, spiritual, and now having been transformed in the doctrine and the Testimony of Messiah Yeshua. The carnal man refuses to come out of the flesh and walk according to the Spirit, (even after reading and studying Paul who clearly admonishes all of his readers to mortify the deeds of the body, and to mortify your own "members" of your own "household" which are upon your own earth, and to walk according to the Spirit, or you will die) and therefore the carnal minded man will not enter into the New Covenant unless and until "the flesh" with all of its attributes including the eyes and mind of the flesh, (which is a dragon) and all the works thereof are burned down; and it will take ten horns which are ten kings who shall mingle with the seed of men in the final hour, and shall eat her flesh and burn her down with fire, that is, at the end of your four dominions, (O ye anthropon-man-faced carnal men) :crackup:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Mystery Babylon is "the flesh" with all of its attributes including the eyes and mind of the flesh of the carnal minded man. The same will always see the primary covenant(s) as physical in nature while the Torah is Spirit, supernal, spiritual, and now having been transformed in the doctrine and the Testimony of Messiah Yeshua. The carnal man refuses to come out of the flesh and walk according to the Spirit, (even after reading and studying Paul who clearly admonishes all of his readers to mortify the deeds of the body, and to mortify your own "members" of your own "household" which are upon your own earth, and to walk according to the Spirit, or you will die) and therefore the carnal minded man will not enter into the New Covenant unless and until "the flesh" with all of its attributes including the eyes and mind of the flesh, (which is a dragon) and all the works thereof are burned down; and it will take ten horns which are ten kings who shall mingle with the seed of men in the final hour, and shall eat her flesh and burn her down with fire, that is, at the end of your four dominions, (O ye anthropon-man-faced carnal men) :crackup:

What does this mean?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
babylon the great

seven hills
many waters
found no more

here are the clues

jon machtemes

New member
The Romans are hard shake out of the trees. What we may have to do is chop the tree down.

What does this mean?

I think I understand what you are saying, although not without a great deal of difficulty. I call myself a protestant Christian because I do reject the tenets of the Roman Catholic church. I am also a Historicist concerning eschatology. I do believe that little horn from Daniel 7 is the Papacy who made war on the saints and overcame them for times, time, and the dividing of time, (1260 day/years). I will be honest though, since I am an amillenialist, I am not sure whether or not the events described as the overthrow of Babylon the Great occured already in the late 17th and early 18th century. This is because in the description of Mystery Babylon she sits on seven hills while today the Vatical only sits upon one. The problem I have though with believing this overthrow already occured is because of how much power and influence she still has: which is astonishing and kept well-hidden.
Since I have lately started to think that Revelation is maybe not a chronilogical vision, but a group of visions describing the same events told in different ways and from different angles, then I am inclined to also believe it possible that the overthrow of Mystery Babylon and the consuming of Gog and Magog are one event together occuring at the glorious second coming of Christ.
Either way, it is prudent to say that old harlot has not changed her ways. Read the documents if Vatican II, the Codes of Canon Law, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church to see that she still opposes herself to God. She still thinks to change times and laws, and by her sorcery she has decieved the world. I don't hate Catholics. I don't hate Protestants or Evangelicals. I hate the enemy, Satan. He, by inspiring the doctrines of men that exault themselves above Scripture, intends to decieve men, slander Jesus Christ, and exault his own perverse philosophy. Jesus calls his elect out of her that they don't share in her judgement.
Let us all remain ever watchful with our lamps full of His oil, abiding in Him and His Word. Whatever else may come will. He is faithful and true: our King and High Priest. Let us heed His instruction, "But don't you be called 'Rabbi,' for one is your teacher, the Christ, and all of you are brothers. 9Call no man on the earth your father, for one is your Father, he who is in heaven. 10Neither be called masters, for one is your master, the Christ. 11But he who is greatest among you will be your servant. 12Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." God bless you.


Well-known member
babylon the great

seven hills
many waters
found no more

here are the clues

If Adam is likened to a city, (Joshua 3:16) then so likewise every man is likened to a city. It is an allegory; the "city" is the same as the "world" that each and every man surrounds himself or herself with: the people, places, and things one builds up roundabout himself including his or her doctrines, (the doctrines are primarily what usually needs to be burned down to the ground). No literal physical city has literal flesh that may be eaten or be burned down as Revelation 17:16 clearly states:

Revelation 17:16
16. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

It is therefore a parable, O Egypt, great of flesh, (Ezekiel 16:26).

Matthew 10:17-20
17. But beware of the anthropon-man-faced; for they will deliver you up to the sanhedrins, and they will scourge you in their synagogues:
18. And you shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the heathen.
19. But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what you shall speak, for it shall be given you in that same hour what you shall speak:
20. For it is not you that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaks in you.

This genos of anthropon cannot be seen with the eyes of the flesh. :chuckle:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Since I have lately started to think that Revelation is maybe not a chronilogical vision, but a group of visions describing the same events told in different ways and from different angles,

you got that right

victorinus figured it out in the 3rd century

it is called recapitulation
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