Do you mind if I show you a list of " Needs to be saved!" And if you don't mind, I will show you biblical proof that Jesus himself approves of this list being saved and in his Kingdom; if you don't mind. I know many of you are not interested in talking about the salvation of those who need it, there are other topics that interest you; but indulge salvation for just a moment.
Again Jesus in Matthews 5: 1-12, a list of needs;
People who are poor in spirit are given the Kingdom free. This means spiritually weak people, and it can mean unbelievers, because they have a seriously poor spirit of belief.
People who mourn will be comforted. Or people who are in sorrow; unbelief in God is the greatest sorrow I know of.
The meek will inherit the earth. Did you know that the meek can mean the injured? People who hate God are seriously injured, but Jesus is still giving them eternal inheritance.
The merciful shall obtain mercy. This looks bad for those who believe in eternal punishing, because its a merciless belief.
Blessed are you when people persecute you; this means that all the believers in God who are condemning others to their hell, which is the worse persecution possible, calling them evil unbelievers, Jesus said these people are really blessed.
Just another angle to view scripture from; away from your selfish angle.